The Royal Contract

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007: Save a life

“What if she did not agree with this request?” Adam asked, probably sensing her fear and hesitation.

She had been wondering about the same question too. But, of course, she already had an idea that it would not be beneficial for her to decline the request, but knowing her ex, it was more like a command.

“Then, we have instruction from our client to decline all your settlement offers and to take this to court.” The man pushed a folder in their direction, which Adam took and scanned the content.

“Could you give me time to confer this with my client?” Adam informed the other party as he closed the file in his hands.

She could not read what was going through his mind as he stared at his opponent, but the smug face on the other side told her it was not good. Knowing the man she used to live with, he had something brewing up his sleeves.

“Of course, take a few minutes. But my client had other meetings to attend today, so he would like to know the answer soon.” The lawyer from the other side took his other folders with him and stood up.

She could not tell if that was just an act to intimidate them, but one thing she was sure about her ex-lover, he did not know how to play fair. She had to be careful with dealing with him.


She did remember a few instances in which she witnessed how he destroyed the career of a young actor who dared to flirt with her. Although, when she confronted him about it, he denied it.

He said that the actor was not good enough to play the part, and the next thing she heard, he also lost his other offers. Until now, she wondered if it was because of her.

“I don’t like the idea of you talking to him alone in that room.” Adam adamantly said. “But if you don’t abide by his wishes, he will pursue a public trial.”

It was what she feared. A public trial would destroy her. “What about agreeing with this request? Would it be better?” She asked her lawyer and her manager.

“You know a trial would mean a media circus. I don’t know what he wanted to tell you, but I think it is worth a shot instead of taking your chance with the court.” Nora stated, looking at her with so much concern.

“I want to advise against it, but this is still your decision,” Adam said, looking powerless in his position. She had never seen him in this light before. Most of the time, he was in control of the situation.

She took a deep breath as she calmed herself down. It was a decision that only she could make. She could decline her ex-boyfriend’s offer, but that would mean she had to fight him in the open field.

If she would accept to see him for a brief moment in an office on this floor, with Adam and Nora close by, then maybe she could have a chance to strike a deal with him. Close this problem peacefully once and for all.

But could she trust him? That was the risk she would have to take. “Ok. I will see him.” Believing it was the best option at the moment.

“Are you sure about this?” Adam would like to stop her, but he knew, under the circumstances, it would be what he would recommend to a client. But he was afraid for her.

He wanted to protect her from that man, but he was powerless against him. He wished he could do more, but under the law, there was nothing else he could do unless she battled him on an open court.

“Yes.” She finally resolved the situation by agreeing to see him. Then, the other lawyer escorted her to his private office on the other side of the floor. But she did not mind the long walk since it gave her time to gather her courage to face him again.

“Don’t worry.” She chanted in her head. He could not do anything with you in this place.

Then, she entered the room where a man was already waiting on the couch, sitting comfortably with a glass of scotch swirling in his hand. She wanted to lash out at him, but she stopped herself.

She could not see the point since she knew now that a man like him would never change. He was a monster. She would pity the girl who would be unfortunate enough to land in his trap.

“Do you want a drink?” He offered just like a gracious host as he stood from the couch and proceeded to the side table, where a selection of expensive drinks lined the surface.

“No, Elliot. I am not here for a social call. State why you wanted to see me so we can finish this once and for all.” Serena stated without any hint of fear in her voice.

She expected that her voice would rattle, but thankfully, it sounded calm in her ears. The last thing she wanted was to give this man satisfaction and for him to think he still had control over her.

“There is no need to rush. I am sure one last drink for dear old-time sake is not against the rule. After all, I want us to end on good terms.” Elliot continued to pour a glass of scotch before walking back to the couch.

“Come on, join me. Sit down. We still have a few things to discuss before we part ways.” Elliot patted the vacant seat beside him as he beckoned her to join him.

She knew it would be a waste if she came here and just walked away without hearing his plan. She could always run or scream if he did something unacceptable.

Therefore, she forced her feet to stride towards him and sat on the other side of the couch, the other one opposite to him. At least that would give them enough space apart.

“Here, have a drink.” He pushed the glass toward her, only shrugging his shoulder at her move. She knew it irked him that she defied his request.

She looked at the glass he offered but never bothered to pick it up. She had no plan to drink it despite his insistence. She had no intention of clouding her mind with alcohol, especially at this time.

“Thanks, but if you can state your business so we can get on with our lives, I am waiting.” She repeated her haste to finish this private meeting. “But if you are here just to play around and waste my time, I am leaving.”

When she saw that smug look on his face and his lips curved into an arrogant smile, she knew she should not have trusted him. She stood up from the chair and stepped away, ready to leave. But his following words stopped her from tempting to walk out on him.

“Don’t you want to see what I have in this envelope?” He picked it up from his side and waved it in the air. “I assure you.” His tone carried a warning. “You will save a life and his career if you sit down and listen to me.”

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