The Royal Contract

Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000: Missed the chance

She gazed at herself at her reflection, staring at her long white gown as it smoothly flowed down the length of her body. She had pictured herself wearing this stunning wedding dress since she was a child.

Just like most girls, she was one of those who fantasized about becoming a princess. Then, one day, his prince would come, sweep her off her feet, protect her from all harm and save her.

But at some point in her life, she stopped believing in that dream. She woke up to the hard reality that even a prince could not save the day. She only had herself to depend on, and she had to stop waiting for this charming man.

“Are you ready?” Her friend asked as she put the final pin on her veil and placed the bouquet in her hand.

“Yes!” She whispered under her shaking breath as she looked at herself one last time in the mirror. The woman that never thought her dreams would eventually come true.

After all the hardship she had gone through in her childhood, then the sacrifices she made for her family, she was finally getting her chance at happiness.

She was finally doing something for herself, not for anyone, only for herself. Then, she felt someone pull her hands and drag her away from her room, laughing and cheering her on until she stood behind a large wooden door.


She was nervous as her hands shook, and beads of tiny sweat trickled on her skin but not because she did not want to proceed with this ceremony.

On the contrary, it was the only thing she wanted. She could not wait to be married to the love of her life. The man who she never thought would ever come into her life.

“You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.” Her mother said to her as she touched her cheeks.

“How many brides have you seen in your life?” She jokingly asked her mother, who only smiled at her question.

But honestly, she did feel like she was the luckiest woman in the world because he was marrying a wonderful man. He was not perfect, but he did try to be.

He might not be a prince, but he was, without a doubt, a charming man.

He took her on a roller coaster ride, bringing her high up the clouds but then dragging her back down to the ground. Safe to say, he came into her life, creating havoc on her path and changing her plans until he became a significant part of her life that she could not ignore.

Was it all worth the ride, the journey to reach this destination? Yes, she believed so as she finally saw the man on the other side of the room as the double doors finally opened, revealing the other side.

He stood firm and tall with that wide grin on his lips, a formidable stance, an impeccable suit, and eyes that told her he was ready for this. What more could she ask for from her future husband? He was perfect in every way, her knight in shining armor.

Then, she marched toward him along the very long aisle. It felt like she had been walking for miles as she pushed herself to be near him. But eventually, she stood beside him, staring up close into his eyes.

It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen since it was full of love for her. But she knew her eyes also reflected his, as she felt her heart grow wild inside her chest.

Suddenly, she could not wait for the ceremony to be over. But, of course, all good things would come to those who patiently wait. Finally, they held each other’s hands and stood side by side and before God, expressing the vows that would unite them for all eternity.

“I do.” She heard his voice proudly telling everyone that he had accepted her as his wife.

She could see all their friends and family surrounding them, supporting this monumental moment in their life. It was the fulfillment of her dreams to marry the man she loved.

“I do.” She whispered as she looked into his eyes. It was her turn to say her agreement to this union. Three letters that seemed so insignificant in the English alphabet but carried quite a weight when used on such an occasion.

Then, the way his face lit up, his smile that almost reached his ears, even his eyes were twinkling with the stars as they looked up to the vast night sky. It was the most beautiful wedding she had ever seen.

After their long journey together, they finally tied the knot.

She wanted to shout for joy as she heard everyone cheer for them. All that was left to do was to seal their union with their first kiss as husband and wife.

She turned to look at her husband, but he seemed to fade away. When she turned around, everyone was gone. The darkness seemed to replace everyone.

“What is going on? Where did they go?” She asked, but when she looked at him. He seemed to vanish along with everyone. One last bright light seemed to accompany her. But it did not last long as she saw and felt nothing.

“Oh! What a wonderful dream?” She thought as she smiled to herself. Maybe it was a sign that it was time for them to set a date. But first, she had to wake up.

Then, she wondered what time it was as she became suddenly aware of the movements around her. But something seemed to be wrong since she could not open her eyes.

And what were those unfamiliar noises as voices and whispers echoed in the air and reached her ears? Nothing seemed to make sense as she failed to understand her current situation. She sensed them near but also seemed so far.

Now, she knew something was wrong with her as she struggled to wake up and move but could not even feel anything. Her body would not respond to her command, as she appeared paralyzed from head to toe.

It would appear that she was having a nightmare this time. Then, she heard a very familiar voice.

She wanted to see him, so she forced her eyes open. To tell him everything about her dream, but something seemed to keep her captive, preventing her from doing anything.

At that instant, a flash of bright light passed through her eyes. Soon after, understanding seemed to register in her mind. At that point, she faced a horrible fact. She might not see him again in this lifetime.

She would regret the day she refused to marry him, not because she would never have a real fairytale wedding or wear his ring. It did not matter if she did not become his legal wife.

She would always mourn for her opportunity to wake up every morning by his side, to give him a family he dreamed with her, and the life of forever in each other’s arms for as long as they should live as husband and wife.

She believed she had missed the chance.

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