The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Shang JunLin still wasnt satisfied. Is that all? Ah Yu wont think about this emperor the rest of the time? 

Then how often should I think about Your Majesty?

This emperor thinks about Ah Yu every moment of the day. Shang JunLin gave a strong hint.

Ah, I see, Shen Yu drawled. Then, in Your Majestys opinion, I should think of you all the time as well?

Shang JunLin nodded haughtily. Mm. 

Shen Yu lifted his head from Shang JunLins arms. His eyes were smiling. Your Majesty, do you know what you look like right now?

Shang JunLin had already achieved his goal and was in a good mood. He placed a hand on Shen Yus waist and gently rubbed him. It doesnt matter what this emperor looks like. What matters is that Ah Yu doesnt forget the promise you made to this emperor.

What promise was that? Shen Yu was about to ask when he realized Shang JunLin was referring to what he said a moment ago. Shen Yu buried his face in the mans arms. I understand. Ill think about Your Majesty even more every day, he said in a muffled voice.

Shang JunLin put his hand on Shen Yus back and traced down his long hair. A feeling of satisfaction rose in his chest.

They stood in the dim light, far away from the bustle of the world, completely wrapped up in each other. The atmosphere between them was so warm and harmonious that no one could come between them.

They held each other silently. After a while Shang JunLin let go of Shen Yu and the two continued along the path.

After what happened today, the aristocratic families will probably relax some of their resistance to Fang JiaYi. It was clear that Shang JunLin had the whip hand now. Even if the nobles objected, they couldnt complain as loudly as before.

This emperor gave them a chance to back down. They can act as they choose. As Shang JunLin spoke of the aristocratic families his voice lacked emotion.

Shen Yu didnt want to spoil Shang JunLins mood. He lightly changed the subject. I saw the young lady from the Fang family a little while ago. She was surrounded by a crowd of scholars, perfectly at ease. The other people werent half as calm as she was. 

Fang JiaYi had chosen to wear neutral colors today. She wasnt dressed in the ornate, cumbersome skirt of a lady, nor was her hair arranged with elaborate hairpins. Her identity as a woman was clear, but she perfectly fit in with the atmosphere of the Qionglin Banquet.

This emperor also noticed that she has a good relationship with the zhuangyuan and the tanhua. When Shang JunLin was sitting high above the banquet, he kept an eye on what the people below him were doing.

Fang JiaYi was more willing to talk to Jiang HuaiQing and H ChengYu. The two didnt act differently towards her just because she was a woman. Other people tried to behave naturally, but they always revealed traces of awkwardness in their words and behavior.

The atmosphere of the banquet was lively, and the students clustered together discussing scholarly topics. The more daring ones went up to ministers and asked them questions.

Some of the aristocratic officials felt so uneasy they could hardly sit still. The emperor was free to leave his seat at will, but they couldnt. No matter how anxious they were to smooth things over for Yi JianMing, they had no choice but to sit there and force themselves to smile. They couldnt show the slightest hint that something was wrong.

Minister Yi rapped on the table. Did you send a message to those two ministers yet?

Dont worry, Your Excellency. Someone has already gone.

Fang JiaYi, H ChengYu and Jiang HuaiQing were seated next to each other because they had similar scores on the exam. Fang JiaYi, who was closely observing everything, noticed that some of the aristocratic officials had disappeared at some point. In a low voice she asked, What happened just now? A few of the officials have strange expressions on their faces, and Young Master Yi isnt here either. I remember seeing him when I arrived.

The incident had been suppressed for the time being, which meant Jiang HuaiQing couldnt talk about it openly. He did something and His Majesty happened to see it, he whispered vaguely.

That sentence was enough of an explanation for Fang JiaYi. The two tacitly agreed to change the subject.

Meanwhile, two cabinet ministers were notified about the incident at the Qionglin Banquet. The two went to the usual place they met to discuss things and sat down together.

The two cabinet ministers happened to belong to the Feng family and the Duan family. Among the noble families of the capital, they were eminent voices.

After taking their seats, the two dismissed their subordinates.

Minister Feng: What can His Majesty mean by this?

Minister Duan: Its obvious that His Majesty is forcing us to concede. Otherwise, according to His Majestys usual behavior, he would have disposed of that person on the spot. Normally he wouldnt have given us any time to react.

Minister Feng: Thats true, His Majesty hasnt changed at all. He never listens to advice.

Minister Duan: If he listened, he wouldnt be His Majesty. Dont you remember what happened when he took the throne? The late emperor asked him to allow the King of Yue to remain in the capital for training. Instead His Majesty sent him away at once despite the opposition of his ministers. How many officials did he deal with back then?

Minister Feng: The King of Yue is useless too. Otherwise we wouldnt be in such a difficult situation.

Minister Duan: If you ask me, hes wanted to end the King of Yues life for a long time. When he imprisoned the King of Yue, he assigned all of the blame for the fraud on the King of Yue and took advantage of the fact that no one could refute him. If the King of Yue wants to turn things around at this juncture, it will be even more difficult.

Minister Feng: Those people have contacted us. They said they want our help. Should we take action?

Minister Duan: Theres no rush. When the right time comes, everything will be clear.

Minister Feng: What about the imperial examination? Do we really have to do what he wants?

Minister Duan: What can we do about it now? Hes determined to promote poor scholars to oppose us, and now hes even gone to the point of allowing women to become court officials. Sooner or later hes going to self-destruct.

At morning court the next day, there was less opposition than usual during the discussion about women entering the court as officials. Although Fang JiaYis assignment was still undecided, everything else was basically settled.

The weather grew warmer and warmer, and Shen Yu was able to spend more time outside. Imperial Physician Gu said that he should walk around more when the weather was suitable.

Shang JunLin paid close attention to Shen Yus health. When he heard Imperial Physician Gu say that more activity would be good for Shen Yu, he took Shen Yu outside for a walk whenever there was time.

Shang JunLins original plan was to have Shen Yu learn martial arts to keep fit, but Shen Yu flat out refused. This was his new life. He was going to make himself as comfortable as possible.

In the evening, after they ate, Shang JunLin put his work aside and took Shen Yu for a walk in the small garden outside Yuzhang Palace.

The Feng and Duan families? Shen Yu paused. He remembered a bit about them. In his previous life, they secretly allied themselves with the King of Yue. They did a great deal for that man before he succeeded in taking the throne.

The Feng and Duan families have lived in Da Huan since its founding, but they were in their heyday at the end of the previous emperors reign. At the time, the emperor was under the sway of traitors and sycophants. Power fell out of his grasp, and various families on the sidelines vied for the scraps. Of all of them, the Feng family and Duan family profited the most.

Seeing that Shen Yu was interested in hearing more, Shang JunLin continued, When this emperor first ascended to the throne, I disposed of quite a few people. The Feng family and the Duan family were in the middle of everything and extremely well informed. This emperor wasnt able to deal with them thoroughly.

At the time, the imperial court was in chaos. The late emperors weakness led to havoc. Capable ministers were forced to resign or framed for crimes and executed. Most of the people left behind were traitors or collaborators. Shang JunLins foundation in the court was unstable. He took the throne with military power, and there werent many civilian officials he could use. After he spilled enough blood to wash the court clean of treacherous ministers, countless positions needed to be filled.

Shang JunLin had no choice but to temporarily make use of officials from the aristocratic families who remained loyal. But this led to endless trouble. The nobles were in ascendance, which would eventually threaten imperial power.

After he took the throne, Shang JunLin attached great importance to the imperial examinations and promoted scholars from humble backgrounds to important positions. This was done to strengthen other factions in the court. Only when the various forces were balanced could long-term stability be maintained.

Based on what Shang JunLin just said, he was ready to severely suppress the aristocratic families and break their arrogance. Right now the prime minister is the only cabinet member who doesnt belong to one of the aristocratic families. The nobles control the other two positions. Which minister has Your Majesty chosen as a replacement? Shen Yu asked.

Fang Jun.

Both the prime minister and Minister Fang are Your Majestys people. If theyre in the cabinet, it will be much more convenient for Your Majesty to do things.

Shen Yu lowered his eyes and pondered. Given the book he read in his previous life, the help of Shen Yue, and what he learned directly from Shen QingRan, he was certain he could come up with a lot of new things that would benefit Da Huan. But if the aristocratic families interfered, those things would just become tools for the aristocrats to seize more power and profit.

In Shen Yus previous life, Shen QingRan introduced many inventions, but the aristocratic families hoarded all the benefits. It led to chaos throughout Da Huan. Shen Yu didnt want to expend a lot of effort if it would only benefit the aristocrats.

This emperor still hasnt announced Ah Yus proposal to reform trade. The timing isnt right.

Theres no hurry. Not all big changes can happen overnight. Whats more, the cement business is just beginning. Things will go smoother after we iron out the problems.

Shang JunLin sighed with emotion. Ah Yu understands this emperor so well. 

Your Majesty, when will Jiang HuaiQings appointment be announced? Shen Yu was eager to find out what path Jiang HuaiQing would walk in this life without the misfortunes that afflicted him in the past.

It will be soon. If there are no accidents, both of them will enter Hanlin Academy.

Although their official rank wouldnt be very high, the most important thing was the significance of entering Hanlin Academy. It was like having half a foot in the cabinet.

Jiang HuaiQing didnt feel worried about the delay. Although his official appointment hadnt come yet because of the controversy over Fang JiaYi, he was in a good mood every day.

H ChengYu sent a letter to his family saying that hed been appointed zhuangyuan and probably wouldnt be able to return to Jiangnan for a while. Even if he received an assignment in the countryside in the future, he wouldnt be sent to Jiangnan as an official.

After handling some business, H ChengYu walked out of the house. HuaiQing, didnt you say a while ago that youre running low on paper and pens? A new shop just opened. Do you want to take a look?

Jiang HuaiQing was organizing his and H ChengYus books. It was a sunny spring day, a good time to let them air out in the sun.

When the books were spread out for sunbathing, they occupied almost the entire courtyard. Some of the books had been brought from home while others were purchased after they got to the capital. When Jiang HuaiQing heard his friends words, he turned back and said, Ill go.

His pens and paper had already run out. Lately he was using H ChengYus supply. Jiang HuaiQing was embarrassed to keep taking advantage of his friend.

In the sunlight, the tall, jade-like young man dazzled the eyes. Startled, H ChengYu shook his head. He pressed his lips together and walked over.

Shen Yu fell into a dream about his previous life. He hadnt dreamed about his past for a long time. Maybe it was because hed been thinking about it recently that he had such a dream.

In the dream it was raining. He was lying in bed, and the blanket seemed to weigh a thousand catties. It was so heavy that he couldnt breathe.

Tap, tap, tap. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. Shen Yu struggled to open his eyes, and then he saw the King of Yue. The man was dressed in imperial coronation robes. He stood beside the bed, staring down at him with dark eyes.

Shen Yu, dont you see? No matter how unwilling you are, this emperor took the throne exactly as ordained. This is destiny, and you cannot change it

No, no!

Shen Yu struggled to get up but couldnt move at all. He broke out in a cold sweat.

Ah Yu, wake up.

A familiar voice came through the heavy curtain of rain. With difficulty Shen Yu opened his eyes and was startled by the face looming over him.

Shang JunLin saw the panic in his eyes and moved back a little. He touched Shen Yus sweaty forehead. Why is Ah Yu so afraid of this emperor?

TL Notes:

Apologies for not posting sooner! Its been a hectic semester and I was worried about my grades, so that had to take priority. Also, my beloved pet died which was stressful and distracting. Fortunately everything is going really well now and I expect to have more time. TY for bearing with me ()

Is that all? Ah Yu wont think about this emperor the rest of the time? ,  Is that the only time? What about the other times? Will Ah Yu stop thinking about this emperor? The tl during this exchange is a bit loose. When I tried to make it more accurate it sounded really stilted in English

Shang JunLin had the whip hand from the handle was in the hands of Shang JunLin To have someones handle in your hands is a common idiom which means you have evidence you can use to coerce or negotiate with someone

(the King of Yue is) useless be not worth educating; cannot be trained; hopeless of attainment by means of education or training; unpromising

go through a lot of effort only to benefit the aristocrats from didnt want to make wedding clothes for the aristocratic families To make a wedding dress for someone else is a common idiom which means to do something you hope will benefit yourself, only for someone else to benefit from it instead

catties jin, catty / (PRC) weight equal to 500 g / (Tw) weight equal to 600 g / (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g

Transliterated names, places, and titlesnew in this chapter:

Minister Feng

Minister Duan

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