The Royal Contract

Chapter 965

Chapter 965: The story

After watching the Kingdom announce the upcoming Royal Matrimony between the current heir and his betrothed, she had never felt peace again. Her mind kept replaying his dead eyes over and over in her head.

Then, when Evan had talked to her alone, convincing her to reconsider telling Lance about Luisa, she was adamant that it was for the best. However, her guilt would not let her stop thinking about it.

But was he right? Was she making a mistake?

Suddenly she was more confused than ever.

“Sarah, they are asking for the report. Have you finished checking it?” Her Junior reporter asked her as she stood by her new office.

As the new Senior Investigative Reporter, she handled most of the pressing stories and oversaw the other reporters with their work. Not an easy task but a challenge she liked to take.

She knew she could do better, but that would mean exposure to the public eye. She would settle for a position behind the desk if it meant hiding her identity from those seeking her out from her hiding.


“Yes, here it is.” She pulled the file from the stacks she had already finished a moment ago and allowed the younger reporter to take it to their producer, who would decide its fate.

No matter how good the story, the producer and the people on top would decide whether it would see the light of day. Whether the story had any entertainment value because the news was not just telling the truth, it was also about making tons of money.

Her job was to look for something worthy to tell and make it as compelling and intriguing as possible without compromising the truth. At least not much, as far as she could manage. Unlike others who would bend the truth for a large buck.

“Can I ask you a question?” The reporter asked as she remained standing in front of her desk.

She looked up again from what she was doing and nodded, curious about what she wanted to know. It was seldom anyone dared to ask her personal questions at work, earning her the title of the Ice Queen.

But in her defense, she did not have time to socialize with them and no life or past to share. Therefore, making friends was the least of her priority, making her concentrate on her job more than anything else.

“Why did you pass up the News Anchor position? Most would die to have it, but you said no.” The young woman who probably also dreamed of the title had this look of curiosity, skepticism, and wonder, mixed into one.

She was not surprised by the question. She was already aware they had been whispering about the incident behind her back. Many would think she was a fool for passing up the chance.

Regardless, she did not care what they thought. She had her reasons, and that was her priority. Money and fame were the least of what she desired in this world but doing what she loved were rewarding enough.

“Because that is not for me.” She answered her, not giving her further explanation for it. She did not owe anybody a reason for her choices in life because she had to take responsibility for it on her own and with nobody else.

“I think they are already waiting for those papers.” Eida, or Sarah, as everybody knew her, pointed the papers at the hands of the young reporter, effectively dismissing her and stopping her from asking her further questions.

She could not blame her young woman since it was inherent in every reporter to be nosy or else they were working at the wrong job. Only those who were brave enough to stick their necks and noses to someone else’s business would be successful in this line of profession.

In her case, it was not the eavesdropping or the spying that interested her in this career. But the thought of seeking the truth. It had been her motivation from the start, not the money or fame.

In the meantime, the incident made her forget her woes, putting her concentration back on her task. She worked like a soldier on a mission. Nothing could distract her as she finished one file after another.


“Sarah, the boss wants you in his office.” Her new secretary informed her. One of the benefits of being promoted, she also got an assistant.

“Thanks. I am on my way,” Sarah said as she closed the file on her desk and walked over to the door, marching toward her boss’s office.

“Sarah, I trust you are adjusting well to your new position.” The producer of their show asked her as he offered her a seat.

“I think I am getting the hang of it.” She answered honestly. There were a few hiccups, but nothing she could not handle. There was no need to inform her boss about it unless necessary.

Besides, this was not her first rodeo in this job, even if the others thought she barely had any experience in her current position. Of course, she could not reveal who she was to these people.

She might be a nobody now, but if they knew her past, she would be the news tomorrow. It would not have been that bad since she was used to it, but she had a daughter to think about and protect.

She could not allow her past to touch her daughter’s future.

“I know you are busy, so I would not take much of your time.” Her boss said without waiting for a reply from her. “I need you to take on a special project.”

She was expecting that since that was part of her new duties. “What is it?” She anticipated excitedly, knowing that it must be a big story for her boss to look eager about it.

“I am sure that you will love this one. I need you to cover a Royal Wedding.” Her boss enthusiastically announced to her, making a big spectacle about the subject with his hands. “Of course, you have to travel and...”

Her boss continued explaining the details of what she had to do, giving her specific instructions about what he expected from her job. But she never heard anything else after the Royal Wedding.

She did not even have to hear his name to know it was about him.

“Do you have any other questions?” Her boss asked. “Sarah?” He continued to ask, increasing his voice to call her attention.

“Can somebody else cover this story?” She could see her boss’s face change from ecstatic to concern. She knew that any reporter would jump at the chance to be at the center of this international story but not her.

“Are you not up to the challenge? I am sure that despite your lesser experience, you can do this job superbly.” Her boss said, still expressing his confidence in her abilities. After all, he was one of the people who supported her promotion.

“Of course I am. But...” She was supposed to make some excuse, but he interrupted her.

“Then, it is settled.” He smiled confidently at her, concluding their meeting. “I know you will do a great job.” That was her boss dismissing her.

Was fate playing a trick on her? She asked herself as she walked down the hallway, wondering what she would do next. What should she do now, finding herself in a tight situation?

What was the worse thing that could happen? Simple.

She would become the story.

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