The Summoner's Rebirth: Awaken, Milady

Chapter 46: The Queen's Offer

Chapter 46: The Queen's Offer

'Lichte?' Aria frowned as she heard the woman's words. She thought that the two were certainly from the group that was dubbed as monster rookies, the long-awaited Athena.

Especially since they were the ones leading this operation to begin with.

However, by the sounds of their words, it was indeed not Athena. The squad captain that they mentioned, White Fox said that she had trouble with him in the long past. If it was Han Seong-woo- Athena's leader, then it wouldn't make sense.

There was also no squads formed inside Athena as well.

"Not Athena?" Aria questioned, wanting to implore further.

"..Why would we be from that flashy group?! Listen, my squad name is [Lichte]. It means Light. We bring light to the people, because we swear to do our jobs with the utmost magnificence one could ever imagine," Reina scolded, seemingly frustrated that Aria misunderstood their origins.

From here, Aria was able to understand that even within the Association, not everyone liked Athena.

"My apologies. I'm not very knowledgeable in this division," Aria said.

"..Fine. Fine, I guessed so too. You couldn't even recognize White Fox, right? Well, for starters, my name is Reina. It's my real name- Reina Alaster," Reina introduced herself with pride. "I specialize in shadow magic. Judging by your name, you should be a foreigner too, no?"

"..I am of German descent, but my parents assimilated with living in South Korea. I've been here since birth,"

"Oh? That's quite the surprise," Reina replied.

The lie Aria told was something that Arin taught her to do. It was a surefire method of convincing them.

Even so, Aria had a question in her heart.

"Why are there so many foreign Hunters in South Korea?" Aria asked.

Starting from Arin, who was originally an outsider, to Japanese folks like Hana and Yuki, and now Reina.

"Well- there's no exact reason. If I had to name one prominent reason, it would be that we find great comrades here. It's hard to work with people you don't like," Reina was stunned when Aria suddenly launched this question, but she quickly got over it and even started lightly chuckling.

"I found my place in South Korea, with my team. I met them when I entered a dungeon subjugation squad as an individual member. We.. made some unforgettable memories, and I never thought to leave South Korea for my homeland soon after this change in my heart," A gentle gaze flashed over Reina's eyes, even though it disappeared right after.

She realized that she was talking too much, and stopped.

"I'm sure that you have similar experiences, judging from how you managed to get close to [Magnolia] and Aileen?" She diverted the topic back to Aria.

Reina was also curious about this. How did she manage to meet the groups? They weren't active and could be considered secretive, and they didn't really make efforts to recruit members either.

"I accidentally saved two of their members, I guess? It was a huge coincidence. The leader didn't like me at first, but now is different,"

Sung-ha probably hated her at the start. For unknown reasons except maybe provoking his ego.

But now, everything was silky smooth. She also begun to understand Sung-ha's countenance and could understand why he did certain things.

Reina only nodded in response, but Aria's attention was drawn to another part.

"And.. that- Aileen.." Aria was taken aback by how confidently Reina stated Arin's foreign name, which she heavily disliked since she couldn't fully embrace it as one of her own.

"..Are you going to get mad at me for saying that, too?" Reina bitterly smiled. "I can't help it. She's Aileen, forever Aileen in my eyes. She's just someone who ran away from her troubles,"

"I don't think you should continue calling her by that, though. She doesn't like it," Aria advised.

Every time the name Aileen was mentioned, Arin would scrunch up her face in disgust and turn away. She had a major dislike towards the name, albeit being a pretty one.

"I know. But.. do you even know the reason why she hates that name?" Reina mockingly snorted.

"No..?" Aria answered, frowning.

Arin never told her the specifics of her past, but Aria just knew that her experiences weren't favorable at all.

"You should ask her sometimes, then. Perhaps she'll tell you," With a snicker, Reina commented.

"You saying that means.. you know more than me?"

"Oh, of course I do. Much more. Me and Aileen have a long past between us. Believe it or not, that coward used to be my sworn sister before she escaped. She was tired of everything," Reina was a rather talkative person.

She revealed more than what normal people would to someone they had just met. In face of Reina, even Aria was taken aback by how good Reina was at directing the conversation flow.

Reina made it seem like she tells a lot, but in truth, everything made by her were vague statements.

"...The reason I came to South Korea in the first place.." Reina lowered her gaze as she mumbled. She then shook her head, stopping herself from saying more. "Never mind about that. Let's move on to our.. possible relationship,"

"Relationship? Me and you?" Arin tilted her head in confusion.

"Mhm. As one of the main members of [Lichte], in addition to White Fox's approval, I am extending an invite to you. Join us. I believe that you'd be a great member," Reina made the great reveal.

Aria tried to stay calm, but ripples of complex emotions showed itself from within her clear eyes.

"..I don't think I will join. I already have my own team,"

"[Magnolia]? Or perhaps, you are part of [Golden Insignia]? I don't know what kind of hypnotization they did on you, but your future is going to be blocked if you're staying with them. They messed up terribly and they're never coming back from the pit they dug for themselves. Never,"

Reina's words were hurtful, but from what Aria could see, the woman seemed to be frank, but not filled with deceit or lies.

'Messed up?' Aria thought internally. She had never heard of how [Golden Insignia] came to be, but she was aware of the underlying shadiness they possessed.

Strong members, and yet they weren't united at all and couldn't show their prowess to the world. It was a mystery why they hadn't decided to separate yet.

Aria personally felt like she fit into the group quite well, but she couldn't help but feel curious about what Reina implied.

What kind of past did they hide? How could she get to them?

"They haven't told you about those as well, huh? I don't think they trust you very much. They claim to be a great team, but they're dying. They haven't even participated in a public session in years. Them sending you for this project is probably just to test the waters,"

"Public session.. means?" Aria was incapable of understanding what these foreign terms meant.

"Subjugations. Dungeon subjugations, but ones that are held publicly. Which is.. the normal way. Not only that, but also Hunter gatherings. [Golden Insignia] are not able to enter,"


"Hmm...? Why, you say?" Reina dragged her words.

She had a moment of contemplation inside her head before she managed to come up with her decision.

She would tell this poor kid. And hopefully, it would result in her withdrawing from [Golden Insignia].

"They caused another team to die. And it was voluntary, because they wanted to escape the Hell they dared to trounce upon,"

Aria immediately frowned.

The case sounded like a heavy betrayal. Something she hated.

Especially when it was voluntary.

"It's a long story, but that's all I'm going to tell you. The rest.. well, you better earn their trust if you want to," Reina giggled, noticing Aria's crumpled up expression in delight.

She definitely succeeded in lowering the girl's impression on that team.

"However, if you truly desire to be a fully-fledged Hunter, I suggest you come with us. There's no point in staying with them, who can't even publicly show themselves. No one wants to work with them anymore, so you won't have any luck entering A-ranked dungeons and above if it's with them,"

"Mind elaborating further?"

Aria wasn't a blind person. She wouldn't trust Reina's words unconditionally. She had to obtain the subsequent proof.

"They can procure B-ranked dungeons and below, but A-ranked ones are strictly monitored. Those guys won't stand any chance. If you want to gain experience, valuable ones at that, you should change right now. It's not impossible. You are still a rookie, and you haven't joined them for long, have you?" Reina narrowed her eyes.

Her convincing was not only for her own benefit, but also Aria's.

Reina truly believed that Aria associating herself with [Golden Insignia] was an utterly stupid decision. She wished that the woman could realize how nonsensical her plan was.

"..I'm sorry, but I'll have to think further," After hearing Reina's words, Aria left the comment, wanting to throw out this argument since she wasn't exactly comfortable with it.

Did she want a shortcut? Going with [Golden Insignia] certainly would hinder her maximum potential by a lot, but they suited her.

Aria wanted an individualistic team. Not one that had to convey familial relations and solidarity at all times.

She had lost the heart to try and form such bonds.

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