The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 169


There is also a reward system for the board for the 10th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 10 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 1 Gold Coin and both categories would earn an increase of 5% on their payment

for the 9th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 20 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 2 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 10% on their payment

for the 8th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 30 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 3 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 15% on their payment

for the 7th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 40 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 4 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 20% on their payment

for the 6th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 50 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 5 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 25% on their payment

for the 5th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 60 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 6 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 30% on their payment

for the 4th rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 70 Silver Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 7 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 35% on their payment


for the 3rd rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 1 Gold Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 10 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 50% on their payment

for the 2nd rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 2 Gold Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 20 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 60% on their payment

for the 1st rank in the individual ranking a person would earn 10 Gold Coins monthly for group ranking they would earn 100 Gold Coins and both categories would earn an increase of 70% on their payment also they would obtain priority in choosing missions

This method made the adventurers all fired up but they would only earn their rewards if they stayed in the ranking for a year

Other than rewards an adventurer or adventurer group would earn reputation because of this causing their chance to be hired increased

If an adventurer was hired the Adventure Guild would only take 10% of the payment for the mission increasing the reward for the adventurers

As the guild blossoms of course there would jealousy but too bad for them Shadowslash was too powerful any person or family that wanted to take a bite from the guild was punished harshly

Now all of the nobles including the Archinviel Family fears Shadowslash and his group

Of course since Shadowslash contributed to the city the Archinviel Family could not do anything to them

Also the guild became quite close to the other association especially for the B and T association

Since the guild buys all the monster flesh and plants that the adventurers obtain they have a large stock of monster flesh and other things

The guild would sell the meats and other stuff to the other association

The Adventure Guild would also accept members of other association since the guild do not discriminate wether you are a commoner or noble the only thing the guild look to was capabilities

There is also a room designated for scanning monsters or other stuff in the guild each use would cost 1 Silver Coin though

Actually this scanning room was extremely popular to the nobles and those from the other association

There are many mysterious items that the nobles bought or have that was just sitting in there collection they would bring it to scan of how valuable they are

The room was created by Hentai so it was foolproof

For items it would be ranked according to stars there are 5 different kind of stars

The lowest rank the gray star, next was the blue star which is equivalent of 10 gray stars

Next was the red star which is equivalent of 10 blue stars

The second highest the gold star which is equivalent of 10 red stars and finally the highest rating the purple gold star which was equivalent of 10 gold stars

This type of scanning was popular also to the Alchemist and the Blacksmith Association

There is also another method of scanning and this time it does not involve item but monsters

What’s more this room wouldn’t only just scan how great the monster was but everything about the monster including its abilities, skills, types and etc.

The B and T association would frequently use this type of scanning method the only thing is that this type of scanning cost 1 Gold Coin 100X much more expensive than the normal type of scanning but no one complains about this since each scan would be very detailed

Shadowslash is actually very worried that because of this the guild would attract too much greed that it would cost its downfall so before he leaves he decided to host a fighting tournament in his estate

Those who won would be given 10,000 Gold Coins as reward of course he was not that generous since he and Sans would be entering the tournament which is considered a sure win for them

Of course the reward attracted great attention and besides the whole arena was created in Shadowslash’s territory so of course it was grand

Even if a person did not won he or she would earn great reputation after the fight

The nobles even decided to join the reward is only a very minimal reason the greatest reason for them is the reputation

Even though they were brimming with ambition of winning the tournament in which would title them as the strongest in the guild

Since the guild was now famous all over the city and most of the territory of the Archinviel Dukedom if you win the championship you would be crowned as one of the strongest in the whole dukedom

Shadowslash had already planned in entering the tournament but after being persuade by kids and the others to not join he reluctantly agreed

Even though this might be the situation he was still confident that Sans would be the winner

Actually other than Leafinia and Herish all of the member of the group including Banjo and Don Don join the competition

What made him speechless that he was the one who told Banjo about the tournament since he was training in the Howling Ridge

This would be one of or the greatest tournament to be hold in this place and blood would definitely be spied during the match so he decided to be the referee together with his clones

Herish and Leafinia would be on standby during the tournament and because he would be the host all healing would be free

Since there would be many participants in the tournament the first fights would be a battle royal of 10 people

He also decided to create another arena to accommodate more participants and viewer

Each seat would cost just 3 Copper Coins so that there would be many viewers during the tournament

The special seats designated for nobles and such would cost 1 Gold Coin

The referee for the second arena is old man Fresackio

The tournament would start three days from this day so that it would at least give the participants more time to be ready

He heard that the Necromancer Association are interested to join and actually ambitious enough to proclaim themselves to be the champions

He was looking forward to seeing their faces when Sans or Banjo wins the competition

Two days have passed this night would be restless since the next morning the tournament would start

Shadowslash was sneaking in the territory of George Es Archinviel

Since Rey and Lisa were getting busy for the tournament he took it up to himself to capture Rey’s target

From what he heard the target was a fat and wretched looking person if he could take him alive he would just take his head

After carefully sneaking he went inside room after room searching for the target

Just as he was about to enter another room he heard loud moaning voices coming off from a room

He then went inside that room and found George f*cking three hot ladies

There was also another guy in the room just standing there looking like a dog bootlicking at George who was busy feeling good

‘Since I have found you say goodbye to your pathetic life’ Seeing that he found his target he immediately proclaimed the death sentence to him

After blending into the shadows he carefully approached the fatty’s shadow

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