The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1151 - 1151 CHAPTER 1120 THE HEART


They spat out blood but because of their abnormal regeneration ability, they quickly recover but when they raise their head, they no longer see the figure of the clone.

“Oh no! It turned invisible!” The first elder exclaims, hearing this, the clan head’s expression also turns ugly.

“It seems that our enemy is also interested in the heart of this plane.” He says as he looks at the surrounding darkness with vigilance.

Meanwhile, Shadowslash who was “thrown” to the bottom stands up and disperses his illusion, looking above, he knows that his clone had self-destruct.

“Let us see how the two of you are going to complete the mission if you lose the basic trust between each other.” He proclaims as he summons multiple clones once again.

All of the clones have the same appearance as the clan head and the first elder, he orders them to hide in the darkness and harass the two while he tries to find the location of the heart.

He cannot help but think ‘Considering that the forces of the Martial World are already in Gaia, it is convenient to attack at this current moment.’

The ones that are enlisted in this war are already rearing to go, they are just waiting for his signal, without hesitation, he sends a mental message to his fox avatar and tells it to ring the bell of war.

DONG! DONG! DONG! The sound of the bell reverberates everywhere in Gaia, the people quickly realise that the war against the Giant’s Plane is now happening.


Instantly, the martial artists of Martial World that are currently waiting in Invincible Empire start teleporting into the Necro Abyss, once a forbidden location inside Blue World but is now a part of Sans’ territory.

Once the martial artists and Qi cultivators enter Giant’s Plane, they are shaken to their core, they did not expect to see such large trees just after their arrival.

Fairy Su is present in the first batch, she looks at the stunned fighters of their world and cannot help but sympathise with their emotions.

She felt the same thing when she first arrived on this plane, she felt tiny and weak, if it were not for the protection of the army of Gaia, she wouldn’t have been able to survive in this plane.

“Everyone, please adjust your condition once you arrive, because we have the protection of Gaia, we would not experience the harsh conditions of this plane for three days, use this opportunity to adjust your body.” She knows that once the true gravitational force of this plane descends into the body of these individuals, they will have a hard time standing up.

One by one, the ships responsible for transporting the people of Martial World appear, in another location, Russel arrives together with Golden Dragon, the two of them stare at the world in front of them and cannot help but sigh.

BOOM! They crash to the ground, Russel quickly adjusts his body and lands perfectly, Golden Dragon, not so much, he crashes in an ungraceful manner, he turns to his friend with an embarrassed expression.

Russel laughs “I think that if the war truly happens, I will bring you back to my territory, you can train your physical body in my world.”

“I appreciate it.” Golden Dragon smiles, Russel quickly grabs him and reappears towards a different spot, one by one, the beasts that are going to participate in the battle in this plane start falling.

The ground trembles every time one of them touches the ground, Golden Dragon feels better after seeing their miserable appearance.

Russel turns to him and says “Wow, you adapt so quickly, no wonder my big brother says that if the Divine Realm is still open, you would have already ascended.”

Golden Dragon felt proud after hearing that Shadowslash praised him, he raised his head high, unfortunately for him, a beast that looks like a Qilin lands atop of him.

The Qilin tried to hold his weight but sadly, the amount of pressure was just too heavy and the change was too fast for him to react.

Russel laughs after seeing this but he knows that more will crash into the ground, without hesitation, he grabs Golden Dragon and the two of them reappear in one of the leaves of the giant trees.

Even the graceful phoenix crashes into the ground once their body fully enters this realm, the most pitiful ones are the earliest ones.

Golden Dragon and Russel were watching with schadenfreude, they were laughing at the misery of the beasts, Russel even says “I wish I had popcorn and drinks.”

“What is a popcorn? is it a different breed of corn?” Golden Dragon asks.

“It is a type of food that is quite popular in Gaia, it is perfect if you are watching something entertaining, I will give you some after we return.”

Unlike the people from the Martial World, the beasts in Beast Plane have to bear the harsh conditions of this plane without any preparation, Golden Dragon agrees that this is right.

If his army cannot even handle the conditions of this plane, he will be too ashamed to take credit in any merits they will obtain in this war.

“How pathetic, look at their appearance, at least the members of the Mythical Beast Clans managed to fly for a couple of seconds before crashing down.” Golden Dragon sighs after saying this.

Russel turns to him, he asks with a mischievous smirk “What about you? You crashed to the ground earlier.”

Golden Dragon becomes a bit embarrassed but he shakes his head “I was looking at you, when I feel the pressure, I just let it dawn on me, thinking that this was normal.”

Russel quickly recalls their earlier experience and it seems that what he had said is true, Golden Dragon adds “Even though they still have not stepped foot in this plane, they can see what is happening, why are they still crashing like fools?”

While the Martial World and Beast Plane armies are now gathering in this plane, back to where Shadowslash is, the situation in the dark underground-like place is extremely strange.

After searching for a while now, he still has not found the heart, this confuses him as his divine sense is something that he is confident of, he frowns before deciding to use the power of the bloodline.

Since the Behemoths were able to use the heart in the past, they definitely did something to it, the importance of such an item is very heavy for their entire race.

‘Found it!’ Sensing a powerful fluctuation from afar, Shadowslash immediately knew that it was the thing that he was looking for.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Suddenly, the entire underground world starts shaking, Shadowslash turns towards the location of the explosion and frowns.

“It seems that the two had already met my clones but so be it, they are not a match against me anyway.” After saying this, he advances towards the heart.

When he arrives at the location of the heart, his expression becomes serious, it was actually a Divine Fragment, it is unlike the two Fragments he has, they are Universal Fragments, the thing in front of him is a tiny part of the Divine Realm.

“So the Divine Realm is considered as an incomplete realm, hahaha, it seems that the intense desire of this universe to protect itself is actually destroying itself from the inside.” He mumbles to himself before putting his hand on the heart.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Another intense shaking occurs, this time, it was not because of the battle between the clones and the two peak Rankers of the Behemoth Race.

This time, it is because of the mobilisation of the fragment or the heart of this plane, all the beings in this plane start reacting violently, it seems that this plane is protecting itself from Shadowslash’s invasion.

Unlike the Behemoth Race that tried to control it partially by using their clan members as sacrifice, Shadowslash is intent on making it his own.

“I have obtained two Universal Fragments, reign control on them! Do you really think a measly fragment like you can stop me?!” He shouts as he uses the full strength of his divine sense.

The shaking of the dark underground world intensifies, meanwhile, in order to protect itself, this plane instinctively tries to annihilate any intruders, that means that the people from Martial World and Beast Plane are now in danger.

Shadowslash does not know this, for him, he will control the heart of this plane so that he can easily conquer the Behemoth Race then this entire plane of existence.

“Let go of that you b*stard!” The clan head of the Behemoth Race arrives at the scene and sees their enemy trying to control the heart of this plane.

He burns with anxiety and fury, he roars and fires a Cannon Roar towards Shadowslash, sensing the attack, the latter was forced to let go of the heart.

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