The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1160 - 1160 CHAPTER 1129 GIANT’S PLANE DEFEATED


Shadowslash knows this and accepts their challenge with his attack, his sword intent and power law is destroying the destructive might of the thunderball while his devouring technique and ability powered with his Plunder law is absorbing the excess energy increasing his strength.

ROAR! He lets out a loud roar and his body increases in size, the thunderball is then cut into halves and the power of his blow continues to fly towards his enemies’ side.

The Titans accept their fate with a calm expression, they watch as the sword Qi approaches them.

That thunderball is their last attack, it contains the entire strength of their group and since Shadowslash is capable of destroying it, they know that they already lost.

What they do not know is that, within their opponent’s body, their thunderbolts are swimming and electrocuting him constantly, wreaking his entire body.

But he feels that this was a worthy sacrifice to finish his enemies, he cannot deny that the Titan Race is truly the strongest race in this plane in the past but this is going to change.

The Giant’s Plane is no longer going to be an independent realm of existence, it will be fused with Gaia, becoming his own power and completing one of the requirements that will help his world become a small universe.

As the Titans were obliterated into nothing, the battle on other sides are still ongoing, the beast army of Beast Plane are now at their wits end, not because of their enemy but because they are now lost.

Giant’s Plane is much bigger than their plane and with the existence of the trees and the fact that the sky seems to suppress them, they are now traveling without any idea where to go.


The army of beasts that they had been fighting against had become weaker all of a sudden, making the cleaning job easier for them but right now, they become similar to mindless beasts, just going around without any plan.

Russel who was watching all of this starts laughing, Golden Dragon looks at him with an obvious frown and glares at him but this does not stop him from laughing his ass off.

He pouts, making Russel shivers, he quickly says “Stop making such an expression, your status makes it very unbefitting.”

‘Not to mention your appearance.’ He adds this inwardly but he knows that his friend is now feeling embarrassed so he did not say this out loud.

Golden Dragon sighs “Okay, I give up, what should we do in this situation? Are we not going to meet up with your big brother?”

Russel shakes his head “That is not needed, What we should do right now is to build a base in this area, we then gather resources in the area, by the way have you listened to my advice?”

Golden Dragon nods, he waves his hand, a couple of beasts brought some of this plane’s native beasts, they are still in a state of berserk, trying to attack their captors.

“Good, after my big brother completes his conquest over this plane, we can release them in order to repopulate this plane.” Golden Dragon finally realises why Russel told him earlier that they should capture some of the beasts.

He nods, his army is still fighting against thousands of mad beasts but considering that they have become weaker, he is no longer worried.

The situation back on Gaia’s side is also similar, they are much stronger than the beast army of Beast Plane but only those that are at the same level as them, so overall, they are a lot weaker but with their abilities and techniques that they had learned throughout their years of training, their combat strength is now formidable.

The seven calamitous beasts were also one of the reasons why they are winning, their strength and abilities are terrifying, they can turn the land into a desert.

Erupting Flames, Harsh Blizzard, Ruthless Tornadoes, Thunder Strikes, Tidal Waves and Earthquakes.

Multiple disasters were seen by the warriors of Martial World, they cannot help but feel a chill running down their spines after seeing just how terrifying the seven calamitous beasts are.

The sect leader of the extreme sword sect cannot help but say “No wonder they carry the title calamity in their names.”

Fairy Su agrees “During my time here, they do not make any drastic movements but it seems that they are just waiting for Great Lord Shadowslash’s signal.”

The sword sect leader asks “How about our warriors, have they contributed in this battle?”

He had been too busy fighting against the mad beasts together with the members of Martial Beast Sect.

Fairy Su nods her head “Even though our strength is the lowest, we still managed to contribute in this battle, we protected the civilians and at the same time took down some of the giant beasts.”

The sword sect leader heaves a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Fairy Su chuckles “Are you worried about venerable Adonis’ opinion?”

The sword sect leader nods his head “Yes, I cannot deny nor want to, venerable Adonis is our world’s main ruler, he is both benevolent and fair to us, I do not want to disappoint him.”

Fairy Su pats his back “Do not worry, unless our men are stupid enough to fail such a simple mission, we do not need to worry about failing Venerable Adonis’ expectations.”

The sword sect leader can only agree with her, he then charges towards the weakening birds, after Shadowslash defeated all the Titans, this plane’s energy was used up and can no longer sustain the consumption of its children.

Back on Behemoth’s territory, Shadowslash is now collecting the remaining Behemoths, with his connection with Gaia and Safehaven Paradise, together with his mastery over the spatial law, he throws them into an uninhabited world.

But in doing so, he expends all of his remaining energy, after all, cross plane transportation is already stretching his boundary in the lower plane, if only he had total control over this plane, he would have easily transported them back to Safehaven Paradise.

‘At least it is over.’ He inwardly said as he fell asleep, his body then expanded and he started fusing with this plane.

He cannot directly fuse with this plane since it is now protecting itself with its entire strength, the only way to enter its core once again is to practically destroy it and he is not willing to waste such a high quality domain.

So he decides to use this method to trick this plane into fusing with a powerful being that is considered its children, since planes and worlds have similarities, they can also have a chosen one but they seldom use this ability.

Back on the Divine Realm, Shadowslash snaps his eyes open and feels refreshed, he then asks “Amethyst, have you obtain the accurate information regarding the changes of my body?”

[Affirmative, your body will continue to grow stronger as you absorb more high quality energies, the higher the quality, the quicker your true potential will be unleashed.]

“It seems that my body is truly trying to become an immortal body but even if I accomplish this, I will be unable to take on both armies by myself.”

Now that the Giant’s Plane is now within his grasp, he can focus on his other plans.

Firstly, he needs to increase the strength of the warriors in this realm, after all, if they lose too easily, then, the next target will be them and he cannot deny that he is not able to take on the army of both the Demon and Plunder Universe.

Since this is the case, he needs to increase the strength of the high ranking clans and in order to do that, he needs to enter the clan themselves.

“First up, the ruler of the ocean, Immortal Ocean Fairy Race.” He mumbles before flying towards the direction of the domain in this realm that contains the largest body of water.

Using his mastery over spatial law, he jumps from one location after another, not caring about the consumption of energy.

“By the way, Amethyst, have you created a new technique or upgraded Heaven Swallowing Technique?” This is very important for him since his skills and techniques that he had learned back in the lower realm are losing their usefulness in this realm.

[Negative, I can create small techniques but it will be of no use towards your current condition, the only way for you to obtain a more powerful skill is to learn multiple ones and I can fuse them with many of the skills in my database.]

Shadowslash nods, he then smiles “Then we are in luck, as long as we obtain many immortal techniques from the territories that we will visit, we can increase our strength.”

[But big brother, you do not have enough time to review many of the techniques, the two armies are now approaching at rapid speed, it will not be long before they arrive.]

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