The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 73: Heard you got sterilized

Chapter 73

Nian Suian had already discovered that while Gu Junxing appeared strict on the surface, he would actually agree to most of Gu Zhijing's requests. He just had to lecture him first.

Nian Suian had seen Gu Zhijing's room before. Not only did he have a laptop, but also a desktop computer specifically for gaming, complete with a gaming chair. Nian Suian didn't believe that Gu Zhijing had bought all those things with his own money; that kid even had to ask her for money to buy milk tea.

"If I agree to him quickly today, tomorrow he'll try to walk all over me," Gu Junxing thought. That kid was adept at taking a mile when given an inch. Although Gu Junxing would eventually agree to most reasonable requests, he couldn't let Gu Zhijing think it was too easy, otherwise, he'd start asking for anything and everything.

The next day at school, Gu Zhijing arrived with a big grin on his face. His mind was filled with thoughts of his new gaming room, so when he entered the school gates and noticed many people looking at him, he didn't immediately realize why.

"Am I looking particularly handsome today?" When he finally saw his classmates, Gu Zhijing caught up with them and asked, "Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Have you forgotten about the show you were on? Everyone in our school watched it!"

"Really?" Gu Zhijing couldn't believe it. To be honest, he thought the show was quite boring.

"Of course! You're way more famous now than that guy from our school who went on that talent show. He was eliminated in the first round, but you, you stood next to a famous actor. That's awesome!"

This revelation made Gu Zhijing's heart swell with pride. So after entering the school, he went to the cafeteria, the small shop, and the playground, strolling around the entire school to bask in his classmates' attention before strutting into the classroom just before the bell rang.

"Gu Zhijing," Hao Leyun, the class monitor, called out as soon as he entered.

"What is it? Want my autograph?" Gu Zhijing was feeling pleased with himself, thinking even the usually serious class monitor had become his fan. How cool was that?

"Hurry up and hand in your math homework. You're the only one who hasn't submitted it yet!"

Tch, no taste at all.

Gu Zhijing had no choice but to open his backpack, take out his math workbook, and give it to Hao Leyun before walking to his seat.

"Well, well, our big star has come to class!" Qu Zizhou approached with a grin.

"Keep it low-key, keep it low-key," Gu Zhijing replied.

Qi Jiahao, sitting in front of him, turned around to speak to Gu Zhijing.

"Zhijing, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Gu Zhijing replied, feeling his response was cool and aloof. He mentally gave himself a pat on the back.

"Is Ren Man's child really Yue Qingchi's?"

Gu Zhijing's face instantly darkened. "What's it to you? Mind your own business!"

Qu Zizhou next to him was laughing so hard he could barely stand straight. "This guy is Ren Man's die-hard fan. You couldn't have asked a worse person. Hahahahahahahaha!"

"Qu Zizhou! Can't you hear the bell? I could hear your laughter from downstairs. Come up here and tell me what's so funny!"

Qu Zizhou's laughter came to an abrupt halt. He looked up to see their math teacher standing at the podium, glaring at him.

"I'm sorry, teacher. I didn't mean to."


"What kind of good school has two math classes in a row first thing in the morning? Are they trying to kill me?!" Finally, after class ended, the four friends walked arm in arm to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I have something to tell you guys. It's good news," Gu Zhijing had been holding it in all morning, waiting to surprise them at lunch.

"What good news? Did you win the lottery?"

"Wait a minute! What's the rush? I'll tell you after we get our food."

"Just tell us already!" Chu Mingyan was the most impatient, unable to stand Gu Zhijing's dilly-dallying. As soon as they sat down, he spoke up, too anxious to even start eating.

"My dad agreed to let me set up a gaming room at home," Gu Zhijing said, then started eating. In his mind, he thought: Cheer! Applaud! Scream!

"No way! Really? Your dad actually agreed?!" Qu Zizhou had also brought up the idea at home before and was nearly scolded to death by his mom. Although he really wanted one too, he knew his friends' families were similar to his, so he didn't push for it.

"Why would I lie to you? Come over to my place on Saturday to play."

"How did you convince your dad? He even agreed to this kind of request?" They had met Zhijing's dad before, and all they dared to do was stand up, bow, and say "Hello, Uncle."

Qi Anlu stroked his chin, pretending to be profound, and said, "There's only one truth."


"Parents usually become more agreeable when they've done something they feel guilty about. Maybe your dad is planning to have another child and is trying to compensate you."

Gu Zhijing shook his head without hesitation. "Impossible!" Who would his dad have a child with? They didn't even live together, so how could they have a child? Gu Zhijing at least had this much common sense.

"How do you know it's impossible? It happened to my cousin. He always wanted to travel around the world, but my uncle never agreed. Then suddenly he agreed, and when my cousin returned from his year-long trip, he found he had a little brother."

"It's just not possible," Gu Zhijing knew better than to discuss family matters outside, so he made up an excuse, "My dad had a vasectomy, he can't have kids."

"Stop guessing. Who cares why he agreed? Are you coming to play or not?"

"Of course, of course!" Finally, they wouldn't have to sneak into underground internet cafes anymore. How could they pass up such a good opportunity?

That evening when Qu Zizhou went home, he told his mom about going to Gu Zhijing's house on Saturday. He also mentioned in passing what Gu Zhijing had said about his dad's vasectomy. It wasn't until he was in bed that night that he realized this might not have been appropriate, as his mom was a big gossip.

So even though Qu Zizhou repeatedly told his mom not to spread that information before leaving the house, by lunchtime the next day, he still felt compelled to tell Gu Zhijing about it.

"So what if she knows? It's not like your mom is going to go ask my dad if he really had a vasectomy," Gu Zhijing didn't think it was a big deal.

Indeed, Qu Zizhou's mother, Jiang Yun, wouldn't go ask Gu Junxing, but she would contact Nian Suian.

They had exchanged contact information at a previous parent-teacher meeting but hadn't been in touch since.

Nian Suian was quite surprised to suddenly receive a message from her.

[Qu Zizhou's mom Jiang Yun: Suian, there's something I'm not sure if I should tell you.]

Nian Suian knew that people who say this usually want to say something, and it's usually not good news. So she replied, [Please go ahead.]

[Qu Zizhou's mom Jiang Yun: My Zizhou heard this from your Zhijing. I heard that Mr. Gu had a vasectomy? You're still so young, have you decided not to have children in the future?]

To be honest, Nian Suian was stunned when she saw this. Whether or not she wanted children was one thing, and whether Gu Junxing had a vasectomy was none of her business, but wasn't it a bit problematic for Gu Zhijing to be discussing his own father's vasectomy with his friends?

[Nian Suian: Haha, we'll think about future matters in the future.] She then brushed it off with a few vague responses. She really didn't want to discuss this topic.

A few days passed, and Nian Suian hadn't mentioned it. Gu Zhijing had even forgotten about the whole thing until Friday night.

On Friday night, Gu Zhijing didn't have evening classes, so the family had a chance to sit down for dinner together.

After finishing her meal, Nian Suian first glanced at Gu Zhijing, then casually said to Gu Junxing, "I heard you had a vasectomy?"

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