The Royal Contract

Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012: A big deal

She could feel her hands shake and sweat drip from the back of her shirt and armpit. She felt like a pig about to get slaughtered. Yes! She was a nervous wreck as she dragged her last luggage out of her room.

It would be her first time being away from her son for more than a day. Usually, she could not wait to get home after a day’s work. Now, she would not see him for almost three days.

She believed it would be a big adjustment for both of them. She was just thankful that Lourdes and her family were willing to care for him while she was away. They had been a real family to her and her child.

“Come on, Edison, finish your meal so we can go down to Mama.” She heard Sasha’s voice in the kitchen as she helped feed her son.

The young girl had knocked early at her door, knowing she had an early flight. She volunteered to take Edison to her home so he would not see her leave with her suitcase.

Lourdes said she might change her mind about leaving if she saw her son crying and stopping her. They still all agreed, Lourdes, her husband, and Sasha, that she should take this rare opportunity for a relaxing break even if she insisted that this was work and nothing else.

“Hi! Sasha.” She greeted her young babysitter. “Are you sure that you can handle him? I don’t want you neglecting your studies because of him.” She knew that the girl was diligent and intelligent, but she could not help but try to make excuses why she should stay.


“I assure you, Ms. Ria, that Edison and I will be fine.” She cheerfully hi-five her son. “Right, Edison?” A new trick Edison was learning from his friend. Edison offered his hand with an energetic smile. “It will be awesome.”

“Aw...som...” Her son tried to imitate the older girl. It was adorable to hear him learn new words. Sasha had been a great teacher.

Then, her thought returned to the benefits she would receive if she accepted the permanent position. They offered a daycare facility where she could bring Edison. She saw it, and it was a nice place for a child.

The facilitators also acted as a nanny and teachers, teaching the kids some basic skills, reading, and other things. She would not be a constant bother to Sasha and her family. Despite what they said, she did not want to be a burden to them.

“Yes, I am sure you will have a great time with Sasha.” She knelt at her son’s level as he stood straight before her.

He was getting bigger and bigger, and she missed most of it. First, she was studying, then now, working. But as they said, single mothers had to sacrifice a lot since they had to be both father and child to their child.

They had to be the provider in the family, assuring that they had all their needs. Then, she had to care for her child, guaranteeing that she gave him enough love and support. It was not an easy balancing act.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Ria. We will take care of him. You know how much I love this little fellow.” Sasha reassured her. “Just call anytime if you miss him.”

After one very long and tight hug and a lingering kiss, she finally let go of her son and waved at him. Then, he was out the door with his guardian angel. She could not help but feel guilty about her decision, but she knew she had to do this.

Most of the time, her wants and needs would have to take the backseat since her child was her priority. But was it fair to her if she passed up this chance of a lifetime because she was afraid of the consequences and to take a few risks?

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

That was her cue. Well, she had three days to think about her plans.

At the time being, she had to rush out of her apartment, dragging her bags on the short flight of stairs. Her carriage was already waiting downstairs.

The company had promised to send her a car to take her to the airport. She already had all the flight details. On the other side of the state, another arranged transportation would pick them up and bring them to their hotel accommodation. Easy peasy.

“What is he doing here?” She mumbled loudly, surprised to see the man that was supposed to meet her at the airport standing by his car. She assumed it was his car, although it was different from the sports car he usually drove.

Until now, she could not fathom how someone like him, working at the mailroom, could afford such expensive cars. Maybe he was rich. Judging from his clothes, he might be. He never did say he was poor. She just assumed he was like the rest of them.

She wanted to ask him, but snooping about another person’s life was never her style. She would die of mortification if he thought she was interested in him because she was asking him all these questions.

“Are you ready?” He asked when he finally saw her. He walked quickly to her side and looked behind her as she exited the apartment building. “Is that all your things?” He asked, pointing to her one suitcase and a carry-on bag.

“Yes,” She reluctantly answered, still baffled why he picked her up instead of the official car. How many things was he expecting she would carry in this three days trip?

“Oh, ok. Let me get that for you.” He picked up the suitcase as if it weighed nothing when she almost fell on the stairs carrying it.

She would have said no, but he was almost in the car when she thought of stopping him. In her defense, he moved quickly, and she did not expect he would do that.

Besides, it was rare that someone would carry her things for her. It felt refreshing. And she doubted that it was a big deal.

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