The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1157 - 1157 CHAPTER 1126 DESPERATION ||


“So be it, I will cut all of you down myself.” He summons a spirit sword and with a wave of his hand, he gathers the blood and limbs in the area.

The blood, flesh and bones of the Behemoths then fuses with the spirit sword, creating a very devilish lookin sword, it gleams in sharpness and death.

Seeing a different clone, the Behemoths immediately know that he is the real target, they all roar and charge towards him.

“Well, it seems that there is not enough blood to create another sword, let us fight with just this one.” He mumbles to himself.

His gaze then sharpens as he steps forward and waves his sword, creating a large sword Qi, it flies towards the Behemoths, multiple of them work together to block the sword Qi.

The rest continues to charge towards their target, Shadowslash takes a deep breath and dense spirit Qi swirls around him.

“Lunar Fang!” He roars, his figure moves at the speed of sound and reappears besides one of the Behemoths.

Instinctively, the Behemoth tries to harden its body but it is futile, the sword cuts its head cleanly, Shadowslash is not finished yet, after cutting the head, he spins and his sword blocks one of the Behemoths’ attack.

He was pushed a couple of meters backward by the impact, he chuckles and spins, cutting the head of the Behemoth that tries to cut off his head.


“You guys might have become Ascending Divine Rankers but do you really think that you are capable of taking me down that easily?” His aura erupts and a powerful might bursts out of his body.

“I will show you why I am crowned as the strongest being in this realm?!” Even with such a low ranking avatar, Shadowslash does not want to lose, not just for himself but also for his family and subjects.

He is their spiritual pillar, if he ever faces defeat in such an easy manner, their confidence will be broken and many of them will definitely be in a bottleneck.

He slashes with extreme speed, cutting off two Behemoths heads, he then spins continuously, creating a tornado of sword Qi, it is basically like his sword style Nitoryu, Mayonaka no tatsumaki (Two Swords Style, Midnight Tornado) but because he only has one sword, he had to do extra movements.

The spinning tornado is set ablaze, the burning flame is no ordinary flame but contains the primordial law of fire, together with the lunar yin Qi of that of a fox, it was a higher version of a Foxfire.

The tornado contains to grow bigger and stronger, the clones then starts to force the remaining Behemoths towards the tornado, many of them was destroyed by their enemy but some of them were successful.

The clones were engulfed in flames, turning them into ashes but the Behemoths that they had brought with them also suffered the same fate.

ROAR! Karl was actually fighting a berserk Descending Divine Ranker Behemoth all by himself, he is at an disadvantage but he has no intention of retreating.

Its eyes were burning with killing intent, Don Don suddenly appears and punches the side of his enemy, he shouts “Big brother, let me help you!”

Karl is no fool, he knows that with his current strength, he is no match against a high level Descending Divine Ranker whom had gone berserk and is a race that is known to be warmongers in the Divine Realm.

He spits out dense cluster of flame that causes the Behemoth to cry in pain, it hits him with a Cannon Roar, blowing him away, Don Don becomes furious.

He spins and hits the Behemoth’s face, it was thrown to the side, Don Don was about to continue but another Behemoth arrives and attacks him.

“F*ck!” He was also blown away just like Karl, the two of them crashes with each other, the two of them looks at each other and nods.

They charge without hesitation, they might not be a match against a two versus two but they do not care about such odd, they are going to use this as an opportunity to hone themselves, either they breakthrough to a higher rank or die trying.

In the ocean, the Leviathans were now fighting against multiple ocean beasts, many of the Leviathans are currently heavily injured while a couple of them died fighting against multiple opponents.

ROAR! Suddenly, countless roars can be heard which shocked the Leviathans, the pressure of the ocean of this plane is extremely great, creating a sound in it is quite difficult for ordinary beasts, much less a loud roar.

Derranger then sees multiple dragon figures charging towards the incoming ocean beasts, he was startled, he cannot help but mumble “Are they our reinforcement?”

“Yes, the Sea Dragon Race of Gaia has arrived, we are the royal army of Invincible Empire!” A domineering and confident voice was heard, a Sea Dragon wearing a crystal blue armour appears.

Derranger looks behind him and sees his old friend Sea Dragon Commander, the former king of their race has become the true leader of their entire military power.

“Is there anyone else coming?” Sea Dragon Commander looks like he was hurt by this question.

Derranger rolls his eyes “Do not play coy with me, considering the strength of Gaia, you guys are not the only ones that is going to help us, right?”

Sea Dragon Commander snorts “I hate the fact that your kind was once our closest friend, I cannot even hide such news to you.”

Derranger once again rolls his eyes “Someone as old as you should not play this type of game, it is creepy.”

Sea Dragon Commander answers back “Says the mature virgin, how is that you are still acting mature when you hadn’t truly become a man?”

Derranger raises his head high, puffs out his chest a little “Hahaha! Sorry to break your bubbles but I am no longer the same guy as before!”

PAK! PAK! Someone slaps their head, it was actually the Aqua Race Ancestor, he is just like Sea Dragon King, the two of them are now respective rulers of their military power.

“Shut up and focus! We are at war! Cut the short talk and let us focus on our enemy!” The two grumbles inwardly but they still agree that they should stop chatting.

The Aqua Race Army might not be as brutal and powerful as the Sea Dragon Army in terms of pure destruction but their abilities can cause major headache for their enemies.

“Leave the support to us, remember, when one of your team obtains heavy injuries, immediately send them to us, we are going to decrease the casualty rate as much as possible.” The two rulers nodded, the Sea Dragon Race have been working with the Aqua Race, they know how to cooperate.

Derranger might not be as proficient as his two buddies but the Leviathans are known to be fierce warriors of the sea, he is confident that they can destroy their enemy with the help of these two.

The Sea Dwellers of Martial World arrives but seeing the intensity of the battle between the two force, they become listless, they know that even if they help, their help will be negligible in front of such a high grade battle.

But even so, they charge towards their targets, the only way for them to advance quickly is to earn enough merits points.

“Kill! As long as we obtain enough merits, we can increase our authority back on our homeworld! Those land dwellers are only in the rise because of Cultivator Adonis but we know that he will not stay long on our world, this is our chance to be the rulers of that world once again!” Hearing this, the eyes of the ocean dwellers becomes bloody red.

They all agree to what their queen have said, Martial World was once their domain but because of Don Don’s existence, they are reduced into second place, they are not angry with him but to themselves.

They all saw what he is capable of and how much hard work he had put into in order to be what he is now, that is why, they are going to use this opportunity to shine so that in the upcoming battles, that will be nominated to be the participants.

The dark blue ocean becomes red with the blood of those that had fallen, seeing the deceased, those that are considered as comrades, families and lovers shed silent tears for them.

ROAR! Back on the Behemoth’s territory, Fringe has finally arrives and the first thing he did was to attack the closest Behemoth from him.

BANG! His attack actually did not hurt his target, he was shocked but before he could recover from his surprise, his opponent attacked him with a powerful swing of its paw.

BAM! He was blown to the ground, a pit was formed below him, he coughed out blood because the attack caught him by surprise.

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