The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: CHAPTER 150 THE WINNERS

The clone quickly disappeared as it immediately grabs the shivering man before once again disappearing and appeared next to the slaves and left the man there

Shadowslash then have his clone on standby there since he could now have his clone exist forever as long as he have enough Mana

The brute became confused because of the disappearance of his target

Lilia saw her chance as she once again conjured her whip and chase after one of the participants

The huntress also started hunting down the other participants she did not deal with them immediately but wounded one of their leg

After that both of them look at each other and nodded

Lilia used her throw one of the participants towards the berserk brute while the huntress grabs the injured participant before throwing them near the brute


Both of them threw the rest of the participants near the brute before Lilia shot a [Water Bullet] to the brute

The brute was still confused because he saw his target disappeared he did not even do anything about the 6 groaning participants near him but after being hit by Lilia’s [Water Bullet] it invoked his anger once again

He then pounced to the nearest participant near him and started pummeling him

The participant tried to fight back but to no avail the other participants paled at this sight and tried to stand up and retreat

Two of the participant signalled to the slaves that they were surrendering

Shadowslash’s clone once again went into the ring and grabs the two participant before promptly retreating towards the slaves

It also grabbed the one that the brute pummeling since the person would definitely die if the brute continue his onslaught

The participant condition was really severe his face unrecognizable a couple of his bones were broken

The state of his caused the other 3 participant to also surrender

Now there are only four participants left the other participant took something from his purse before drinking it

Shadowslash eyebrow was raised but he did not interfere since the rules of the arena did not contain things about drinking potion

*Roar* The guy let out a roar as fur started growing in him

He now looks like a werewolf but albeit a near than a wolf

‘Oh? a beastmaster?’ Shadowslash curiosity piqued as he look at the participant

The guy and the brute then started to brawl the brute smash his mace towards the beastmaster

The werebear drops down to his knee but he let out a roar before tackling the brute and biting the arm that was holding the mace

The roar he made spooked the huntress a bit it seems that there is a special effect on the werebear roar

Lilia was not affected at all the roar might carry an intimidating effect but it pales in comparison on the aura of Shadowslash and the others

The brute let out a scream and let go of his mace he could not fight back since he was pinned down

The werebear kept biting the brute upon seeing that if this kept going the brute would not die but he could definitely not escape and would lost a large amount of blood

Just as Shadowslash was about to order his clone to rescue the brute but there was a sudden change in the arena

The brute roared causing the arena to quake then he started getting bigger

Shadowslash was quite surprised since he never thought that a berserker could go berserk twice

The berserker punched the werebear causing him to fly to a distance

After standing up he let out an enraged roar before charging towards the werebear and dropkicking him out of the ring

Just as the berserker was about to go to another rampage before getting exhausted a couple of [Water Bullets] hit him and since he was already in the edge of the ring he ultimately fall

Shadowslash laughed as he saw this it was a great reminder for any person from berserker tribe that berserk mode might give them strength but it would also diminish their rationality and intelligence

Now there are only two people left in the ring the huntress and Lilia

Both of them then started shooting each other and after a couple of minutes the huntress won the battle

Lilia was actually in an advantage since she have the [Water Screen] skill but because her Mana core is not that large and after a couple of [Water Bullets] and [Water Screen] she was exhausted and lost

The winner of the great battle was Participant number 63 Quin

Now there are only 4 battle left since this tournament would take more than 5 days from his estimate

During the first day both arena would host 10 battles per day that means a 180 participants would be disqualified each day and only 20 participants would be qualified towards the next stage

Shadowslash upon seeing how the others gave their all just to past the first stage decided to award them with 100 Gold Coins each this wouldn’t dent his money since he earned a lot from the betting stand that he created

The next battle surprised him again since Big Bear joined the battle together with his companion Browny

The other started booing since they felt that it was unfair to have two of them participate

Shadowslash once again needed to explain “Everyone bringing your monster companion or tamed monster isn’t against the rules”

Hearing this the others could not help but became depressed since their is a possibility that their opponent might be a Tamer

With the sound of the gong the battle started with Big Bear strength couple with his training with Don Don and the help of Browny he won the match easily

He was wearing a heavy armor that was taken from a bandit gang the gang leader of that particular bandit was a berserker so the armor was extremely durable

Shadowslash nodded at Big Bear since he could see that his training was not wasted since he is now considered strong for the commoners in the city heck he was even stronger than most city guards

The next match Shadowslash was once again surprised

This time it was not of his group but someone he knew from the first time he arrived at this territory

Emil Morz Esmindipus one of the genius Tamer in the association

The battle only lasted a couple of seconds before Emil’s two monsters defeat all the other participants

The next two match was not exciting nor interesting to Shadowslash anymore the winner are Participant number 81 and 99

After the last battle Shadowslash then calls for all the winner back to the ring

After that he then started speaking towards the viewers

“Everyone I present to you the first winners of their respected group”

“All of them are awarded of 100 Gold Coins”

“Now lets congratulate our winners”

“Winner of the first group Participant Number 7 Flib a C-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the second group Participant Number 18 Zack a C-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the third group Participant Number 22 Baron Michael Dee Verdic a B-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the fourth group Participant Number 40 Banjo one of the Guardian in the tournament”

“Winner of the fifth group Participant Number 44 Leo a C-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the sixth group Participant Number 53 Quin a C-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the seventh group Participant Number 70 Big Bear a C-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the eight group Participant Number Viscount Emil Morz Esmindipus a B-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the ninth group Participant Number 81 Craig a C-rank adventurer”

“Winner of the tenth group Participant Number 99 Gordon a B-rank adventurer”

“Now lets all clap our hand to these 10 great warriors”

After that Shadowslash clapped as all the viewers did

Everyone then started leaving the arena they were all satisfied with the tournament

Some of the commoners even decided to sleep in the arena least their seats would be taken

Shadowslash brought the 10 winners towards the building in his territory

The purpose of the building was to accommodate guest if there are no room left in the mansion

Old man Fresackio also brought the other 10 winners to the building

Shadowslash then look at the list that old man Fresackio gave him

The list contains all the name of the winner in the 2nd arena

Participant Number 256 Baron Lupilia Lis Shermaine

Participant Number 264 Harold


Participant Number 277 Liz

Participant Number 290 Iria

Participant Number 300 Erz

Participant Number 310 Lucy

Participant Number 320 Violet

Participant Number 330 Flare

Participant Number 337 Gertold Cray

Participant Number 350 Lisa

Shadowslash nodded and thought ‘As expected Flare, Lucy, Lisa and Violet manage to win the first round of the tournament’

He then sighed and thought ‘Its too bad that Purple Kitty, Valkiry and Bun Bun lost’

He already knew Valkiry lost since her ticket number was 340

Shadowslash then have the servants to bring the food to the winners

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