The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 145 - 143: Germany’s Opportunity

Chapter 145: Chapter 143: Germany’s Opportunity

On December 16,1902, a mysterious fleet arrived at Hamburg Port of the German Empire, and it received significant attention and a grand reception from the German Empire.

The heads of the fleet were Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrew, and Minister of Defense, Kent. They quickly arrived at the Berlin City Palace of the German Empire amidst a multitude of German carriages.

Due to the good relationship between Australia and the German Empire, both ministers were quickly granted an audience with Emperor William II.

Of course, the important news brought by both ministers contributed to the urgency with which William II responded.

“Your Majesty, on behalf of the Australian Principality and His Grace, the Duke, I would like to express our most sincere greetings,” said Minister Andrew, as he and Minister Kent respectfully bowed to William II as soon as they met him.

“Both of you, I heard you have news of a significant foreign policy regarding the German Empire. What is this news that made both ministers travel all the way to Germania?” Emperor William II asked with a hint of interest.

“Your Majesty, have you heard about the treaty between Australia and the Island Nation a month ago?” asked Foreign Minister Andrew mysteriously.

“Of course. The military and economic treaties between you are both advantageous and disadvantageous, but they do have a certain impact on the situation in the Far East. However, docs this have anything to do with the major foreign policy concerning the German Empire that you mentioned?” William II nodded and asked in return.

“It is indeed relevant, Your Majesty. This is a good opportunity for the German Empire, perhaps to break free from the troubles of the Franco-Russian Alliance,” explained Minister Andrew with a smile, without holding back any information.

“Oh? Are you saying that the Tsardom of Russia will suffer losses in the Far East?” asked William II with slight interest.

It is not only the situation that unites France and Russia but also the deeply rooted interests of both countries.

To make the Russian Empire abandon the Franco-Russian Alliance or maintain neutrality in conflicts between Germany and France, Germany would have to rescue the Russian Empire from certain crises, which is unlikely to happen.

But can an island nation supported to a limited extent by the British Empire and the United States really hinder the Russian Empire in the Far East and even plunge it into crises? It seems unlikely.

“Although I do not believe that the powerful Russian imperial army will fail in the Far East, the intelligence we currently have does seem to indicate this. In terms of the overall strength and regional situation in the Far East, the Island Nation’s comprehensive strength has now surpassed that of the Russian Empire. Their navy can also compete with the Russian navy. This is bad news for the Russian Empire, as they are facing logistical supply problems that are dozens of times more serious than those of the Island Nation. If they cannot solve their domestic logistical supply issues, the Russian Empire will sooner or later be at a disadvantage in the struggle for hegemony in the Far East,” explained Minister Andrew with a smile.

“Oh? Can you tell me more about it?” This question already represented William Il’s attitude, and he was curious about the opportunity for the German Empire to win over the Russian Empire, as mentioned by Minister Andrew.

“Your Majesty, given the current situation, the Russian Empire has fewer than 100,000 troops in the Far East, and the training level of these soldiers is worrying, with their weapons and equipment being extremely outdated. These soldiers can easily defend the Far East in peacetime, but they would be at a disadvantage in times of war fighting against powerful nations,” said Minister Andrew with a smile.

“At the same time, the Island Nation’s army has a scale of several hundred thousand people. Considering their population range, the total number of troops can even reach as many as 3 million people after extreme conscription. Although the Russian Empire can reach this number or even far exceed it, their logistics do not support the transport of a large number of troops to the Far East. Their maximum number of troops in the Far East is around 200,000 people, and when compared to 3 million, the gap in numbers is enough to decide everything.”

“What’s even more important is that the training of the Island Nation’s army is based in part on the German Army. Although it cannot achieve the excellence of the German Army, their training quality and weapons and equipment are definitely no weaker than that of the Russian Far East Army. Faced with a huge disadvantage in both numbers and weapons and equipment, Your Majesty, who do you think would have the advantage in the Far East?” asked Minister Andrew with a smile.

“Doesn’t the Russian Far East still have a navy? Such a large navy should be enough to defend against the Island Nation’s fleet! As long as the Island Nation’s navy cannot gain an advantage, even if their army has a significant advantage, couldn’t the Russian navy still bombard the Island Nation’s coast?” asked William II with some confusion.

As a matter of fact, not only William II but also most countries believed at the stage of the Russo-Japanese War outbreak that the Russian Empire’s fleet was strong enough to resist the Island Nation’s fleet.

Even if they could not win or gain an advantage, they could still hold their ground at sea and cut off the Island Nation’s maritime transportation lines.

In such a case, the war in the Far East would become a war of attrition, and the Russian Empire, with a larger territory and richer mineral resources, would undoubtedly gain a greater advantage..

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