The Royal Contract

Chapter 968

Chapter 968: Forever a prisoner of the past

At the police station, someone approached her, acting as her lawyer even though she had not asked for one. She did not even know that they were filing a case against her. But what was the charge?

“What is going on?” She demanded as she sat inside a holding room for criminals. Luckily she sat on a chair without a handcuff on her wrist.

But she was not a criminal. It was only a speeding ticket, a minor offense, and not a capital crime. She was not a lawyer, but she was aware of her right and the law. What they were doing was an unlawful arrest.

“Please, wait here while I figure this out.” The man she did not even get the name said to her. He just said that he was her lawyer. He would do everything he could to clear this matter, and that was it.

She did not even know she needed a lawyer since the arresting officer had not charged her with anything yet. It was a first-time offense, so she could not be facing serious charges.

She should not even be in the police station unless the officer in charge of her case found a compelling reason to arrest her. Then, a thought occurred to her, alarming her and making her heart quicken its beating.

Was there something wrong with her fake papers? Had anyone discovered her true identity? That could be the only explanation for all this trouble. She had to call Evan. He could sort this out.


“Excuse me, is anyone out there?” She moved closer to the door and knocked on it, hoping someone would notice her.

Unfortunately, no one answered her. She tried to open the door, but it seemed to open only on the other side. It made sense. It was supposed to keep the criminals from escaping. But her situation was different. She was not supposed to be in here.

“Excuse me, can somebody open the door? I need to make a phone call.” She tried again, but nobody still responded.

She turned and faced the glass, knowing that it was one-way glass. Somebody on the other side might be watching her. But why? Why would these people go through such trouble?

She could tell that she had already missed her flight. There was no way she would be flying tonight out of here. She did not even know if they would release her from this place at any time soon.

“Hey, this is illegal.” She finally moved to the mirror, looking at her haggard face. But she knew somebody else was behind her reflection, watching her. “You can’t hold me here without properly charging me. I know my rights.”

Still, she faced silence as she stared into her eyes, conflicted once again with her situation. After a few minutes of pacing inside the small confinement, she heard movements and voices outside the door.

She stopped near the table and faced the door, waiting for whoever was behind it. She could not wait to tell them what she thought of their unfair treatment of her.

She would ensure this would get published in the news and expose their unorthodox and unlawful practices. But first, she had to prepare herself for whatever charges they would file against her for whatever reason.

“I am sorry about that.” A voice said as the door opened and revealed a man, not the one who introduced himself as his lawyer nor any of the officers she had seen earlier. “Pardon these people for treating you so poorly.”

She did not recognize the man, but she could tell he was somebody in high authority, judging from the expensive suit he wore and the way he stood before her. Even the tone of his voice held no nonsense.

“Who are you?” She asked as she stared into his face. “And what is going on here?” She continued, hoping this man could finally answer her questions.

The man did not immediately answer as he looked around the small space before sitting on a chair by the table. “Why don’t you take a seat so we can talk properly.” He gestured for her to follow him.

He turned to the glass behind him and signaled something before returning his attention to her. She noticed the red light above the mirror disappear as she stared above his head.

“Don’t worry. Nobody is recording or watching us anymore. I promise. We can talk freely without any disturbance.” His voice sounded reassuring.

Nonetheless, he had not answered her questions. Eventually, her eyes landed on his wrinkled face and thick white beard. She still had no idea who this man was and what he wanted from her.

“I assure you my name is not relevant in this situation. But I was sent here by a common friend to discuss something with you.” He spoke again without waiting for her to say anything as if he could read her thoughts.

“Common friend?” She asked but doubted. She hardly had friends in this place. Therefore, that was not likely accurate. They could not have any friends in the same circle.

“He heard that you are planning to go home, Eida.” The man said with a friendly smile on his lips.

If the situation had been different, she would have thought she was speaking to Santa Claus with his joyful voice and cheerful face. She would have asked for a gift for Luisa. But instead, what she heard was that she had been naughty.

Hearing her name come out of his lips told her that she had not escaped the past she had tried hard to leave behind. He had learned of her whereabouts and her new name and had monitored her movements.

It meant he was also well aware of Luisa. A thought that had brought chill through her entire body, frightening her to the deepest part of her heart. She was not afraid of what could happen to her, but she could not allow anything to happen to her daughter.

In conclusion, she understood now she had never been free because he would never allow it. It was foolish of her to think she could change the course of her future.

However, she would do everything to save her daughter from her fate by accepting she would be forever a prisoner of the past.

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