The Royal Contract

Chapter 1078 - 1078 Nice to feel wanted

1078 Nice to feel wanted

She saw how his son suddenly grabbed the pizza on his plate that Zach had served him. It was the first time Edison would eat this kind of meal. Edison barely knew how to eat by himself yet without assistance. He was only learning how to use a spoon and feed himself.

Then, there was his health she had to consider. Although he was ok consuming any food in moderation, she still avoided letting him eat anything resembling junk food or anything fatty.

But for tonight, she was going to let it slide. To be fair to Zach, he did not know. She doubted if he had any experience in feeding a child.

“Hey, watch it, buddy.” Zach gently tapped her son on the shoulder when he sloppily tried to put the pizza into his mouth. “Take it easy.”

She was curious about how he would handle Edison when he was in this mood, so she kept quiet, eating her hot soup as they slumped around the round table in her living room.

Besides, he said he would handle everything while she sat tight and relaxed. It was a welcome change to have someone doing things for her. But she also slightly felt guilty since he did not have to do this for them.

Then, she saw him grab a tissue from the side, wiping Edison’s face and hands. “Do you need help?” He asked as her son. When his son nodded with a smile on his lips, he continued. “I will show you.”

First, he cut the pizza into smaller slices, in a size that would fit Edison’s mouth. Then, He picked another pizza and demonstrated it to her son. “Look.” He called Edison’s attention and started putting the pizza in his mouth.

Soon, Edison also followed, picking up his thin slice and imitating Zach’s action. “Great! That is perfect.” Zach lifted his fist to Edison, and her son fist-bumped like they were buddies.


She did not even know that her son could do that. Where did he learn it? From Sasha or him? She suddenly felt that many things had already happened to her son that she had missed while she had been away and sick.

She could not wait to get better and be with her son again. But for now, she had to settle for being with him in the same room, watching. She could not risk her son contracting the virus in her system.

“Perfect.” Suddenly, Edison mimicked him, almost enunciating the word just right. The scene before her almost made her cry.

She always dreamed that her son had a father to look up to, and seeing the two interact almost filled her heart with joy. But, of course, she was also afraid that this was only temporary.

One day, Zach would realize that this was not the kind of life for him. He had consumed more than he could chew. And then he would suddenly spit it out and leave them.

“Now, shall we make mommy happy by being a good boy?” Zach told his son as if they had a bond and that they were the only ones who could understand.

Eventually, Sasha finally took Edison back to her house, leaving her with Zach alone. They had a nice dinner together, with Zach helping to feed her son since she did not want to have more contact with him.

“Thanks, Zach. You don’t know what all this means to me.” Ria finally spoke, grateful for the man cleaning the mess in her living room.

“Don’t mention it. I had fun with Edison. He is a great kid. I would not mind spending time with him.” He stopped before her, carrying the plates and trash in his hands.

“Why don’t I finish here while you relax and lay down.” He even handed her the remote of the tv if ever she wished to change the channel to another station.

She scanned for a while, trying to find a movie that would interest her. But her mind was somewhere. It was thinking about the man in the other room, taking care of her responsibilities and her.

“Found anything entertaining?” Suddenly, Zach asked as he returned to the room, carrying a glass of water. Then, he sat down beside her.

“Nah.” She answered, finally giving up and putting the remote on the table near her.

“Why don’t you drink your medication before I look for something both of us would like?” He handed her the small pill, putting it in her hand and the water.

“Thanks.” She drank the meds and half the glass of water before returning to a comfortable position on the sofa.

She watched him return the glass and take the remote instead, scanning the screen for something to watch. Suddenly, she could not help but wonder what he was doing.

“You must be tired.” She said, thinking he had been serving her hand and foot almost the entire time she was sick. “I think you also need some rest. Why don’t you leave this with me while you go home.”

She tried to pry the remote from his hand, but he was quicker as he moved it away from her. “Did I fail to mention it to you? I am staying for the night.” He said as if it was the most obvious thing to say.

“What?” She expressed, slightly surprised by his plan. “You don’t have to stay.” She quickly added, not wanting to be a burden to him any more than necessary. So far, she felt she had already abused his kindness. She could not ask for more.

He suddenly moved closer to her, calming her by wrapping his arms around her shoulder, then pulling her closer to his body. “It is ok. I want to stay.” Then, she felt his hand caressing her hair. “I enjoy being around you and taking care of you.”

Eventually, she settled under his arms, feeling more comfortable with him by her side. Was it wrong for her to think that it was where she belonged? Was she mistaken to believe that he was the one for her?

“But you have already done enough.” She told him, finally looking up to stare into his face. She wanted to read what was going on in his mind. Nothing about his action made sense to her.

Why was he doing all this? She could not understand since nobody had ever been this good to her. It was just too good to be true. She was not a lucky person. Nothing in her life came easy.

“Not close enough, so I intend to do more.” He smiled, looking down at her, gazing into her eyes, allowing her to see the sincerity reflecting in his eyes. “You better get used to me being around.” He said with determination.

Finally, she accepted his words. She was tired of fighting what was in front of her. She could not deny anymore how much she wanted him in her life. She had decided to accept him into her life and her son without reservations. He finally convinced her that he was here to stay.

“Do you have any problem with that?” He asked when she remained silently contemplating her new conclusion.

“No.” She shook her head, agreeing that this was where he should be, right next to her. “I have no problem with you being here with me.”

“Good.” He answered, but this time, he lowered his head, claiming her lips with his. She suddenly remembered that she was sick. He should not be kissing her, but it was hard to stop.

She did not want him to stop, remembering how much she had started to crave his kisses. She could not deny that he made her alive. Her heart which had stopped beating for a long time seemed to have finally awoken again.

She believed she was ready to open her heart again to the possibility because of him. He had given her hope that she still might have a chance to find love again.

“I think I like you very much.” She finally said when he came up for air, allowing her to breathe again.

She could not say if she had already fallen in love with him, but if he continued on this path, she might eventually helplessly fall for him. But she believed she was ready to risk it all for this man.

“I think I like you very much too.” He answered her with a smile that brightened the room.

Then, his lips lowered again to assert his claim on her. This time, it was more intense than before. It seemed he was not holding back this time as he showed how much he wanted to be with her.

“Hey, I think we need to stop.” He breathily said as he peppered her with kisses along the length of her neck and down her shoulders.

Then, his hands traveled along her back, caressing her body with his firm, commanding hands. She was putty in his hands as she savored the warmth that seeped through her skin.

She yearned for more.

She wanted him.

She heard him. “Then, stop.” She told him.

But nothing in her voice could convince even her that she wanted him to stop. Still, he held himself, controlling his impulse to go on. She could see that it was taking everything in him to pull away.

“I am sorry. I should not have done that. You are still weak. You should be resting.” He apologized, but his eyes still reflected the desire that had possessed him to kiss her in the first place.

“Don’t worry. I like it. But maybe we can do it later.” She offered, not wanting him to feel guilty.

Still, it was nice to feel wanted despite her condition.

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