The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: CHAPTER 184 MOCK BATTLE ll

The final winner of the mock battle was Team C even though Team B has his clone it couldn’t even get close with Flare and Flora guarding it

Iris was also being harassed by Dorothy and Herish

The real reason she was taken out is because of Herish

Herish could throw seeds everywhere and she could actually use two Druid skills

One that is seen by before and that is growing a large number of vines

Second is a trap skill which of a person steps on a seed vines would immediately and automatically started binding the target

Shadowslash then called them back and have them rest in the shade he created


The next mock battle is against the pets of course the ones who truly anticipated the fight are the owners

Lucy and the rest of the monsters knew that if they ever manage to gain a human body they would definitely earn a pet or a monster subordinate as long as Shadowslash is there

But Shadowslash knew that even if they are in their current form they could become Tamers just like him

The only thing is that it is detrimental in their growth because Hentai will used their Spirit Power to create a contract and Spirit Power is required for a monster obtain a human form

Shadowslash was extremely lucky because he have a powerful since arriving in this world so he only have a little problem regarding his Spirit Power

The mock battle between pets might not be as exciting as the earlier mock battle but at least the pets would gain experience and maybe even level up

Shadowslash kinda missed Teeth since he is always known to challenge another monster everyday too bad Haze is still too weak to come with them

Everyone started guessing which team will win and who will be the MVP

The four monsters then faced off for everyone Rosemary has a great advantage since she is the only monster that managed to reach None Ranked Mid Level

The battle starts both team immediately charged at each other

Since Aqua has only one skill and it is a range skill also she has extremely weak defence she only flew in the back

Slicer flew towards Rosemary immediately started brandishing his sickle he was only using normal attacks and were not using any skill since he did not want to deplete all of his energy immediately

Aqua and Sparky heavily relies on their skill and their skills do not deplete energy but Mana

Both of their skill used one Mana per use so they needed to recover immediately if they ever used up their Mana

Rosemary tried to fight back but Slicer have trained during months before developing his skill in slicing

If Rosemary did not train in dodging and increasing the control of her body during the training with Erz she would have been defeated much more earlier

Slicer is like a persistent fly that would never leave its target and continue to annoy

He would never leave any chance for Rosemary to fight back every time she would try and distance herself Slicer would use [Cut]

Shadowslash and those that were watching were surprised by how great Slicer fighting capability

Unlike the two of them the other two just kept repeatedly shooting one skill after another and the one who won is not Aqua who has more Mana but Sparky

Aqua’s [Water Shot] Skill is extremely slow compare to Sparky’s [Spark Spit]

She is also very inexperienced compared to Sparky

Shadowslash then ended the mock battle Slicer might be a genius fighter but he couldn’t defeat two monster at the same time let alone both monster much more higher grade that him

Shadowslash then told Shena to start practicing or training her combat strength because he decided to have her become one of the main group together with Al and the others

Shena was overjoyed with this she then repeatedly nodded as she immediately went to the carriage and pick up a book

The book title was Cooking Technique causing Shadowslash to be speechless but suddenly he was given a shock as Shena also took out a book titled Basic Dagger Technique

She then started reading both books as she started to wave her knife around like she was cooking and at the same time attacking

Shadowslash suddenly thought ‘It seems that Shena is a genius in using a knife’

He then told everyone that he would immediately started building a small lake near the camp

He also tasked Aqua, Herish and Leafinia to help him since he would be creating a miniature forest around the camp

A couple of hours have passed and the day is almost over

Shadowslash finally manage to create a small lake of course it was still hole more than a lake

But Shadowslash was at least quite proud with himself with the help of everyone including his clone he manage to build a hole half a size of football stadium heck it was too large that anyone who will be passing in this area would immediately notice it

Other than its size it was also quite deep but it was not finish yet he wanted to make it more deeper

Shadowslash then told Al to accompany Aqua in filling this hole of course he did not immediately but slowly and steadily

He already put High Quality Mana Crystal underneath even though it was only a meager amount of 10 as long as this lake was filled the quality of the water of the lake would immediately improve slowly

Also he tasked Al to start to make the ground under the lake soft

He needed to start improving his mastery and control towards earth and Earth Elements

Since it was already evening their training would start tomorrow

He then brought everyone to have dinner Sans was not with them

After sending the message to his underling Shadowslash immediately tasked him to make three undeads

Low level undeads since the three that Shadowslash killed in the slum were not that strong he did not ordered Sans to waste the Yin and Death Qi that he effortly stored in his core

Unlike normal energy the energy stored inside of an individual core is much more purer in terms of quality it is much more greater than normal energy also the higher the tier of the energy is the higher the quality of the energy inside a person’s core

After they had dinner Sans return together with three different kind of undeads a zombie, an undead skeleton and finally a new type of low rank undead a ghoul

Sans also told him that he could nurture this three type of undead at the same time

A ghoul get stronger eating a heart, an undead skeleton by eating bones and finally a zombie by eating flesh

Shadowslash nodded he then bid goodbye to everyone before the three of them went inside the city

Since it was Sans first time being inside the city Shadowslash told Lisa to have him adapt and learn more information about the city

“I’ll meet you guys on the hideout don’t take too long” After telling them this Shadowslash speeds off towards the hideout

When he arrives at the hideout he saw that all the gang were resting inside the hideout

Judging by from their aura it seems that they really trained without holding back

He also saw that there were 8 people meditating that means they were now an increase of people that awakened their compatibility with an element

Shadowslash have already known 5 of them 3 were the wolf demi-human siblings two were the tomahawk haired duo Burn and Reggie

The other 3 were unknown to him so he asks Hentai about their name

First up the only child within the 8 of them he was the kid who was being beaten up by three other kids when he first arrive at the Slum

Since the kids in the Slum were nearly all orphans they mostly do not have any name so Hentai do not have any information about him

Shadowslash decided to name him later after he woke up from his meditation

The other two were known as Bat and Pipe as most of the adults on the Slum name themselves with an item or a word other than the three wolf demi-human and Reggie all of the other gang members name themselves that way

Shadowslash did not disturb he then release his aura to everyone so that they would know he was there of course he put a shushing hand sign so that they would not disturb the 8

He also thought that he needs to create a chamber inside the hideout for meditation since it is not that safe to meditate out in the open

He then went inside the boss room because he knew Don Don and Rey was there

And just like he thought both of them were inside the room

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