The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

10/06/23 - edited

Shang Junlin lowered his head and took a sip of the tea from Shen Yu's hand. He savored it for a moment before saying, "This tea seems different from the last time?"

"I learned a new technique from a book. How does it compare to last time?" The imperial palace had a rich collection of books, and Shang Junlin didn't guard against him. At first, Shen Yu was reserved and careful not to cross the line, only reading non-sensitive materials. Later, as their relationship grew closer, he became less constrained and interested in reading more.

"Ah Yu's tea, regardless of the technique used, is equally delicious to me." Before Shen Yu entered the palace, Shang Junlin only knew a little about tea, but after Shen Yu occasionally brewed tea and told him about the tea ceremony, he grew to appreciate it.

Rather than saying he loved drinking tea, it was more accurate to say he loved the feeling of drinking tea with Shen Yu.

Drinking the entire cup of tea from Shen Yu's hand, Shang Junlin took the empty cup from Shen Yu's hand and placed it on a small table beside them. "How many people have they caught now? Have they found out anything?" Shen Yu's hand was still held by Shang Junlin's as they sat down on a soft couch.

"According to Ah Yu's method, I instructed them to pay more attention to places where crowds gather. Whenever they find something unusual, they will check and confirm it before arresting them."

Not only in the capital, but the local officials in other areas had also received orders. The orders were sent through a separate special channel with the help of People's Daily. The arrests were also carried out secretly, and the masterminds behind the scenes were still unaware. All the people they sent out to spread rumors were caught and put in jail.

"The news from the interrogations has also come back. Most of those caught were only following orders from above and cannot provide much useful information. However, based on the clues we obtained from them, we have learned the whereabouts of several of these people's hiding places. I have ordered the Hidden Dragon Guards to investigate and find out more."

They did not act immediately upon learning about the situation, fearing that it would startle the snakes. These people had been lurking in Da Huan's territory for many years, and they were finally discovered with great difficulty. Naturally, they wanted to take down all of them at once.

As for these matters, Shen Yu only provided suggestions and did not really intervene. Not because he was worried about Shang Junlin's suspicion, but simply because he didn't want to.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the flowers that Prince An sent? I always feel that there is something strange about them, but no one has been able to find out what it is." There were many things that the Princes sent, mostly gold, silver, and jewels. Only Prince An inexplicably sent over a strange flower.

Shang Junlin was also aware of the existence of this flower because Shen Yu had mentioned it to him before. "Has anyone from the Imperial Medical Hospital come to see it?"

Worried that this flower might have some negative impact on Shen Yu, the flower was placed separately and no one was specifically tasked to take care of it. However, after some time passed, the flower not only did not wither due to lack of care but instead bloomed even more beautifully.

"Having seen it, Physician Gu said that this kind of flower is somewhat similar to the one that appeared in ancient books, but upon closer examination, there are some differences. Other physicians have also come to see it, as well as the palace officials responsible for taking care of flowers and plants. Apart from confirming that it is not poisonous, no one can tell what kind of flower it is."

Shen Yu felt very strange: "Your Majesty, why did Prince An send such a flower for no reason?"

"If Ah Yu doesn't like it, it can be thrown away," Shang Junlin lightly stroked the hair hanging down on his back, "Whatever kind of flower Ah Yu wants, I will find it and send it over."

"Let's leave it there for now. This flower always gives me a strange feeling. Prince An should not be so foolish as to give himself away at the palace."

"Let's listen to Ah Yu. Just don't go near the flower, and have someone take care of it. I'll find someone who knows flowers and plants to look at it again, and once it's confirmed that there's no problem, Ah Yu can take a closer look."

That was Shen Yu's plan too. He nodded in the man's arms.

Shang Junlin mentioned another thing: "The first batch of supplies transported from the capital to Subei is probably arriving today."

"Finally. Looking at Official Fang's report, those officials he took with him are almost at their limit." Shen Yu was someone who had personally witnessed the aftermath of a natural disaster in his past life, and knew what kind of human purgatory it was. No matter how good someone's endurance was, staying for a few more days would be unbearable.

"Fang Jun wants to bring those people back," Shang Junlin played with the hair in his hand, "Especially the two younger ones who are not in good condition. When he mentioned it to them, they didn't want to come back."

Of those two people, one was the one who had wanted to give food to the boy. The experience of just a few days had almost changed his perception of the past several years.

Knowing that besides the supplies, the court had also sent a considerable number of people, Fang Jun gathered the officials who had followed him for a while and asked, "Does anyone want to go back?"

"How come you suddenly ask this question, My Lord? There are still so many places in Subei we haven't been to, how could we possibly go back?" one person replied without hesitation.

"Yeah, we have to finish what we started. Since we're here, we naturally have to do things well before we leave."

Actually, in the beginning, some officials were very uncomfortable. They were aristocrats who had never experienced such hardships since childhood. They grew up with luxury and never knew how difficult life was for the common people. They didn't deny that they had thoughts of retreating, but those thoughts were gradually worn away by their experiences.

Instead, they developed an indescribable sense of determination in their hearts, which swept away their confusion about being officials in the past and strengthened their beliefs.

Weren't they originally hoping to be good officials who benefited the people? If they hadn't gone on this trip, if they hadn't seen these hell-like scenes and stirring images, they might have spent their whole lives in confusion.

But now, they know what kind of burden they bear. Officials should not be looking at power, but rather the responsibility it represents.

"The court's aid will arrive soon. If anyone wants to rest, they can go back to the capital with them," said Fang Jun, looking at the officials whose spirits had undergone a significant change.

There was silence below.

Did they want to go back?

Of course, they did.

Compared to the capital, the environment here was too harsh and terrible. If Fang Jun had asked this question a few days ago, some people might have wavered.

But now, after experiencing so much, they had to ask themselves, were they willing to go back just like that?

They hadn't seen the old man next door's leg getting better, they hadn't seen the woman next door giving birth to her baby, they hadn't seen...there were too many results they hadn't seen yet. Could they really leave without seeing them?

"I'm not leaving. I won't leave until the disaster in Subei is under control," said the first person to speak up.

As the first person spoke up, the second and third followed suit. Without exception, their answers were that they were unwilling to leave.

Fang Jun had expected this. He had seen their changes with his own eyes. Some of these aristocratic sons who were clueless in the capital had undergone enormous changes at a visible pace.

Fang Jun was happy for them, but he also felt a little heartache. These changes meant that they had experienced great pain in their hearts. They used to complain about doing even small tasks when they first arrived, but now they could do even the hardest and most tiring work without complaint. Their hands also bore the calluses left by doing heavy labor.

Fang Jun scanned the faces of these people one by one. Their expressions were all resolute, with a look of determination in their eyes that showed they were not afraid to advance. He slowly withdrew his gaze and spoke softly, "No need to answer in a hurry. You have a whole night to consider. I have already informed His Majesty of your merits. After returning to the capital, your early departure will not affect your achievements."

The next day, everyone's answer remained the same.

They were all willing to stay here until they saw Su Bei prosper.

Fang Jun did not say anything else, he simply wrote down the objective account of this event and had it sent back to the capital by the Hidden Dragon Guards.

Shen Yu found the report sent from Su Bei among a pile of memorials. As usual, Fang Jun had written two copies, one to be sent back to the capital by the Hidden Dragon Guards, and the other through official channels.

The latter would often be slower by a few days.

Shen Yu opened the report and read through it once, "It seems that Official Fang has a good opinion of these officials who followed him."

Among the officials who went to the disaster relief, half were from humble backgrounds and half were from prestigious families. In the beginning, there was some friction between the two sides, but now they could put aside their prejudices and cooperate harmoniously.

Compared to when they left the capital, both sides had changed quite a bit.

The officials who went to Su Bei with Fang Jun were mainly young officials. Unless there were any accidents, these people would be the backbone of the court in the future. Having gone through such an experience, it was beneficial for both themselves and the court.

The news from the court was that the officials sent by the court would directly contact them. Fang Jun stayed in the small town to rest and wait for their arrival.

Their supplies were also running low. They had to leave some behind every time they went to a new place. Most of the supplies they brought were left in the main city. If they did not receive any more supplies, they could only return to the main city first.

The court sent a military escort for the supplies, and the officials in the main city also received the news.

"My Lord, if we don't act now, it will be too late when the court's people arrive," said the person in the dimly lit study, hiding in the shadows, with a hoarse voice.

"You go and make the arrangements. Do it cleanly and don't let anyone find out," replied the other person.

"Rest assured, sir. I am skilled in this matter and will not make any mistakes."

The door of the study was opened and then closed. The wind blew and the candlelight flickered as if nothing had happened.

After traveling for several days, Fang Jun and his team finally got a moment's rest and took some officials around to see the area.

This small city was located further north than the one they first visited, and the disaster situation was more severe, but they had been distributing porridge for a few days and the relief work had progressed smoothly, improving the situation compared to when they first arrived.

Along the way, some disaster victims put down what they were doing and greeted them.

The officials smiled in response and occasionally stopped to chat with people on the side of the road.

"I suddenly feel that life isn't so bad," one of the officials behind Fang Jun sighed.

"Yeah, when I was in the capital, I thought I was so powerful and impressive. It wasn't until I came here that I realized how shallow my previous self was."

The few people whispered to each other.

The atmosphere was relaxed and lively, and the rift between officials from humble backgrounds and those from distinguished families had completely disappeared here. Fang Jun listened to their discussion and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, the crowd ahead surged towards them.

The young man next to Fang Jun grabbed him and shielded him behind his body: "Be careful, My Lord!"

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