The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 688: I’m Here. Let Me Beat The Game.

Chapter 688: I’m Here. Let Me Beat The Game.

The moment Elle opened her eyes…

Over at the other world… Annan, deep in thought with his eyes closed, briefly experienced blurred vision before it sharpened.

Then, Elle gradually relinquished control over her body and handed it over to Annan.

At first, Annan shook his head slowly, feeling a sensation similar to dizziness. As Annan gradually adapted to Elle’s body, this feeling soon became much weaker… until it disappeared entirely.

It was a strange sense of alienation.

It felt like watching a character through a VR monitor, directing her movements with mere thoughts.

Annan turned his head and then moved his fingers.

He directed his mind — a character panel appeared before his eyes.

—Yes, a character panel.

It was unlike a simple panel with health points and erosion rate that was commonly found in a dungeon. Instead, it was a complete attribute panel. It felt like it wasn’t a nightmare but in the real world.

Elle Angelo. Apostle (human). Female.

Elite Rare (Gold), Challenge Rating 49

Title: Angel of Betrayal

Rank: Gold Rank


Erosion Rate:0%

Attributes: Strength 11, Agility 12, Constitution 14, Perception 87, Will 49

Unique Trait: Angel’s Right Eye

Profession Overview—

Half-deity (the Venerated Skeleton) LV1: [Truth: Betrayal LV3], [Angelization LV1]

Priest [Current total engraving(s)]: the Venerated Skeleton(1142), Bone Burying Grandma(3), Mysterious Lady(5)]

Divine Arts: Betrayal Realm’s Divine Art Proficiency, Skeleton Realm’s Divine Art Proficiency

Permanent Ability: Resist Corrosion, Resist Frost, Resist Sonic Damage, Negative Energy Affinity, Reflect Instant Death, Reflect Aging, Energy Organ, Immune to Piercing Damage, Immune to Slashing Damage, Prophecy Nullification, Edict Nullification, Mortal Damage Nullification, Night Vision, Energy Vision, Curse Perception, Ritual Perception, Ritual Intervention, Transcended Perception, Light Realm Perception

[Bloodline Element: Vanity (3%), Beauty (8%), Corruption (13%)]

[Soul Element: Betrayal (100%), Pure Kindness (53%), Understanding (25%)]

So, this is the attribute panel of an angel?

Everything started off alright, but Elle’s stats were weirdly low. They were so unbalanced that it got Annan worried. What if something happened to Elle?

Then, Annan saw the luxurious Permanent Ability list at the back.

An old man on the subway looked at his phone.jpg

[TN: It’s a Chinese meme. Click here for the image link.]

Is this what an angel’s resistance is like?

Annan thought that Ghirlandaio’s resistance was strong enough. However, in comparison to a real high-ranking angel, he found that he was not on the same level at all.

Elle was immune to all magics of the Prophet and Edict Schools. Plus, if it wasn’t a curse vessel attacking her, then the damage would be ignored no matter how great it was.

From this point of view, the damage caused by the transcender’s unarmed strike was probably much more effective than slashing her with a knife. The latter would just be outright negated.

After carefully reading Elle’s resistance list, Annan was still a little worried.

Elle’s resistance isn’t that comprehensive…

Like her attributes, her resistance was partial.

After all, she was considered half undead and had no resistance to fire, lightning, or light damage, which made sense. However, it wasn’t quite safe when she wasn’t immune to blunt damage.

She had the Permanent Ability of [Energy Organ]. This meant that she wouldn’t take poison damage nor could she suffocate. Even if her heart or liver was pierced, it would not cause any substantial harm.

However, if she was not immune to blunt damage, a Gold Rank Transcender could kill her easily. The so-called “mortal damage nullification” referred to damage that did not contain the power of elements.

In other words, she was vulnerable to any Gold Rank transcender.

Or like Annan, a transcender who could use the power of elements in advance. Elle’s defenses would be nonexistent.

Having only 14 points in the Constitution meant she was critically vulnerable to the aforementioned attacks.

For instance, consider how the Shaping Great Wizard Jude was killed by a single arrow from Dove, who hadn’t even started on the Transcendence Path. It was a situation akin to that.

However, after becoming an angel, she had improved.

Annan didn’t know how to use her Truth. After all, it was not Annan’s own truth. He could only peek into it and “digitize” it through the power of the Book of Divine Transporter.

Fortunately, Annan could still use the power of elements.

Elle did not have the perks provided by a profession, which meant she was low on skills and stats. However, she truly possessed divinity and could be considered a half-deity. As a Gold Rank, she could utilize elemental power.

Previously, when she transformed the surrounding world into another realm, manifesting abstract bands of light to alter the surrounding laws, it was undoubtedly the materialization of the power of the elements.


“Elle, how do you use these truths and elements?” Annan asked Elle in his mind, “What can it be used for?”

It was like planning to boost a buddy’s game account, but when I logged in, I just stared blankly at a bunch of skills I’d never seen before, feeling like a total noob subbing in.

[I…I don’t know either…]

Elle responded hesitantly in her mind.

She resembled a rushed premium player who gained a profession without reading the skill instructions.

“How could you not know?”

[Because I haven’t fought with anyone yet…]

Although Elle already possessed such power, she didn’t have such a strong desire.

She didn’t adopt the orthodox ascendancy method, using desire as the fire, will as the anvil, and curse as the hammer, and subjecting her mortal soul to repeated corruption, calcination, condensation, purification, dissolution, dyeing process… until she ascended.

Elle was just an ordinary person to start with, basically just broken bones that hadn’t been buried and couldn’t be.

As the Divine Child, she was already Gold Rank from the moment she was born.

In this world where she must maintain enough desire to complete the [“Dyed Rank” Trial], Elle was the only one without it.

Besides Elle, perhaps only pure-blooded dragons could turn their souls golden without being “dyed” by their desires.

She was an irreplaceable miracle.

[But because of that… I think enough people have died because of my birth.]

She said softly, [I hope that at least I can stop killing people and stop having disputes with others.]

“That won’t be easy, Elle.” Annan was silent for a while and replied in his heart, “For you, it is much harder to not kill someone than to kill someone.”

[Eh? Really?]

“But I’ll help you.” Annan looked up.

He took control of Elle’s body and gave Longjing Tea a pat on the shoulder.

Sensing Elle patting his shoulder, Longjing Tea immediately turned around. Celecia also stopped talking.

People had always shown a lot of care for Elle. It was likely because of the deep-seated kindness in everyone’s heart towards true goodness.

Even if they knew they couldn’t do it themselves, upon witnessing someone genuinely treading that path, they would silently show their respects and lend a helping hand.

“It’s me, Longjing Tea.” Annan showed a bright smile and extended his thumb to Longjing Tea.

However, Longjing Tea was stunned when he saw the familiar smile blooming on Elle’s face. He vaguely felt that the smile looked familiar, but the difference had been so vast that he had hesitated to acknowledge it…

“It’s me — I’m Annan.”

A soft yet confident and commanding voice emanated from Elle.

Elle opened her emerald green eyes for the first time in a long time.

Like the girl in the white dress from the past, she flashed a cheerful, radiant smile, evoking the warmth of the sun.

The brilliance of the sunset fell on Elle.

“Just as Elle’s heart calls out, and just as you call out…”

“Elle” said, “Even if it’s another world, I can reach it and take you away from all dangers…as always.”

“Your friend, Annan Austere-Winter comes to the rescue.”

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