The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 594: The Tragedy Of Infinite Reenactment

Chapter 594: The Tragedy Of Infinite Reenactment

The whole point of Frederick Melvin was for the nightmare of “having Justice’s existence”.

The nightmare explained it by itself.

From the beginning, Gray Professor’s student was Justice, not Frederick, who reached Silver Rank at a young age.

Since then, Gray Professor had already known.

He would kill Frederic Melvin eventually.

So it was pointless to teach him.

He would murder Ingrid in front of Justice and later Frederick.

Everything was to create an extremely real nightmare that could disguise the truth. That was to make Justice lose himself in the nightmare and confuse between dream and reality.

“Justice confuses reality and dreams and sees another possibility of ‘Frederick’ in the nightmare. As the story develops, the fate of ‘Frederick’ remains the same due to the butterfly effect caused by Ingrid being rescued. Justice, out of rage, turned to his trusted teacher, ‘Gray Professor’ Seti.”

“Justice was ‘sent to the past’ by Seti. He thought he was in the past, but it was just the ‘plot’ in Frederick’s nightmare. Justice had entered a dream within a dream.

“Justice killed Ingrid, returned history to its ‘right’ place, and still became Shield of Unfallen, with the living Frederick on a mission to Cinder Barren. This is how he expected things to unfold.”

From the beginning, what Justice expected was that when he came to Cinder Barren, he didn’t come to collect his friend’s corpse.

This “unwillingness to admit” allowed Gray Professor to confuse his reality with his dream.

However, the longer Justice stayed in Cinder Barren, the uneasiness hidden in Justice’s subconscious became more and more apparent.

He gradually realized that he seemed to be dreaming. That was why the town was suddenly empty.

But in fact, he was not the one who woke up.

It was the “betrayer”.

While they were walking in the street, Frederick was suddenly killed.

Justice was, of course, mad.

He would rush to kill the attacker at all costs, even if that person were another self.

“That’s because Justice subconsciously realized that maybe he was the one who killed Frederick.”

He wanted to fight with “another self”.

Regardless of the outcome, only one person would be left in this deserted world.

That person was “Justice”.

People who died in dreams would be resurrected on the surface level.

He existed within the dream of Frederick’s nightmare and could only wake up from the previous level of the nightmare.

The characteristic of this nightmare was “reenactment”.

Once the dungeon challenger died, he would lose this memory, allowing [reenactment].

—that would be the tragedy of infinite reenactment.

“Do you remember?” Annan told Delicious Wind Goose, “Nefertari said that ‘Frederick’ died three times in her nightmare.”

“The first time was when Frederick was crushed to death by a building while saving Ingrid; the second time was killed by another Justice on the street. What about the third time?”

Annan stared blankly before him and said slowly, “The third time will be after waking up from a dream within a dream.”

“That’s when Justice woke up before the ‘Dream Eater’ Trisino Seti in the dream. That was when Ingrid didn’t die, and Frederick was killed.”

“At that time, Justice lost his memory and returned to the beginning, so how would Justice make a decision?”

“He will not know anything and go to the past again.”

Delicious Wind Goose’s voice trembled a little.

Justice would go through the same cycle again.

Justice would return to Cinder Barren again.

Just like the dictum left by Justice.

[A fleeting moment of anger. A neverending remorse.]

The Justice, who “betrayed” Frederick, was the Justice who had truly realized everything from countless cycles.

That was the “enlightened” Justice.

Realizing that this was just a nightmare, recalling the left by Frederick at the beginning—

[Life is the prison of death. Death is the hymn of life.]

This was the dictum that Frederick left for the nightmare purifier at the beginning of the nightmare.

To understand it in a literal sense, it meant: When “life” comes to an end, “death” will break free from the cage. Its existence is to praise the “life” that imprisoned itself.

So who was the survivor?


Who was the deceased?


His meaning was simple. As long as Justice died, “Frederick” would be reborn.

However, Frederick’s soul was depleted to construct the nightmare.

There was no way that Frederick would be resurrected.

Only the name “Frederick” was resurrected.

Unfortunately, Justice, confused between reality and dream, did not hear this prompt.

In other words, he didn’t care when he heard it.

The moment Justice saw Frederick’s death in a nightmare, he was furious, seeking power to try to kill Ingrid and save Frederick, which had already led to Frederick’s tragedy.

The only “enlightened” Justice hid the fact that he recovered his memory. Instead, he asked Trisino to “go back in time”.

He wanted to kill Frederick in his dream and let Frederick be on the [dead] side.

Then, the imprisoned self would be freed and given a new life.

This would be the [exit] of the nightmare after Frederick’s death.

It was to [Kill Frederick].

However, this exit was blocked by himself.

This “enlightened” Justice lost the most crucial memory because of the nightmare feature of “reenactment”.

That would be the fact that he was killed by another “Justice” countless times.

Why did Justice and Frederick suddenly enter the “no-man’s alley”?

It was because the “enlightened” Justice came to Cinder Barren.

He was also Justice.

He already knew that this place was a dream.

So, he would kill the false Frederick and set himself free.

His consciousness when he was awake became the last piece of the puzzle of the infinite loop paradox.

“…It’s like Triangle [1].”

Delicious Wind Goose finally understood everything.

It gave him chills down my spine.

This was an incomparably grand tragedy with infinite reenactment.

Frederick and Ingrid were props in the scene.

This was a [one-person show].

The hero and the devil were the same person.

Annan said slowly, “Do you remember?”

“I told you before that the power of the Idol Wizard goes according to the title. At that time, we thought ‘Professor Wolf’ Frederick would call himself so to steal the power of the ‘Gray Professor’. Then, we learned that Professor Wolf is Gray Professor.”

Why was it when Annan asked Benjamin, “Is Professor Wolf stealing the power from the Man in the Mirror”, Benjamin didn’t give a similar answer, but an ambiguous one.”

All the truth was hidden in that sentence.

It was Gray Professor who stole the Man in the Mirror’s power. However, after Gray Professor stole the power of the “mirror”…

“Part of him”, which was part of “Gray Professor”, woke up in Frederick’s body and became Professor Wolf “Frederick”!

Why did Gray Professor suddenly lose the power of the elements?

It was because the power of the elements was transferred to “Professor Wolf”!

Why did Gray Professor change his name to “Bone Healer”, and Professor Wolf become Tragedy Writer’s believer?

Trisino Seti’s original purpose was to use the nightmare of the [mirror] attribute to separate the “Bone Healer” as a wizard from the “Professor Wolf” as a pope!

The reason why Professor Wolf became the mentor of werewolves.

It was not for revenge but to improve the status of werewolves.

The Tragedy Writer was a Deity of Werewolves and was Tragedy Writer’s pope. So it became his due diligence.

“[The Tragedy of Infinite Reincarnation] is a tragedy that Trisino Seti dedicated to Tragedy Writer—for Tragedy Writer to help him plunder the power from the Future Deity.”

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