The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 553: Wishes And Choices

Chapter 553: Wishes And Choices

Apart from those deities, “Bone Healer” Seti was at the top of this world.

Despite the fact that many people sought to learn from him, Seti’s recruitment of students was not just based on the candidates’ backgrounds. As a transcender of Gold Rank, he was aware of the power of “desire”. Thus, he sought clear knowledge of what kind of terrible demon the candidates could become if their potent desires were polluted.

Therefore… As long as there was a person with a potent and pure desire and upright views, Seti would recruit him as a student even if there was no tuition fee.

This reason was also partly because of Seti’s unique profession.

Teaching his disciples could also enhance his strength because Idol Wizards could increase their power as long as they were admired. Whereas Seti was more inclined to extract reverence from “students”.

What Seti valued ??most was their pure “desire”.

The power of desire was the purest of the several powers available to the Idol Wizards.

He agreed with those students who could not fulfill their wishes — to give them the power to fulfill their desires for free. Then, after they complete their wishes, they return and leave their stories behind.

But in the end, after graduating from Seti, the number of people who really achieved their “wish” was zero.

Never mind outsiders, even Seti sometimes wondered if he subconsciously took away his students’ wishes just because he was around them.

Obviously, as long as they learned a little bit from Seti, they could easily achieve their wishes.

For a person with a pure heart and a strong desire, the desire would not be complicated and difficult to achieve.

But those students bore the idea of ??”be prepared for any danger” after accepting Seti’s teaching; they also learned from other students how great their teacher was.

After all, other Gold Ranks were unlike Seti, where “teaching” itself was a form of “self-improvement”. If they accepted apprentices, they were primarily looking for an assistant. It was like looking for a graduate student to help with work, so naturally, the apprentices would be carefully selected.

They realize they might not get it next time if they miss this opportunity.

No, they would definitely not get it next time.

After getting the power to realize their wishes, they did not leave as agreed initially, whereby they would only come back after their wishes were fulfilled.

Instead, they stayed with Bone Healer and continued to learn.

It was like a teacher who saw students asking questions during class.

Seeing that the students were so motivated, Seti naturally had no objection to it.

It would be better for them to learn more and grow more so that they were “prepared for danger”.

They did meet the expectations of the teacher. Most of Seti’s students had become big shots, at least a well-known celebrity in the circle. Some became Silver Rank Transcenders.

They all had beautiful lives of their own.

In the eyes of others, they were all happy.

However, only Master Seti knew that his students must have regrets because almost none of their initial wishes were fulfilled.

It was different from the immature “fantasies” of “I want to be a king” and “I want to be a dragon” that was destined to fail for ordinary kids. Instead, the desires were genuinely pure and potent.

Seti remembered them all.

One kid was a genius swordsman.

He became an Overseer at a young age. However, he retreated and fled because he was inexperienced in facing underground monsters. He exposed innocent residents to the monsters, leading to many casualties.

At that time, if he fought the monsters, everyone else could successfully evacuate even though he would die. However, as a protector, he was the first to escape. This caused all the people he protected to die.

Thus, he escaped blame from anyone.

He came to Seti and wept bitterly. He hoped to become someone with courage and no longer back down.

So he read many books under Seti’s tutelage, witnessed many grand events, and was guided by Seti to interact with many influential figures. Over time, he developed into an outstanding young person with courage, knowledge, and a sense of responsibility.

Relying on the connections and his already outstanding ability, he came to the United Kingdom and became the Chief of Police of the United Kingdom.

But when it came to politics, he backed down even more than before… As a foreigner wielding great power, the king was often suspicious of him, and his colleagues had long coveted his influential position. Many traps were set before him, tempting him to overstep his authority and thus provoke the king.

He had to yield in the face of justice to prevent this position from being taken away by people with ulterior motives. Over time, he gradually learned to turn a blind eye, pass the buck, and master the skill of coming clean… and these were all outstanding teachings from Seti.

He saved many people and defended justice many times but concealed many crimes and let some sinners go.

The former young swordsman who wept over his retreat became a politician.

At that time, another child wished for his childhood sweetheart, a rich young lady, to be happy. However, he was not worthy of her status, nor did he have the means to make her happy.

After training with Seti for a long time, he finally became a well-known elite and a protector trusted by the underground people. He guarded the most dangerous mining area and acted as the personal guard of the big shots. In his spare time, he took relief supplies deep into the exploration layer to rescue those reserve Diggers trapped underground after running out of supplies.

This legendary mercenary, known as the “Shield of Unfallen”, was once thought that he might be recognized by the [Wrist of Perseverance] if he could advance to the Gold Rank.

Many Diggers were saved by him when they were young. This kind of favor accumulated and became a vast network of connections. He then finally succeeded in marrying his childhood sweetheart, who fell in love with him.

However, to support himself and the people who relied on him, he continued to work tirelessly every day, even after getting married. He hardly had a few days to return home throughout the year… People he had saved would thank him, and others would entrust him with more important matters. His daily life was a never-ending stream of tasks and people to rescue. In the end, he died on a mission without even leaving behind a child.

Nefertari still remembered that there was a brilliant boy who loved reading but could not afford books. He aspired to become a Wise Council Member with a broad knowledge of books.

Finally, after graduating from Seti, he entered his dream job at the Royal Library of the United Kingdom, the best library in the world. After all, this was the sum of all historical records of more than a dozen countries, and it was the library with the most preserved ancient books in the world.

Relying on his excellent ability, his position rose consistently, and he finally became the library director. Due to his transcended knowledge, he became the teacher of the three princes. It could be regarded as entering the high level of the kingdom.

However, he no longer had any time to read. The knowledge he had once learned gradually faded from his mind because it was too profound, and he had no time to review it. As someone who would hold a high position in the future, many people wanted to flatter him. But, he was not so impressive to that point where he could refuse these big shots.

Some had malicious intentions and wanted to inquire about some royal secrets from him. Many of his friends were spies with hidden purposes. It was exhausting to discern these people and to match wits with them.

The result was that he had to socialize every day, and he had become out of shape. Greasy food and alcohol destroyed his body. The royal children and those unspeakable secrets exhausted his mind.

His mind gradually became drowsy. He felt that the fire of wisdom in his mind was dwindling daily, and the books he could read through once also began to become obscure. Memory also gradually began to decline.

Not to mention becoming the greatest Wise. He had to even rely on rituals to recover his health and not be so forgetful temporarily.

None of the students did anything wrong.

They just tried their best to learn and use their knowledge to the best of their ability.

However, if none of them did anything wrong, why couldn’t they fulfill their incomparably simple wish?


So the old man asked Nefertari, who was the only one who asked this question: “What do you think is the purpose of obtaining transcended power? If you get transcended power, what will you use it for?”

This question made Nefertari think about it for a year.

Her final answer was, “I think the transcendence path is the path to the right to say no, teacher.”

The young Nefertari replied thoughtfully, “Obtaining transcended power is not to do what I want. Instead, it is to feel confident not to do something when I don’t want to.”

“So, are you still planning to embark on the path of transcendence?”

“—No, teacher.” She replied.

Nefertari was a natural born transcender. But she did not need to be a transcender to be happy.

As the only student who rejected the path given by Seti, Nefertari’s answer was unwavering.

She was also the only student eligible to return to Bone Farm after graduation.

Because she was the only one who realized her original wish — to become Wise and live with the person she liked.

Nefertari had never regretted missing the path to transcendence.

Because she was really happy.

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