The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 276

Chapter 276: CHAPTER 248 DECISION

Hearing the name Sans and a band of black knight Princess Crystal blanked out.

She then kept the stunned look for a while causing her father to worry.

She then shouted “That’s it I now know what method we should to win the war!!!”

She look extremely excited as she lost her composure and grips her father’s arm tightly.

Her father look at her with confusion then the commander of one of the elite battalion asks “What method would that be princess?”

Princess Crystal then raised her chest high and said “It is to seek help from Shadowslash-san’s group”

One of the member of the royal family an elderly looking woman harrumphed and said “It seems that princess is truly too young how could you expect us to win just by seeking the help of their group?”


Princess Crystal looks at the elderly woman and said “What do you know fifth elder Sans is one of Shadowslash’s subordinates”

Hearing this Dragon King Tristan look stunned but Crystal wasn finished yet “Other than him yoy already knew that miss Yshelia is also under Shadowslash together with numerous powerful individual”

“The most amazing person in them is Shadowslash himself did you know that during the invasion against the chaos beasts and demons he was practically feared by them in the battlefield”

“That is why he earned that territory of his to award him from his bravery and fear that he might bare his fangs to the whole continent that is how powerful he is”

Hearing this everyone was quite surprised by the fact one individual was feared throughout the whole continent.

Dragon King Tristan suddenly declared “We must ally ourself with this organisation just the military power of the band of black is already impressive just think about if the other group started helping us out”

Everyone agreed to what Dragon King Tristan have said but what could they offer to temp Shadowslash’s group as the group has power and wealth that could rival or even higher than theirs.

All of them fell silen Dragon King Tristan then looks at his daughter and sighed just as he was about to say something Princess Crystal immediately declared “I’ll do it!”

Dragon King Tristan was startled he then looks at his daughter in a suspicion.

Princess Crystal smiled and said “I already know what royal father is thinking and I agree but considering Shadowslash-san’s prestige only me isn’t adequate”

His father was once again startled as he asks in a shocked manner “Inadequate! you my daughter which is known to be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom is inadequate?!”

Crystal sighed abd explained “I might be beautiful and powerful in the other standard but comparing myself to Leafinia and Yshelia I would be trashe and even to most of the girls in their group I could be consideref average”

Dragon King Tristan couldn’t help but pat her head to console her defeated heart.

Suddenly a man with glasses that looks like he was on his twenties spoke “Even though their group is powerful from what I heard the strongest and the leader of the group which is Shadowslash-san isn’t here right now”

Everyone in the room became silent as this would really be detrimental to them that they couldn’t even talk to Shadowslash let alone try to engaged him with Princess Crystal.

Crystal looks at the man that spoke he was called Loyd Dragonin Long one of her uncle because he manage to awaken a unique bloodline his looks stay the same as he was twenty five years old while his real age is fifty seven.

She then said “That is right Shadowslash-san isn’t here right now but according to my friend he would return before the war would begin”

Another elder refuted “How can you easily believe such information!”

Crystal answered “My friend is the guild leader of the Adventure Guild and is the one responsible for the Sanctuary”

Everyone was shocked silent after all many nobles tried to form a relationship with the guildmaster of the Adventure Guild after all the Sanctuary is a treasure trove but as of now not one of them were successful.

Now hearing Crystal saying she forged a friendship with the present guildmaster they couldn’t help but look at her more respectfully.

The Sanctuary is an important thing for them as not only it solved their issue about hunger but they could also raise their battle pets in there so that their wildness wouldn’t disappear.

Also many ingredients for weapons and other resources came from the Sanctuary because of these many nobles tried to take advantage of the fact that adventurers could enter and go out as long as they pay an amount of compensation to the guild to send their monsters to rule the place.

They even tried to have some of theor subordinates disguise themselves as low ranking adventurers but their plan weren’t that successful.

Firstly the monsters they released in the Sanctuary was hunted by the powerful monsters inside of the Sanctuary they do not know why but its like their monsters were an invading species that should immediately killed and inside of the Sanctuary they do not have any place to hide.

Of course only those from the core group of Shadowslash knew that a mechanism is inputed in the Sanctuary as any hostile being like a monster released in the place it would be marked and whoever kill the said monster they would earn corresponding reward.

On the other hand if a person impersonate an adventurer without a license they couldn’t enter the Sanctuary and if they try to steal another adventurer’s license it would be invalid as the license was embedded with the adventurer’s unique aura.

If any decided to join the guild they need to be assessed by an orb that functions like Hentai so they couldn’t hide anything.

Their only option is to hire adventurers and the guild have no qualms with that since the adventurers could be considered becoming one of the popular occupation because of this.

The stronger and the greater the potential of an adventurer the more popular they are.

Too bad though most of the adventurers were those that came from the Slum so they are already loyal to Shadowslash’s group and most of them hate nobles.

Suddenly one of the commander raised his hand and asks “Princess can we talk to any representative of their group we just wanted to draft our plan for the upcoming war”

“We especially wanted to talk to Sans-dono he is a great commander and with his help we could defeat the orcs as long as we cooperate smoothly”

Crystal nodded and said “Okay I will ask guildmaster Elsa if we could obtain an audience witn Ysheila and Shadowslash’s secretary Mira”

She then left leaving the others to discuss about their plan.

Crystal then went into a corner and changed into an outfit of full armor it was her adventurer disguise.

She likes her alternate identity especially after completing numerous missions in just one day.

She was called the rising star lady knight she was feared of her sword those that tried anything perverted to have their arms broken or in worse case scenario cut off.

With her combat prowess and mysterious air there were numerous noble families that wanted to recruit her but she turned them all down after all her family is leaps and bound compare to theirs.

Since the guild protects the adventurers no one wanted to mess with her as it would be declaring war to both the guild and the adventurers.

Unlike any association the guild is tight and they would unite under a common enemy and with Shadowslash and his group standing behind them no one dares to do anything drastic.

Crystal then whistles as a dragon swoops down below it was the Black Diamond Scale Dragon she then went atop on its neck.

Even though she did not use any of her dragon to finish any mission her monsters were still there guarding her but they do it in a rotation.

She then flew back to the guild she swore to herself that she would do everything to make Shadowslash and his group their ally.

She doesn’t know why but her instinct told her that allying with Shadowslash would be the wisest choice during this troubled times.

Returning back to the guild Crystal immediately went to Elsa’s office and told her everything.

After hearing the news and the plan of the royalties to ally themselves with their group Elsa then left his sister in command as she went to the Hidden Camp.

Crystal went to the guild’s hall to pick some mission as she do not know anything regarding the Hidden Camp.

Elsa first went to find Quinshi as she was quite apprehensive in troubling Mira.

Quinshi was inside the Hidden Camp together with Slicer as they review their teaching material and their techniques.

Slicer immediately felt Elsa’s aura as he looks towards her.

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