The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 546: Wizard’s Precepts

Chapter 546: Wizard’s Precepts

“Have you finished watching?”

It was not until Thirteenth Fragrance looked away from the empty air that Longjing Tea, who folded his arms by the side, asked, “What did you pick for your profession?”

“…Pick?” Thirteenth Fragrance looked at Longjing Tea in surprise. Then, after a pause, he asked, “What? You pick your own profession.”

“Huh? Is your profession randomized?”

“No, I did a psychological test. It’s like the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team [1]. I have answered four questions.”

Thirteenth Fragrance explained in detail, “When I answered the last question, I was granted two wizard professions. I chose one of them, so I was given the wizard apprentice profession.”

“Wizard apprentice is good!”

The Child on the side exclaimed loudly, “If you have an inclination toward Alteration Magic, you should head to Black Tower for Salvatore’s mission.”

He asked curiously, “What magic school do you belong to?”

Longjing Tea waved his hand, “Even if you ask him that, how could he know? Let’s put it this way, what was the first spell you were given?”

Is it possible that the skills assigned are not the same?

Wang Shouyi was stunned for a moment.

He glanced at the skill panel again before answering, “It’s a Level 5 Wizard Apprentice. My skill is a Level 1 ‘Instant Spell’, followed by ‘Consciousness Capture’ in brackets.”

“It’s the Soul Snatch School.” Longjing Tea quickly said his judgment.

While Longjing Tea was at it, he corrected, “Also, this spell is called Consciousness Capture. The Instant Spell label above means that this spell is cast instantly. The spells in this game are basically divided into types according to the casting time: Instant Spell, Guided Spell, Chant Spell, and Ritual Spell.

“The first type is a spell activated by a single action, such as clapping your hands or pointing at a person. The second type is a spell that can be turned on and off at will and consumes magic power continuously. The third type requires chanting, and the fourth type is the spells that can only be used in a non-combat state.

“I wrote the wizard profession’s newbie guide in the forum. You can go to the forum to take a look. I will make another post in a while, and you put the questions you still remember and the answers you choose in the comment section. Finally, I will summarize your psychological test questions and see if we can exhaust all possibilities and identify the patterns behind them.”

Longjing Tea narrated it methodically.

Immediately, he began to teach Thirteenth Fragrance how to use the Freezing Water Port forum.

Fundamental posts such as novice guides, worldview introductions, and player rules should be read immediately. Any questions would be answered at the first moment.

There were also articles written by Delicious Wind Goose about important rituals and several subway line diagrams that Lin Yiyi uploaded.

Then, there was the novice guide Longjing Tea published, which was an essential guide for wizard-based professions. It contained information about the “Influences” on spells, mana pool, erosion rate, how to use spells accurately with your mind, and how to acquire practical spells.

This knowledge originally needed to be “paid”. Even if a player had reached a certain level in the “Secret Eye” faction, he was only eligible to spend reputation points to inquire about this. After the query, it would also increase the reputation of the knowledge uploader—that was, Longjing Tea’s faction.

But considering that when the players’ prestige level could buy this knowledge, they probably would not need it anymore. Hence, Longjing Tea did not charge a fee for the information but provided this knowledge to the rest of the players for free.

—Let’s treat this as an upfront investment.

After all, there were a lot of players in this group.

It was unlike back then… In the very beginning, Longjing Tea was the only one suitable for the wizard profession. He was also lucky and was brought to the wizard tower by the aboriginal wizard in this world to study.

Although the wizard’s count was not underwhelming at present, only Longjing Tea was an official wizard with a professional background among the current players.

The players could not get these materials without entering the wizard tower. It became easy to go astray.

For example, except for Destruction Wizard, all other wizard professions must manage their erosion rate so that it would not get too high. Otherwise, it would directly reduce their available mana points.

In the case of excessive erosion rate and inadequate Perception attribute, the ratio of Order Mana to Chaos Mana would be easily tipped over. In this case, the victim would enter the “Lost Control” state.

Even if the mana value were not exhausted, using Order Magic at this time would succumb to a failure rate as high as 50%, and its effect would randomly change between decreasing 50% to adding 200%.

—This also meant that players could occasionally actively enter the Lost Control mode to take a gamble.

However, the Destruction Wizard was different.

To follow the path of the Destruction Wizard, the wizard needed to increase the erosion rate greatly — It was best to get more than 40% of the erosion rate before becoming Bronze Rank.

The reason was that this was the only way to get Chaos Spells in advancement.

The effects of casting Chaos Spells included an increment in the erosion rate and generating influence, but the damage was formidable. Generally speaking, Chaos Spells could only be obtained at the Silver Rank and above. However, the Destruction Wizardry School was an exception.

The School of Destruction encompassed the perks of many schools and mastered the spell with the “most powerful destruction power” in each school. So among the spell list of the Destruction School, more than half of them were chaos spells… Therefore, those wishing to enter the Destruction school’s wizard tower must possess potent spells.

The ordinary Order Destruction Spell was like “Metal Detonation”. It would detonate the metal the user had touched within 80 meters of them into many fragments. If it was used for killing, it could knock down most of the infantry within a diameter of twenty meters in an instant.

However, if it was used to attack obsidian, there was probably only a scrape.

On the contrary, Bronze Rank Chaos Spells already included “Radiant Burst” and “Heat Vision”.

Under the premise of adding a small amount of erosion rate, the former could detonate glaring light. This light could penetrate the eyelids, instantly blinding enemies within tens of meters, and could blind the attacked enemy for at least three hours. It permanently reduced vision and might even incur permanent blindness.

The price was to make one’s skin hot and fragile. He would feel severe pain if the user was lightly touched. The effect would last up to eight days.

The latter spell was to sacrifice his eleven-day worth of vision and one-third of his permanent vision. The spell effect was to send out a laser ray that lasted 11 seconds from the eyes. The beam would appear as the user stared at something for one second.

This scorching ray could easily cut through thinner metals. When someone was struck by it, it would incur a searing wound. It would even melt metal as the user stared at it for more than three seconds. The moment the light ray had taken shape, it would even make mortals burn out of thin air. The temperature at the end of the light ray was close to 2000 degrees, which could even melt metal and rock.

Although once the pupil moved or the eyes were closed, the beam would disappear. However, it was still possible to change the destination of the light ray by moving the head to form a burning trajectory.

With this power level, a Silver Rank Transcender could be injured just by touching it. If the opponent did not dodge, even a Gold Rank warrior-type Transcender with thick skin and flesh would be killed if the victim were to stay still for 11 seconds.

—If the opponent did not activate an Avatar to resist the damage.

This was the Chaos Spell of the Destruction school.

For example, the “Forbidden Lava Tower” — a wizard tower that fell in the United Kingdom and was established inside the crater was currently the most mainstream Destruction School.

Unlike other wizard towers, the candidates had to take exams when enrolled. In addition, the wizard tower would only accept official wizards with Bronze Rank and above. At the same time, the wizard tower would not train wizard apprentices.

The content of the exam was to use spells to attack a specially made obsidian with ritual engravings. The wizard tower would only allow enrollment when the candidates either melt, crush, or split the obsidian. In short, the candidate had to ruin the ritual above the obsidian.

Since the core idea of ??Destruction Wizard was different from other schools, what they believed in was “deterrence through violence”. Then, they would use this deterrence to gain power and the right to speak.

However, the mighty Destruction Spells were difficult to control and expensive. So the Destruction Wizards, on the contrary, did not like to use spells. Instead, they usually used traps, guns, or explosives transformed through magic.

They believed in avoiding using spells unless necessary. When the Destruction Wizard intervened in front of people, their words carried extra weight.

Therefore, if a certain wizard was born in the Destruction school, but his “magic deterrence” was not enough, then the deterrence of all Destruction Wizards would drop when he roamed the world.

When people forget the deterrence of the Destruction Wizard, they must create massive destruction again and kill many people to regain their prestige and restore their deterrence.

In other words… If someone joined the Destruction School, then as long as the erosion rate was low when one had become an official wizard, this game account was equivalent to useless.

Those who could not enter the wizard tower could not learn powerful spells. They would eventually become a stray wizard.

In the same way, Soul Snatch School did not allow dating before graduation. Idol School did not allow faith, while the Energy Falteration School must try its best to control its emotional calmness. These were the precepts that must be held during the apprenticeship stage.

This knowledge was fundamental.

However, whether they followed or not was their business.

But as for telling them or not… Longjing Tea believes that this would be his duty.

He got into the game earlier than these new players. Thus, it became his responsibility.

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