The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster



Golden Dragon nods and with his quickest speed, he arrives at the location of the Divine Nine Tailed Fox Race territory.

This location is the worst current place in the realm because of how torn and bleak it is after the war against the invaders.

Fortunately for the Divine Nine Tailed Fox Race, there is a “No Attack Agreement” amongst the Mythical Beast Clans after the war.

They are now developing well by using their relationships with the other races and using their intelligence to trade with Gaia.

Seeing Golden Dragon, everyone in the clan was alarmed, they know that, the individuals that hold the highest authority in the realm currently are Golden Dragon and Ancestor Fenghuang.

A beautiful fox woman appears, together with the higher ups of the clan, they bow to Golden Dragon and greet him with respect and a little bit of fear “We greet the Supreme Commander.”

Supreme Commander is the title that Russel gave to Golden Dragon after watching and evaluating the situation of Beast Plane.

Golden Dragon nods his head, he now has the arrogance of beings in position but he is not making it difficult for others, he just does not want to associate with unknown individuals not up to his level.

“We need the help of the entire Divine Nine Tailed Fox Race, your clan will be rewarded by both this plane and Gaia if you do your jobs well but be warned, you are going to carry our reputation, do not drag it to the mud.”


“Go to the Holy Land, Supervisor Fenghuang and I will be there.”

After saying this, he leaves the dazed foxes behind, they look at each other, their leader then cheers loudly “This is our chance to show our worth!”

She quickly gathers all the capable individuals in their clan and brings them into the Holy Land, she knows that since they are going to carry the reputation of their entire plane with them, the situation must involve either their illusions, beauty or intelligence.

That is why, she might not have brought all of the superior fighters in their clan but she did bring the most intellectual and experienced individuals with her.

She keeps on warning her clan members along the way, also, she gives them pointers in what they should do in different situations.

Once they arrived at their destination, they quickly prepared themselves and entered the territory of Gaia, they have visited this place a couple of times but this is the first time they have come to this place under the command of both Ancestor Fenghuang and Golden Dragon.

They look at the giant gate in front of them, behind this gate is the inner world of the Holy Land, a place that only some members of the Prosperous Qilin Clan, Graceful Phoenix Clan and Divine Dragon Clan.

“The Supreme Commander and Supervisor Fenghuang are waiting for your group inside, all of you can enter.” The ones guarding the gates were a mix of soldiers from Gaia and the elites of this plane.

The skulk enter the gate and they are instantly teleported inside the inner world of the Holy Land, unlike before, the inner world is now filled with vitality.

“The Divine Nine Tailed Fox Clan has arrived!” A loud voice can be heard ringing throughout the inner world, a phoenix appears, she is the current successor of their clan and also one of Shadowslash’s friends.

“Let me escort your group into the meeting location.” Hearing this, the members of the Divine Nine Tailed Fox Clan feel overwhelmed, after all, the status of the person in front of them is higher than all of them combined but she still politely escorted them to their location.

Golden Dragon immediately turns to them when they arrive, he does not realise that this action of his causes the expression of the foxes to become solemn, he holds this much weight in their plane.

“Super-” Before he can finish what he wants to say, Ancestor Fenghuang appears, she is still holding the Worldlink via divine sense.

“I have told you that you may call me just by my name, I might have a title but you are actually the real reason for our plane’s abrupt rise.”

She then turns to the foxes and starts explaining the situation to them, after hearing that they are going to be involved with a joint investigation with the elites of Gaia, they quickly feel the pressure.

The clan head of the Divine Nine Tailed Fox Clan asks “Supervisor, If we find traces of the invaders and they also discover us, how will we act?”

Ancestor Fenghuang nods her head and looks at her with admiration, she then turns to Golden Dragon, knowing that it is his turn to explain, the latter confidently takes charge.

“The World Destroyers, the elite army of this plane will escort your group, we will put you on the priority list, so before they reach your group, they must pass through our corpses.”

Ancestor Fenghuang shakes her head “Do not say grim things, our army is now considered second only to Gaia, besides, this is a joint effort with our allies, it is not just this plane and Gaia but also all the planes that are a part of the alliance.”

The clan head of the Divine Nine Tailed Fox Clan heaves a sigh of relief after hearing this, she then says “Our clan is ready to go, when will we act?”

Golden Dragon looks in a certain direction and says “It seems that we do not need to wait, the royal army of Gaia has already arrived.”

A row of humans appears, they aren’t actually humans but beasts that managed to perfect their humanoid transformation, Golden Dragon’s expression changes.

“How can that be?!” He is shocked, his dumbfounded expression confuses everyone, they had seen armies before, the army in front of them might be awe-inspiring but this should not cause their Supreme Commander to react like this.

The one leading the army is actually Junnel, he looks at Golden Dragon and bows “Supreme Commander of Beast Plane, I have brought the army of Gaia to assist your group!”

Golden Dragon smiles bitterly “I have never expected that Gaia has one hundred thousand Descending Divine Rankers and ten thousand Ascending Divine Rankers.”

The expression of everyone becomes blanked when they hear this, they quickly turn to the army in front of them and feel a chill running down their spines.

Junnel smiles “We have been preparing for the upcoming war after the battle in this plane, if you see the true elites of our world, then you will be shocked to your core.”

Golden Dragon swallows his words, his trembling lips can be seen by almost everyone, after taking a couple of deep breaths, he finally recovers his composure.

He asks “How strong are the members of the Hope Family?”

Junnel looks at him but still smiles “If any other person asks me this question, I would have ripped him to shreds but since you are Russel’s best friend, I will tell you this, once the barrier between two realms breaks, they will become god.”

The reason for the rapid growth of the people in Gaia is because of the Dungeons and the effect of The Fragment (Big Bang Universe) by giving everyone a prototype system, they only need to kill inside the dungeons to grow stronger.

They might not be unbeatable within the same rank like in the past but they can grow faster than before, this might harm their foundation but they can mend it by entering Time World.

Their lifespan is greater than normal, losing a couple of them is not worrying for them, besides, Gaia is filled with treasures that can extend a being’s lifespan.

Junnel sighs and says “Even at this moment, I still cannot accept that big brother Russel proposes to let you join the program but since big brother Shadowslash has finally returned, we shall see.”

Golden Dragon is taken aback, he cannot help but ask “Really?! Russel did that for me?”

He feels very touched by this, he takes a deep breath and states “I will show everyone just how capable I am, if lord Shadowslash decides that I am not enough, I will accept my fate, only he can judge me.”

Junnel nods his head “If big brother Shadowslash truly feels that you deserve to be nurtured in the program, I guarantee you this, no one will say otherwise.”

The two groups then gather at Abyssal Plane and split into different groups and they all go into different directions.

Meanwhile in Shadowslash’s location, after a couple of days, he finally managed to take care of another hive world but in turn, his Behemoth Avatar is now riddled with injuries.

If it were not for Heaven Swallowing Technique, he might not be able to last this long because of the consumption of energy by fighting without holding anything back.

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