The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: CHAPTER 179 TEACHERS

He then lead Don Don and Rey towards the Great Wolf Gang’s hideout

“Boss is back!” Seeing Shadowslash mask and cloak Burn immediately shouted

Burn is the red haired tomahawk thug that has a potential being a battle mage he and Reggie are the only ones who are at least compatible with an element

Shadowslash intends Rey to train him since he is not good at range attack

Reggie is below average in close combat but he is good in throwing knives so Shadowslash intends for Lisa to train him into the path of an assassin

“Call everyone I have an important annoucement to make” Shadowslash immediately ordered both of them after arriving

Both of them nodded before going inside after just a minute later Reggie came out telling him that everyone have already assembled


Shadowslash then looks at everyone especially to three Demi-human siblings since the thing that he would share with all of them today would greatly benefit these 3

He then went into the front and started speaking “Today I gathered all of you here because two important announcement”

“First I have brought to you these two individual”

Don Don and Rey then stepped forward presenting themselves the both of them then released their aura causing the whole Great Wolf Gang to shiver in fear

Rey’s aura is like a sword it us extremely sharp and his aura seems cutting space itself

Don Don’s aura is like a wild untamed aura with a force that could bend space

Shadowslash then continue speaking after seeing that everyone knew how powerful the two are

“The second announcement is these two will be your teacher from now on”

“Other some unique individuals like Reggie, Mira, Trish and Elsa everyone require to attend the training of either of Rey or Don Don”

“Rey is a teacher in sword art so any of you who are interested in using swords go to Rey”

“Don Don is a teacher in martial art so any of you interested in learning martial art go to Don Don”

He then called Reggie, Trish, Mira and Elsa with him and went inside the Boss Room actually this room is Elsa since she is the boss

“The four of you will be trained by Lisa but since she will only teach now and then I want you to attend the classes of Rey and Don Don is any of you have a free time”

“Reggie you could train in handling a short sword so I suggest for you to learn from Rey”

He then looks at the three siblings and said “The three of you do not use any weapon and is good at close combat so I suggest for the three of you to learn from Don Don”

After telling this he then told them to immediately start learning their lesson from the two

Most of the gang members chose to learn martial art since they are used in using only their fist

While only a couple of them chose to learn sword art but Burn was one of them

Shadowslash then gave them each a sword for children that were interested in learning the way of the sword he gave them wooden swords

But the wooden swords are peculiar they were made from a branch of Red Steel Tree so they are extremely tough and heavy as a real sword

He then told them that the renovation of the hideout would be done by underlings so they don’t need to work now and only need to focus in digesting the lesson they received from Rey or Don Don

Of course by underling what he meant was the low level undead that Sans would be creating

Shadowslash also posted mission inside the hideout motivate everyone but since they were still training he did not posted one yet

He also created a class system for the gang members in training

They would be graded by F to S grade judging by their performance

They would gain a passing grade if they manage to receive E grade

They could obtain reward if they received D grade

1 Silver Coin for D grade, 10 Silver Coins for C grade, 1 Gold Coin for B grade, 10 Gold Coins for A grade and that person could also obtain the permission to learn a specific skill or technique from the collection of Shadowslash

100 Gold Coins and one mysterious reward from Shadowslash also the person could learn 3 skills

The grades would be shown every 3 months since they could get strong and earn every gang member were fired up

Shadowslash also decided to create a bulletin board inside the hideout so that he just need to post the grades and mission there

Since there were nothing to do he told Rey and Don Don he would be in Elsa’s room meditating and refining his energy and Mana

Don Don and Rey spent the whole night testing everyone to determine the difficulty of their lessons would be

The next day Shadowslash immediately came out of the room after a whole night of meditation

Just like what Hentai have estimated Sans have already awoken from his sleep

When he came out of the room his expression became extremely strange

Everyone except for Don Don and Rey who was meditating were scattered all over the floor

All of them were sleeping and judging by their relaxed expression it seems that they really worked hard last night

He then wrote a letter besides Rey and left since the two were meditating it was not proper to wake them up

He then speeds up towards the exit of the city he became a blur to everyone unless a person really have a sharp eyesight no one would be able to see him

After exiting the city he once again increased his speed kicking off dust with every step

He then arrived at the small forest that they created yesterday

The trees might look amazing but their lifeforce is not as great as an ordinary tree since they were just forcefully grown

He then went inside and saw everyone was playing with each other except for Sans and Lisa

From their conversation it seems that Sans was trying to learn everything that happened during the time he was absorbing the Heavenly Tribulation energy

Since they were so focused in discussing He did not call for Sans immediately and went to find Leafinia and Herish

He then saw the two near the pond he created there were numerous sprouts near the pond

Yesterday the pond was not even half full and yet now it was nearly full

Just as he was about to sit down next to them he suddenly felt the mental connection of his and Yshelia

There is only one message came from her and that is ‘Im out’

It seems that she finally out of the independent space that she stumbles to

Shadowslash then went to Sans and stop their discussion before telling him about Yshelia

Hearing this information made Sans who was very calm and serious became shocked

Shadowslash then immediately told Sans what to do “Sans you have your mental connection from your low level undead right I want you to inform Reias about this”

Sans nodded but he added “Okay but since the distance between my minions is extremely large I need to meditate”

Saying this he immediately sat cross legged before his aura started flaring about

Since it may took an hour before Sans could send a message Shadowslash decided to return back to the pond

He then started sending lifr energy to the sprouts around the pond

Especially the sprout that was on the center of the pond

The sprout was growing above a water lily this sprout is a rare type of tree

The Water Loving Tree it grows only in body of water it would grow a fruit called watery fruit that contains large amount of water element greatly increasing the potential of a water mage

Shadowslash decided to raise another mage or monster that has a water attribute since even though he could produce water by using elemental crystals its quality is not that great as water that was produced by mages since it does not contain Mana

As he thought about he couldn’t help but sigh since Lilia could not come with them since she is learning from Stephanie they need another water attribute mage or monster

“It seems I needed to look at the monsters that the B and T association are raising I will try my luck if I could find any monster to my liking” he grumbles as he thought about this

He was frowning because he is extremely picky to which monster he wanted to sign a contract with

He then thought about something and his eyes started shining “Maybe I could get that too”

What he means is a slime even though they are considered only as a pest Shadowslash wanted to tame one

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