The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 903: Infinite Super-Dimensional Space

Chapter 903: Infinite Super-Dimensional Space

Seeing the puzzled expression on Xiaya’s face, Tang Xin waved his hand, smiled kindly towards Xiaya and explained, “In this world, no, in this vast and boundless universe, there is not just one Dragon Ball World.”

“You mean, there are other Dragon Ball Worlds in this universe?” Xiaya exclaimed in surprise.

So there is really another Dragon Ball World, and it’s not just a parallel universe of the Dragon Ball World! Xiaya naturally understood that when the Universe King mentioned the “Dragon Ball World,” he was referring to the world of Dragon Ball as a whole.

In other words, outside of this whole, there is another whole?

“Yes, outside this world, there are other Dragon Ball Worlds,” Universe King said calmly, glancing at Android 18, who still seemed puzzled. She probably wouldn’t understand what Dragon Ball World meant.

Then his attention fell on Xiaya again, and he chuckled, “The world we are currently in is vast, but whether it’s the Multiverse, Time Realm, Angel Realm, or Dragon Realm, they can only be considered as parts of this world. Let’s call this world ‘Dragon Ball World’ for now. And outside of it, there are infinite and vast worlds and these worlds exist together in a space called the ‘Infinite Super-Dimensional Space’!”

“Infinite Super-Dimensional Space?” Xiaya pondered over these words. The meaning of the term ‘Super-Dimensional’ could be understood. Just as a person’s perspective determines their perception of the “sky,” the concept of this “sky” changes layer by layer as one’s knowledge expands. Beyond the Dragon Ball World, there exists a dimension. It is only by jumping out of one circle and entering a larger one that the term “Super-Dimensional” becomes fitting to describe a wider and more vast dimension.

As for…infinite? His expression suddenly changed, and a bolt of lightning flashed through his mind as he suddenly remembered the scene he saw before he crossed over to the Dragon Ball World.

At that time, he awoke in a dim and lightless space, struggling for countless years. One after another, sudden flashes of light passed by him continuously. He exerted all his strength to rush into one of the particularly large light clusters, after which he was born on Planet Vegeta.

Could it be that those light clusters each represent a world?

Infinite, does it mean that there are countless worlds in the Super-Dimensional Space?

At this moment, Tang Xing walked to Tang Xin’s side and stood alongside him. Seeing Xiaya’s sudden change in expression as if he had recalled something, she didn’t continue to leave him in suspense.

“In the Infinite Super-Dimensional Space, there are countless different worlds – anime, novel, movies and television, all are possible. Back then, Tang Xing and I coincidentally crossed over to one of those worlds. And coincidentally, it was also a world with the Dragon Ball storyline. Although that world was not as high level as the current one, the storyline was very similar.”

“We call that world ‘Primordial World’.”

“My identity is Primordial World’s Android 18. Unfortunately, due to the laws and restrictions of that world, I couldn’t train like Lazuli in this world. Afterwards, I thought of every possible method, and finally used Potara Earrings to fuse with another parallel world’s Android 18 to improve the situation somewhat.”

“That’s also the reason why Lazuli and I have some connection, because apart from our souls, our ‘origins’ are very similar.”

Saying that, Tang Xing’s bright, limpid eyes looked towards Lazuli.

Similarly having fused using Potara Earrings, Tang Xing is very similar to Lazuli. That’s why only Lazuli received the care and attention of Tang siblings, while other Androids were not so fortunate like 18.

“Since you went to the Primordial World, how did you become the Time King and Universe King of this world?”

This was what Xiaya was confused about. He didn’t know what Tang Xing and Tang Xin experienced in the past.

“Don’t rush, let me explain slowly…” Tang Xing smiled and continued, “Tang Xin and I went through a lot in the Primordial World, until hundreds of years later, while wandering in the universe, we met Mavis. At that time, our strength had already reached the limit of that world, so we unexpectedly broke through that world and returned to Earth.”

“You, returned to Earth?” Xiaya’s voice trembled. From what they are saying, after breaking through the limits of the world, one could return to the real world?

“Yes, we went back. At that time, Buu and Mavis also followed us back. However, when we returned to Earth, we found that it had changed a lot. More than seven hundred years had passed in the real world, and the people on Earth had already left the solar system and entered the era of space exploration. Earth was no longer the Earth we remembered.”

As she spoke, Tang Xing’s voice fluctuated, and her gem-like, sparkling eyes shimmered, as if immersed in the memories of the past.

They couldn’t find any sense of familiarity and belonging from the unfamiliar Earth. Tang Xing and Tang Xin, during that time, viewed Earth merely as their home planet remembered in their minds, but in reality, it had become entirely foreign to them.

Hearing Tang Xing saying that hundreds of years had passed on Earth, Xiaya’s eyes widened and he exclaimed, “Impossible! When I crossed over, it was the 21st century. If you say that hundreds of years had passed when you returned, the timeline doesn’t match at all.”

If what she said was true, it means that when he crossed over, they hadn’t returned from the Primordial World yet, so why were they already present in this world when he arrived?

Xiaya couldn’t believe it, and the Great Heaven Official Mavis, who had been silent all along, spoke up. “Xiaya, you underestimate the amount of time you spent in the Infinite Super-Dimensional Space. Time flows differently there, and it’s possible for it to be just a moment or countless eras. Without a complete frame of reference, time itself has no meaning.”

Hearing that, Xiaya was stunned for a moment before smiling bitterly. Maybe it’s really like that. It seemed that the time spent in the Infinite Super-Dimensional Space had caused a discrepancy in time between him and Tang Xing and the others.

He indeed remembered feeling that way at that time. In the boundless darkness without any light, he didn’t know how long he had been there, whether it was a year, two years, or even longer. He couldn’t remember.

He only knew that he had been drifting aimlessly in that boundless place as bright and dark tiny light clusters floated past his eyes.

“So what happened next? Since you had returned to Earth, why did you appear in this world afterwards?” It’s surely not because they couldn’t adapt to the real world, so they returned to the Dragon Ball World just to show off, right? But, to be honest, with Time King who is holy and supreme, Universe King who is imposing and dominant, and the wind they stir up in front of the Great Heaven Official and the Great Demon God, they’re really showing off to the fullest.

Of course, Xiaya was just speculating, knowing that the real situation couldn’t be so shallow.

“This is what we wanted to tell you,” Tang Xin’s expression turned serious.

“We appeared in this world again because of a woman.” Tang Xing’s usually beautiful face looked unusually solemn.

“A woman?” Xiaya was shocked.

“The other party is a beautiful woman with long golden hair which is slightly curly, and emerald green eyes. We don’t know who ‘she’ is, so let’s just assume she’s a god for now.”

“You see, when we returned to Earth back then, although we weren’t as strong as we are now, we still had the strength at the fourth level of Divine Realm. But when we encountered that woman in the universe, we couldn’t even muster the most basic resistance against her. No, we couldn’t even summon the thoughts to resist her. She was like the ultimate origin of everything, the essence of everything… the root of everything, not allowing any resistance.”

“At that time, she said that we no longer belonged to the real world, so she didn’t allow us to stay in the real world, and then casually waved her hand, sending us back to the Infinite Super-Dimensional Space, and then we entered this world.”

Saying this, Tang Xin showed a bitter smile on his face, perhaps that was their most embarrassing moment.

“There was actually such a powerful person in the real world?”

“Golden curly hair, emerald green eyes, who could she be?”

Suddenly, so many unimaginable pieces of information appeared, and Xiaya felt a headache coming on. He needed to sort them out properly. The identities of the Time King and Universe King were surprising enough for him, and now there is another particularly mysterious god with tremendous power who even the Time King and Universe King couldn’t resist.

“Xiaya, what are you guys talking about?” Android 18’s voice rang in his ears, and she looked confused as she looked at everyone present.

Among the people present, only Android 18 didn’t understand what everyone was talking about.

Xiaya gave her a reassuring look and gestured for her to remain quiet. Then he turned to the Time King and asked, “So, do you have any way to leave this world now?”

Tang Xing said, “Yes, that’s why we created Time Realm and Angel Realm after the end of the first era in this world.”

“According to the classification of world levels by the Infinite Super-Dimensional Space, all worlds are divided into twelve star levels, with one star being the weakest and twelve stars being the strongest. The world we are currently in is an eleven-star world, while Mavis and Buu’s home, Primordial World, is a nine-star world, two levels lower than this one.”

“When we entered this world initially, because the world had just been born, Tang Xin and I were the first to integrate some of the laws within this dimension. I integrated time and space, while Tang Xing integrated order. However, this also made it difficult for us to leave this world and venture outside, as any changes to the laws would plunge the entire world into endless chaos.”

“I and Tang Xin have calculated and found that only by gathering four different types of powers can we stabilize this world and have a way to leave it.”

Upon hearing this, Xiaya asked, “How many types do we have now?” As soon as he asked, he realized the answer himself.

Based on the information he currently possessed, Tang Xing and Tang Xin each controlled one type of power, so the third type of power must be the miraculous power of Dragon God Zalama.

Sure enough, Tang Xing’s answer was three types.

“Space-time, Order, and Miracle. There are already three types now. Originally, Buu also had a chance to obtain one, but during the 2nd era, he failed due to too much interference from the Spirit King, and the chances of success in the future are very slim.”

When she mentioned this, Tang Xing’s resentment towards the Spirit King was palpable.

“Alright, let’s not talk about that for now,” Tang Xin interrupted Tang Xing and looked at Xiaya, saying, “The reason we called you here is not only to tell you this, but also to help you. Your body contains three types of power: Space-Time, Order and Miracle. Although you are following the path of God of Time, we have great expectations for you. Who knows, maybe you can even discover a fourth type of power.”

“You may not know, when we joined forces with Dragon God to develop the current era, we drew inspiration from the Dragon Ball storyline in the Primordial World, while also adding many new things to see if we could create a fourth transcendent being that is different from the previous three. And your unexpected appearance has given us a glimmer of hope.”

In the end, whether Xiaya can transcend or not and comprehend the fourth type of power, neither Tang Xing nor Tang Xin can guarantee, but having a little hope is already good enough.

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