The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 278


The four of them then sat atop the Black Diamond Scale Dragon as it flew towards the city.

Arriving at the castle ground Yshelia immediately felt countless stares directed to her.

She ignored them but Elsa who was quite sensitive dislike it so she covers herself with a chilly mist made up of her ice energy.

Crystal then leads them into the inner chamber there all the important figures have gathered.

Mira and Elsa instantly felt a great pressure towards them as the two of them weren’t that high in social status not long before.

For Yshelia in front of her were just people in a backwater place as back in her birthplace these people doesn’t even amount to anything compare to the higher ups in the True Dragon Empire lead by a godlike dragon.

The people immediately switched their attention to the three especiàlly to Yshelià and they couldn’t help but màrvel at her beauty.


Some of the people there even have their eyes turning passionate but Yshelia harrumphs and her aura intimidate everyone in the room.

Dragon King Tristan who was sitting in the center felt her aura and even he couldn’t help but feel astonish as even her pet monsters felt fear.

He couldn’t help but think how powerful Shadowslash is consider the most powerful being in their group.

He then stood up and greets Yshelia and the orher two “Greeting miss Yshelia, guildmaster Elsa and secretary Mira I am the 18th King of the Dragon Kingdom Tristan Dragonin Long”

Yshelia and the othertwo also poltile greeted everyone.

“I am Yshelia, a fairy and one of the strongest commander of Shadowslash’s group”

“I am Mira the chosen secretary of Shadowslash a fox demi-human”

“I am Elsa the guildmaster of the adventure guild in this location”

The three of them then said in unison “Nice to meet everyone”

Everyone then sat down all the people in the room were either important minister and commander in the kingdom or guildmaster of the associations.

Looking at this Mira thought ‘It seems that the information about how the orcs indiscriminately killing and sometimes eating people were true’

From what she knew people belonging from different associations have also been killed and eaten.

If they manage to escape the Necromancer Association would still chase after them finishing them off.

Dragon King Tristan clears his throat and said “One of my dragons found survivors from the orc invasion”

He then signalled one of the soldier to open the door.

The door was then opened by the soldier and 30 people step out of the room.

The guildmaster of the Alchemist Association stands up and shouted in an astonish expression “Leonard!”

Some of the guildmaster of the other associations know this person while some don’t.

Seeing their confusion the guildmaster of the Alchemist Association explained “This is Leonard a guildmaster in one of the branches of the Alchemist Association”

Leonard then bows and said “Greetings to all of you”

Suddenly Gloria the guildmaster of the B and T association asks “What about the other guildmaster of the other associations?”

Leonard’s expression turned glum as he spoke “Other than me and these young ones none of the populance survived”

“We only manage to survive because of a person named Sans”

When the other survivors heard the name Sans their eyes turned into that reverence it seems that Sans planted a seed of respect and admiration to the survivors.

One of the commander inside the room asks “What about Sans?”

Leonard explained “Sans is one of the people I respected with him alone he fought 3 orc commanders and manage to kill them”

“His army were fearless and without regards to their life they fought two forces with just them and the number difference were staggering and yet they claim victory”

Another commander asks “There were two forces of orcs I thought there are three orc commanders?”

Leonard shook his head and said “No there were at least 3 orc battalion what I mean by saying is the forces of those b*stard the Necromancer Assocation”

Everyone in the room were shocked by this Sans only with his soldiers managed to gain victory between two feared forces in the battlefield.

Yshelia nodded so did the other two ladies Yshelia even said “With Sans strength and his ability the number of soldiers he had now might be at least twice as much as before”

Everyone then turns their heads to her clearly seeking her explaination.

Yshelia did not explain that much she only said one thing “Lets just say Sans is the worst enemy for an undead”

Even though they clearly wanted for her to explain more but they could not force Yshelia nor anyone in their group.

Just the battle prowess of Yshelia is already frightening adding Sans’s group the kingdom might be destroyed if they were ever crossed.

Leonard looks at Yshelia and was also mesmerised by her beauty so did the other survivors.

He only manage to recover his composure after a while he then asks “Miss do you know Sans?”

Mira was the one who explains their relationship “Sans is one of our group in terms he is one of our commander and one of the first individual that Master recruited”

Hearing Sans is one of their group the survivors looks at Mira with awe.

Elsa suddenly asks “By the way where are the all of you gonna stay?”

Leonard sighed and depressingly said “Actually we are still lost on where we are staying after all the situation in this kingdom were still not that good as I heard that it was invaded by orcs”

Elsa then looks at the 30 survivors and said “Why don’t you stay in our town don’t worry the situation there isn’t tense and there is plenty of jobs there you could apply to”

Hearing this joy lits up on the faces of the survivors.

Suddenly Leonard spoke and his sentence once again sent shock to everyone “Thank you I don’t know how we will be able to repay your kinsness but I decided to become one of your personal alchemist”

The other figures in the room sent an envious looks at the three girls but the three of them felt nothing as just the raw ingredients that Shadowslash cultivated were already enough for them.

Dragon King Tristan then clears his throat and spoke “We are going out of the topic but we now all knew that wether it is the orcs or the Necromancer Association they won’t leave anyone alive”

Everyone of course knew that what Dragon King Tristan have said is a fact and they need to prepare for the onslaught of the orcs.

They then started discussing their plan since the whole kingdom is under the threat of annihilation everyone cooperated with each other.

They then returned to their respective places to rest as their discussion took more time than they thought.

The next day they immediately put their plan into action as they busy themselves in training their soldiers or subordinates.

They spent all their time either training or creating numerous traps in the battlefield where the orcs would arrive.

Another three days have passed in the Lodging Area and Hidden Camp everyone in Shadowslash’s group felt a great turbulance and immediately Yshelia, Leafinia and Triple C heard a notification on their heads.

[Expel every adventurer in the Sanctuary!]

Even though they don’t know anything about Hentai they still knew that Shadowslash is the only person capable speaking through their head without psychic energy.

Yshelia immediately inform Elsa about this while Leafinia and Triple C informed everyone about this announcement.

When everyone in the group heard that something is happenining in the Sanctuary and this might be connected with Shadowslash they immediately started expelling the adventurers in the Sanctuary.

The greatest help in this mission was Don2 and the three monkey tribes.

Aftet expelling every adventurer in the Sanctuary a pillar of light appearsd inside and everyone close or far can see the light.

When the pillar of light subsided everyone who saw it were quite confused and curious they then flocked just outside the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Inside of the Sanctuary a large golden circle was formed in the centermost part of the Sanctuary.

Suddenly golden lights started shining out and after one minute passed Shadowslash and Eugene together with his clansmen arrives.

After they appear Eugene and all of his clansmen started vomitting.

Shadowslash was rubbing his forehead even he was feeling a great headache.

The others were quite shocked to see Shadowslash then the girls pounced at him as the pillar of their spiritual support have return.

The upcoming war and many more problems they have were having a toll to them since Shadowslash was the person who mostly resolves them.

Shadowslash’s face became extremely pale the girls immediately became worried.

He waves his hand and said “Don’t worry its just a headache after teleporting in a great distance”

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief hearing his explaination.

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