The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 267: A Trip To Kyoto

Chapter 267: A Trip To Kyoto

Just as Chiba Shiori said, Yuma Sugawara and the others agreed without demur when Kimura Kazuki contacted them. In fact, these fellows did not readily accept the invitation for no reason. They had another small group named “Future Head of The Household” apart from “Camp Kensei”. Even though Katsuki Sugawara and Yayoi Momoi were excluded from the group, they were well aware of it as Yuma Sugawara would occasionally talk about the interesting things that happened in the group. The group was made up of candidates that were to be trained as the head of the household of all the notable families in the Ancient Kendo Community. There were not only members from the junior group, but also members from the youth group and senior group.

During the Jade Dragon Flag Competition, someone from the Future Head of The Household group was curious about the ranking of Kimura Kazuki as most of them could hardly figure it out and Ikioi Ito had just given them a slight insight.

“I’ve been with Kimura-kun for quite some time. I bet he will at least be in the fourth stage of sword power.”

But it turned out that many doubted his words as all of them knew Ikioi Ito well enough to know that he was a f*cking liar. Nevertheless, some were uncertain about it as they could not deny that Ikioi Ito was indeed the person who understood Kimura Kazuki. It would be better for them to err on the side of believing him.

After creating a group with the name “X”, Kimura Kazuki added Yuma Sugawara and the rest into the new group.

By counting Chiba Shiori and himself in, there were a total of nine people. Harunaka, Ikioi Ito, Yuma Sugawara, Katsuki, Yayoi, Tomoya and last but not least, Yagyu Shizuka were all in the group. It was just perfect!

New groups were always the merriest.

After everyone made a note of their nicknames with their real names, Tomoya Saito could no longer wait and sent a flattering emoji. “Katsuki, you’re here!”

“Oh! Yayoi is here too.” Tomoya Saito was not the only one who realized the presence of Yayoi Momoi in the group, so did Yuma Sugawara. Both of them were looking forward to the group.

Kimura Kazuki ignored both the high-spirited fellows. He let Chiba Shiori be in charge of the group and as he was about to leave, Chiba Shiori spoke. “Shall we add the Land Spirit into the group too?”

Kimura Kazuki paused and pondered for a while, “I’ll think about it.” This had not crossed his mind and thus Chiba Shiori’s reminder seemed to be a good idea.

The Usui Spirit was a special Ikiryo. It had an extraordinary ability which was to provide an excellent auxiliary role. But, he had no idea whether the Usui Spirit would agree to join them.

Kimura Kazuki went straight home after saying goodbye to Chiba Shiori.

After a few days, all the papers had finally been marked. Harunaka and the girls were holding their papers with a bitter look on their face, only Akino was relaxed. She seemed to be unperturbed by her fine results. Throwing a pitiful glance at her two elder sisters and another younger sister, she could not help feeling sorry for their low IQs.

They were born by the same mother, but why is there such a huge difference?

The first day of the holidays fell on the 21th of July and the students greeted their holidays with cheer. The same went to Harunaka and the girls. It just took them a day to recover from depression due to their unsatisfactory grades. What could be done? They had already gotten used to this kind of results, to the extent that they could no longer shed tears. The most they could do was to show how remorseful they were in front of their father in order to get their pocket money.

The 22th of July was her date with Senior Kimura.

Harunaka woke up early in the morning. She glanced at the time and found that it was just around five o’clock. Feeling a little embarrassed, she laid down and tried to get back to sleep. However, it was of no avail and thus she got up and washed herself up. Since it was the summer holidays, she did not wake Natsui and the girls up.

It was already seven o’clock by the time she woke up, washed up, did her morning practice, and ate her breakfast. Then, she spent more than an hour just getting dressed. Harunaka swore that this was the first time she had spent so much time dressing herself up. As a Kendo player, she hardly had time to dress up or to do makeup. Everything was efficiency oriented.

After applying some sunscreen, Harunaka looked at the time and realized that it was almost half past eight. It was almost time to meet up with Senior Kimura!

Harunaka left after packing some clothes into her luggage. All this time, she did not tell her sisters that she was going to Kyoto with Senior Kimura. She would only inform them in the group once she arrived in Kyoto.

Soon, Harunaka reached the station. When she arrived at the agreed place, she caught sight of the eye-catching Kimura Kazuki who was standing upright there.

The wooden sword in his hand was the reason why he was so remarkable. Seeing that slender wooden sword, Harunaka thought of the scene when she first met Senior Kimura and was being scolded by him. She smiled knowingly upon thinking of that.

“Hi senpai. Sorry I’ve kept you waiting.”

Looking at Harunaka, Kimura Kazuki put up a smile as he was in a good mood today. “I just arrived. Have you had breakfast?”

“Yeah, I’ve eaten.” Harunaka answered with a bright smile on her face. “There’s another half an hour till the boarding time. Let’s just find a place to sit.”


A slight disappointment flashed in Harunaka’s eyes upon hearing Senior Kimura’s reply. Apparently he did not notice that she was well dressed despite wearing casually.

They came to a cafe next to the station. Harunaka randomly ordered a cup of coffee while Kimura Kazuki got himself a glass of water.

Kimura Kazuki looked at Harunaka and asked her bluntly, “So how’s your Kendo practice going? Have you been diligently practicing? Did you fall out?”

“Of course not!” Harunaka shook her head. She had been practicing since young and had formed a habit of practicing at least one to two hours a day.

Kimura Kazuki shot Harunaka a glance and slowly said, “But why can’t I see any improvements?” After witnessing Harunaka’s strength being upgraded twice in the Jade Dragon Flag Competition, his expectations toward her were a little harsh.

Harunaka obviously felt wronged. “Senpai, I’ve mastered the basics for the Yagyu Flying Sword Style. As for the Youbi Sword Drawing Skill, I’ve been practicing diligently. I feel that my strength has improved greatly as of late.”

Kimura Kazuki nodded. He understood that this did take time and there was no point rushing. Taking a sip of water, he went on speaking, “Once we reach Kyoto, I will ask someone to activate the power of your consanguinity. By that time, I will let you sign a contract with a specter and let it be your guardian spirit.”

“Guardian spirit?”

“It is also known as a shikigami.”

“Shikigami?” Harunaka’s eyes lit up. She had heard about the shikigami. They belonged exclusively to the Onmyoji. “Senpai, are you trying to make me an Onmyoji?”

“Be it Onmyoji or Swordsmen, it’s just an occupation. You don’t have to be confined to the form.” Kimura Kazuki replied flatly, “Once you own a shikigami, you’ll be considered as an Onmyoji. But at the same time, you are also a Swordsmen where strength will be your priority.” He looked at the excited Harunaka before continuing his words, “This specter is kind of special. I hope that you can control yourself once you see it.”

Upon hearing this, Harunaka replied confidently, “Is it because the contract signing part will be painful? No worries, Senpai. I can control myself!”

Clearly, Harunaka had misunderstood. Kimura Kazuki opened his mouth, but no words came out of it. Hopefully, Harunaka can behave herself when she sees her mother.

Half an hour later, Kimura Kazuki and Harunaka went back to the station and boarded the Shinkansen. It was about two hours before they arrived in Kyoto.

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