The Royal Contract

Chapter 981

Chapter 981: As a boyfriend, not a husband

She looked out the window of her expansive office, trying to figure out what she should do. She was a grown woman capable of thinking and deciding for herself.

She had proven, time and time, that she could rise to the challenges in a man’s world. She had designed and built many beautiful houses and buildings in this progressive city. Better than any of her competitors.

Yet, she felt like the men around her still had a hold of her decisions. They still assumed she was incapable of managing her life. First, her brother thought she was making the worst mistake of her life. And then, her father, who believed he could run her personal affairs for her.

“Can you hold my calls?” Haley spoke to her secretary when she told her that a client was on the line. She was not ready to entertain anybody, especially not when her mind was going haywire.

After seeing her father at his office moments ago, she could not help but be more conflicted with her situation. It seemed her father had a different opinion on the matter compared to her brother.

She liked Gerald. Ok, admittedly, she believed she had fallen in love with him. But it did not mean she was in a hurry to marry him. She was still at the phase where she wanted to get to know him more.

She also wanted to listen to her brother, but she believed her eyes were blinded by what she felt for him. She wished to give him the benefit of the doubt. That maybe they were wrong about him, believing she saw something different.


She returned to her desk and sat on her chair, thinking of what her father had said to her. Her father insisted that she should convince Gerald to run for office and for him to marry her.

Then, her thoughts brought her back to her meeting with her father. “Do you love him?” Her father’s words still reverberated in her mind. It was like her father wished that she should propose to him instead of the other way around.

“Yes, I do.” She did not want to deny what she felt for him. “But I hardly know him. I could not just marry him.” She told her father. “I still want to get to know him.” She insisted.

She knew that Gerald was considering running for the Governor position. It was what was taking most of his time nowadays. But regarding proposing to her and marrying her, that was another matter.

She could not force herself on someone if he had no plans of committing to her. She loved Gerald and would like to see where their relationship was going. But making him marry her was not something she would consider unless it was his decision and not only hers.

Besides, she did not want to be just a pawn in his political career if he was only going to marry her because it was what the voters would like. It would not be a marriage between two people in love but a political strategy.

“Please try to reconsider what I am asking you. It is not just for the good of our family but for your future.” Her father still tried to convince her.

However, she did not want any part of it, knowing it was what her father wanted from this relationship. Her father only wished to use her to proceed in building his empire. Now, he had his eyes on Gerald as his key to achieving it.

“No, Dad. If Gerald asked me to marry him, I am saying no.” She bluntly answered her father. “I loved him, but our relationship will not become part of your political or business schemes.”

Then, she walked out of her father’s office and never turned back, no matter what he said to her. She would not change her mind about it. She was not ready to marry him, despite loving him.

If they truly loved each other, they could wait until they were ready to commit to the real thing. Now, regarding Gerald’s political career, she planned to stand by his side if that was what he wished but as a girlfriend and nothing more.

Then, her secretary was back in her office with another call. But just like earlier, she declined to accept it. “I know he is an important client, but tell him I will call him back when I am available.” She told her secretary, who insisted that the client wished to talk to her.

But she could not deal with a client under her condition. Not when she was not thinking straight. But she would call them as soon as she had a breather from all this thinking of marriage and political careers.

“Hey!” She decided to call him instead. Who said that she did not want to hear his voice. She might not be ready for marriage, but she still would like his company at every possible chance.

“What is wrong?” He asked, and just like that, she felt better.

He seemed to read her mind as he tried to comfort her with his soothing voice. She did not even need to see him but simply hearing his baritone had her heart calming in an instant.

“I just miss you.” She calmly said, but it did not imply she was asking him to marry her. It only meant she wanted whatever they had to continue until the point they could not stand not to be together forever.

She might not make sense to someone else, but what she wanted made perfect sense in her mind. And she believed that Gerald was in the same boat as her. Gerald might also like her but was not yet willing to commit to her in a deeper relationship.

“I miss you too.” He uttered on the other line. Then, it was a conversation between two people who could not wait to be together again.

In conclusion, their relationship could still go either way. He might run for the hills or ride into the sunset with her. But until then, she was contented to have him by her side as a boyfriend, not a husband.

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