The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 91 Grandpa as love guru

Chapter 91 Grandpa as love guru

Lexi kept her silence for the mean time as the words Abigail Fan uttered kept on repeating on her head. It's not that she hundred percent believe what her former manager said. It's just that Lexi never put herself in other shoes, same with them.

She had always thought that no one understood her because they were not on her shoes, but in truth, she's also never did.

"As they said, there's always two sides of the story chu~" Sensing the realization that struck Lexi, Churu spatted her comments. She added,

"How convenient chu~ Now, that's the key to have the check on your last incomplete side quest chu~"

Lexi let out a heavy sigh as she had enough for the night. First, her brief argument with Churu, then Ethan, and now, Abigail Fan.

"Let's go, Sissy. I think I'd get wrinkles if we don't put facial masks."

"Sweeet chu~!" Churu blushed and cheered energetically the moment she got her invitation to a facial mask session. God, she missed this beautiful invention of earth.


[Lu Corporation]

"Grandpa!! Your heart --You might get a heart attack!" Ethan yelled as he ran on the other side of his desk.

Currently, his Grandfather's cane was akin to a death reaper's scythe that was coming at him.

"Brat! Stop running around if you're that concerned with my health!" Dashing to get on Ethan that swiftly moves away as well.

Despite his old age, Edward Lu was full of vigor as he tried to whip his hard headed grandchild. Since Ethan Lu was too elusive, the moment the old man heard that Ethan Lu actually spent three consecutive days working like crazy in the company, he went to see it for himself.

After all, Ethan rarely get himself involve in this kind of matter but when he did, he dare halt the bidding of his Uncle Dennis Lu's to a certain project of the company.

Of course, Ethan had the right to do so as he still holds the title of future big boss of the Lu Corporation. However, if Ethan did get his hands in this matter, Edward Lu was bothered if his grandchild would tale full responsibility or was just targeting his not so favorite uncle for fun.

"Aiya! This kid… can you stop running around?!" Edward Lu scorned as he slumped his bum on Ethan's executive chair. Glaring daggers at his grandson, Edward Lu uttered in between his long breathing.

"Not unless grandpa calms down!" As firm as he sound like, Ethan responded as he cautiously took another step back.

"Why did you intervene with the bidding? Brat, what do you think you're doing? Don't you know your presence here had already caused too much tense in our family?!" As Edward Lu stabilized his breathing, he blurted out one of the main reasons for his abrupt visit.

He might have sounded harsh but to get Ethan's attention, he must not sugarcoat his words. After all, the old man was already displeased that his sons were already battling who would take over the company while he's still alive.

Therefore, Edward Lu has already made a declaration in the past who would be his heir and that's none other than Ethan. With a satisfying progress and talent as a child, Ethan had all the qualifications to be his heir. However, growing up, he became more and more hard headed and showed no interest to be the family's head. Reason, why Ethan hadn't took over the role.

"The hell I care! Let them be tense until they could no longer move and sleep at night!" In a dismay tone, Ethan protested, displeased on his grandfather's news. He added,

"Also, I need to relieve my stress by meddling with Uncle Den's affairs… hehe,"

"Ah, my good Lord… my heart." Hearing Ethan's unbelievable reasoning of his intervening on Dennis Lu's project, Edward Lu felt a paramount headache and his heart failing.

"This brat will be the death of me, aiya! This is retribution," Edward Lu patted his chest in defeat as he knew this would happen. Dealing with his grandson of his, it's much of a headache yet he still doted on him as somehow, he knew Ethan was acting like this on purpose.

"Aish! Kidding! Of course I have my reason to meddle with his sketchy, very sketchy affairs! I don't even understand why you let him wander around." Seeing that his grandfather was on his limits, Ethan finally conceded as he strode towards the desk. He explained,

"The fact that there's no powerful opponent in the bidding, I highly doubt why we needed to shell out thrice of the other companies net worth! Though, I am still unsure, I already asked Lyrick, my assistant who lacks fashion sense to make some digging, jeez!"

When Edward Lu sees his grandson stood in front of the desk and explained his real reason, he felt relieved. At least, he didn't intervene with an understandable reason.

"Is that so? But, son, you should be clear that meddling with this huge project could mean that you are fighting for your position." Unlike earlier, Edward Lu was now more solemn as he spat his statements.

Granting that Ethan Lu only involve himself into small company affairs which were all remarkable, alas, he never gets his hands into major ones. Hence, getting himself involved this time was like his proclamation of getting his throne.

"Errr, about that… grandpa, that's not what's important as of the moment -- I remember you said you're a love guru right?" Scratching his jaw by his index finger, Ethan threw the company matter aside as he remembered his grandfather's boasting about being the love master in his prime.

On the other hand, Edward Lu suddenly let out a series of coughs as he never expected that Ethan would remember his lies back then.

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