The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster



Besides, Since this person barges into this place representing the Everlasting Whale Race, he definitely is important to his race and someone is definitely looking after him.

Just like what he had thought, there is an individual that is watching the battle from the start, he is different from the usual warm hearted and gentle members of the Everlasting Whale Race.

He is like a block of cold ice, even after Zedrick’s Grandfather tries to ease off the tension, he is still unfeeling and distant, he didn’t even have any reaction upon watching their champion being beaten by Shadowslash.

After a long time, he finally speaks “Give my thanks to your grandson, it seems that he had expected this.”

Alex looks extremely proud, raising his head, he brags “Of course, besides, he is my descendent after all, of course he will be as great as me.”

Meanwhile, the battle between Shadowslash and the giant whale reaches the second round, now that his opponent is an Immortal, Alexander can finally join the fight.

“Heya!” Shadowslash rides Alexander as the two of them charge towards their opponent without hesitation.

HUM! The giant whale lets out a loud hum as the water in their surroundings starts to get riled up, the pressure quickly doubles and it continues to increase by the second.

Shadowslash and Alexander aren’t affected by this, after all, just like the Everlasting Whale Race, they also have the Leviathan bloodline coursing through their veins.


Their speed does not slow down, on the contrary, they even increase their speed, Shadowslash thrusts his spear towards his opponent.

HUM, a loud humming sound is once again heard, the power of the sound spreads all over the area.

The shockwave of the hum blocks the incoming spear Qi, it looks like a sonic boom from afar, the power even reaches those that were watching.

“Do you really think that you are the only one that can control the sea?!” Shadowslash’s roar before his own elemental control starts going haywire.

The pressure of the water around him intensifies to ten times, if any Xiantian dares to enter this location, they will instantly be crushed.

“Take my punch!” He punches his opponent once again, just as the whale is about to tank the attack, Shadowslash pulls back his hand and swings his spear.

“Ocean Splitting Swing!” The powerful attack is accompanied by a powerful law of power and spear intent, the blow cuts a large chunk of flesh from the giant whale.

Blood seeps out of the wound, the attack is too sudden, the giant whale is too unprepared, Alexander then fires a dragon breath that hits the wound accurately.

ROAR! The giant whale lets out a loud roar filled with anger but more of pain, unfortunately for him, his opponent will not give him mercy, the two continue their barrage of attacks towards him.

“Ten Thousand Fierce Strikes!”


“Dragon Piercing Through Heaven!”


“Ocean Splitting Swing!”


The teamwork between the two overwhelms the newly broken through young master of the Everlasting Whale Race.

Even though he knows many immortal techniques, unfortunately, he is still getting used to his new realm, he is fighting like a non-immortal, making it a very disadvantageous situation for him.

The whale that is watching everything speaks “Our race admits defeat, stop your grandson.”

Hearing this, Alex immediately makes a move and blocks the fierce spear strikes that Shadowslash is dishing out, seeing this, the expression of the giant whale becomes ugly.

He hums but looking at his appearance, Alex can only shake his head “It is your guardian that admits defeat in your stead and I do not blame him, unless you master your current realm, continuing this battle will be futile.”

Shadowslash looks at his opponent and says “Once I reach the Immortal Cultivation Realm and become an Immortal, you can challenge me once again in order to reclaim your honour.”

The giant whale looks at him with a grateful expression before fainting, another giant whale appears, this one is much larger than the whale that Shadowslash had just fought.

“Well done, warrior of the Ocean Fairy Race, you proved to me that the rumours regarding you are no mere rumours, I look forward to the time when you will fight alongside the young masters of our race.” After saying all of this, he brings the fainted giant whale with him and leaves.

Alex turns to him and asks “Can you still fight? If not, you can postpone your challenge, no one will blame you.”

He shakes his head “Now that Alexander has returned, I am more confident than ever, by the way grandpa, are our preparations going smoothly?”

“Yes, actually, the real reason for this is because of some ignorant bxstards that actually doubt your report, they feel that you are exaggerating the situation a bit.”

Shadowslash raises his eyebrows but he had already expected this, after all, there are some people that want to keep their current identity as much as possible.

If they ever truly leave their current territory, much of their authority will disappear, they do not want this to happen.

“Because of this, our supreme leaders sent multiple warriors to the battlefield that you have told us and none of them managed to return, they still sent some images back to us and we realised that you aren’t exaggerating one bit, on the contrary.” Shadowslash stops him before he can continue.

“I wish to give you pressure in order to complete the procedure in a more prepared manner but also not giving you too much of a scare that will end the flame of hope surging deep within your hearts.” Hearing this, the expression of Alex becomes complicated.

“We should have listened to you, now, many of the fighters that have decided to stay are now hesitating, at first, they want to take some opponents down with them in order to give them help but after seeing the difference between this realm and our enemies, we look like ants that can be crushed with their fingers.” He sighs mournfully.

Shadowslash shakes his head “Those that were doubting me and are trying to preserve their current authority shall stay, I cannot risk them destroying my hard work all of these years because of their greed.”

Hearing this, Alex trembles “Zendrick, promise me this, you are going with our clan and lead them in that new realm that you are talking about.”

Shadowslash who was about to leave and return to the arena froze, silence descended in the area, Alex speaks once again “It seems that I am right but hear this, your father, all the elders and even me will capture you and let our clansmen bring you with them.”

His voice becomes solemn “You are the last hope of our clan, every elders were ready to lay their lives in order to let you survive as all of them agree that you are the only individual in this realm that might be able to keep our legacy strong.”

Shadowslash sighs “It seems that I have talked too much, grandpa, I respect you and I love father, do you really think that I will leave you guys fighting our enemies knowing that the two of you will certainly die?”

Alex releases his powerful aura “Zendrick! Your love means nothing in front of our clan’s survival, whether you like it or not, you will survive the incoming apocalypse!”

Shadowslash sighs inwardly ‘It seems that I can only take over a fighter that will stay, I want to know just how strong the armies of the Demon and Plunder Universes.’

This is the only reason why he wants to stay in this domain, unfortunately, it seems that he had shined too brightly during all of this chaos, making him the only ray of hope for the entirety of the Sea Horse Dragon Clan.

Seeing him leave, Alex sighs “Knowing that you truly want to stay and fight alongside me and your father is all I need.”

“You have given birth to a wonderful son, my idiot son.”

Shadowslash wants to continue his challenge, unfortunately, the battle between him and the giant whale shocked everyone too much, now, no one wants to accept his challenge except for those that are on the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

He might have confidence but he knows that it is considered suicidal for him to challenge an Immortal in his current realm, he is not that stupid or arrogant to ignore such a fact.

“I wonder how Amethyst is doing?” He mumbles, the person he is thinking about is actually at a different domain right now, just like what she did on Ocean Domain,

She is completing the mission that Shadowslash has tasked himself with, she has now persuaded seven domains all by herself.

She is now nicknamed as the goddess by the beings of this realm, some tried to harm her but since she is using Shadowslash’s body and the blessing of this realm, she is untouchable.

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