The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: CHAPTER 142 BIRTHDAY PARTY ll

“It seems that we were too busy discussing about our plans that we missed the dance” Elizard laughs as he said this

Shadowslash also chuckled as they focus on Effimilia opening her gifts

Before going inside they would give their gifts to the servant

The gifts would have the names of their owner the servant would shout the owner’s name as Effimilia opens it

“Wow that is a precious ruby necklace judging from its appearance and the size of its gem it would have cost at least a thousand golds”

“Yeah you said about it I could even feel the heat radiating from the gem meaning that it is also considered an elemental gem”

As Effimilia opens a gift she obtains a sparkling ruby necklace causing a bout of discussion from the others


Elizard nodded as he said “As expected from Viscount Alexander their family after all owns a mine”

Shadowslash besides was thinking ‘Mine huh Hentai said if it could absorb all the energy in a mine it would give me great rewards but I forgot about this it seems that I needed to search for a mine and I know just the place’

The place he had in mind is the Howling Ridge and he did not need to search it personally he would just tell Sans about this and have his three undead subordinates search it for him

After a couple of gifts were open everyone became quite lively as rare things kept popping out

There were two juvenile monsters that was gifted to Effimilia

One came from old man Fresackio and the other came from a Elite Glowing Golden Knight Trey

Of course old man Fresackio Rainbow Butterfly is much more rarer than the two the other monster is a cub of a Berserk Flaming Bear even though both were Superior Grade the Rainbow Butterfly has more potential

After a couple of minutes passed finally it was his gift turn

When Effimilia unwrapped the gift she was stunned by the glowing gem

Even Duke Fredrick expression changed you could desire on his eyes

Everyone on the scene was stunned by such beautiful stone that emits green light

“A pure elemental stone!!!” Suddenly one of the nobles shouted as he pointed at the gem

Everyone became rowdy as they started to converse with each other

Duke Fredrick did a forceful cough silencing everyone he then asks “May I ask who Shadowslash might be?”

Shadowslash came in front and surprisingly old man Fresackio also walk in front

“Oh? May I ask what of you seek great master tamer Fresackio-san?” Seeing Fresackio came in front Duke Fredrick politely asks

“Duke Fredrick this is my friend Shadowslash like me he is also a tamer and he is as strong or stronger than me in regards of individual combat strength” Answered Fresackio also in a polite manner

Everyone was quite surprised by this revelation even though old man Fresackio might not known for his personal strength those that knew about him knew that his capacity in fighting with a sword is great

Old man Fresackio suddenly flashed a smile before saying “In our fight against the Great Fox Guardian my companions were wounded but Shadowslash’s friend named Leafinia healed them immediately”

Hearing this everyone started to become rowdy again Healers were already considered rare and a Healer who could heal a person immediately was greatly sought for

Duke Fredrick raised his eyebrow and asks “Is what you said true?”

Old man Fresackio raised his chest and answered “I would never lie to you Duke Fredrick”

Duke Fredrick nodded he then turned to Shadowslash and requested “If that is true then may I ask if Shadowslash-san bring his friend tomorrow?”

Shadowslash nodded and courteously answered “It will be my pleasure”

Duke Fredrick smiled he then changed the subject “Now then may I ask where did you obtain such precious gem and the value of this gem is truly astronomical is it worth it to gift it to my daughter”

“By the way if its to inconvenient to you, you could choose to answer the first question or not”

Shadowslash also smiled before answering “The first question is not inconvenient to me I found this gem when I was doing my stroll in the Howling Ridge”

“For the second question for me it is worth it to gain Miss Effimilia-san’s goodwill”

Hearing this Duke Fredrick’s smile become more apparent

He then had the rest of the party to continue while the three of them him, Duke Fredrick and old man Fresackio discuss something

When Shadowslash returned back to the mansion both him and Leafinia slumps down to the bed his bed

Once he introduced Leafinia to Duke Fredrick and her status as an healer she was welcomed very warmly

The rest of the nobles also started to try and get close to the both of them

Thankfully old man Fresackio rescue them or else they might even not reach home this evening

Duke Fredrick scheduled the healing treatment for tomorrow because he wanted to celebrate his daughter party first

Their discussion was even shorter only discuss some idle things and old man Fresackio introducing him

The next day Shadowslash and Leafinia went to the Duke’s mansion once again

When they returned back home at evening Shadowslash was extremely happy

They returned late not because Leafinia healed them slowly but because Shadowslash discussed about his wish to buy the surrounding lands around his estate and also his plan to build the Adventure Association

He manage to buy the plots of land around his estate even though it caused him a fortune it was worth it since he could now commence his plans and the numerous low rank undeads that Sans created could now be used

The Adventure Association was greatly welcomed by Duke Fredrick since Shadowslash promised to pay a large amount of tax each year

A full 100,000 Gold each year even though this might look like a great disadvantage to Shadowslash he knew that once the Adventure Association grows he would earn much more than that every year after all the rules in accepting missions are 30% of the payment would go to the association

Time passed and 3 months gone by if Shadowslash counted correctly a year gone by when he first arrive at this world

Shadowslash was now meditating in the hidden underground basement in the mansion

He had Sans undeads clean the whole basement and with a bit redesigning the whole place was now shining new

They also built another hidden underground place it is a battle coliseum they built it underneath were Sans would revive the deads

It was for Sans undead each month he and Sans would throw a hundred undeads in there and have them fight to the dead it is an extremely effective method in obtaining a powerful undead

They read it in the book that they discovered before the one that spits out chains

Around the battle coliseum were different marking written in the book its an inscription in absorbing Yuan Yin energy around the environment

Even though they still haven’t started testing the coliseum the inscription really did absorbs the Yin energy in the surrounding Sans told him that the type of Yin energy being absorbed was a higher class Yin energy than his Lunar Yin Qi

Even though the battle coliseum was not being used to refine undeads it was being used as a training room for Lisa and Sans

In the mansion’s underground basement Shadowslash was meditating with the two twin spirits and the two from the fox clan

Shadowslash have now completed in perfecting the [Chaos Force Technique] he gave it to Sans together with a Chaos Crystal Ball he also had refined his Mana and energy to the first stage because the amount of Mana and energy he had it was a very slow process

For Sans he already refined his Mana and Qi in a much higher level than him but this is only for Sans for the rest they were still training hard to refine their energy and Mana to the first tier

There were now buildings around his estate the purpose was house the others since the mansion could not house everyone

Shadowslash’s group was now very famous in the city not only they were considered on of the strongest force in the city they also have a great reputation

Other than the Adventure Association that helps commoner and knights who were not hired earns a couple of bucks each week Leafinia, Herish and Bun Bun would commence a free healing service to the commoners

This do not only earn them a great reputation it also trained Herish and Bun Bun’s healing ability

Other than that Shadowslash was now a bringer of fear

A month ago a noble wanted to take one of the female member of their group because of their astounding beauty

The result was that the noble and some of the member of his family disappeared in just one night

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