The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 204: The truth about memory “blurring”

Chapter 204 The truth about memory “blurring”

Although Liu Jiayi was transferred to the Rong City branch less than half a year ago, due to her relationship with Deng Yuqi and her "position", she is considered a familiar face within the department. Even if Shen Ge has never worked with Liu Jiayi, he is more or less "familiar" with them.

Hearing Shen Ge say that he didn't know her, Liu Jiayi immediately thought that the other party was joking. However, she thought that Shen Ge didn't even know her mother-in-law, so she wouldn't make such a joke.

To ease the embarrassment, Liu Jiayi said with a smile: "Old Shen, didn't I just rob you of a braised egg last month? As for today, I still remember it?"

Shen Ge's eyes were fixed, then he looked at the others and found that there were quite a lot of people he "didn't know", as many as seven or eight.

Liu Jiayi seemed to have noticed the problem and asked tentatively: "Aren't you kidding? Have you really forgotten us? Could it be that... your head was injured in the strange space?"

Cheng Shengnan also asked nervously: "Are you injured? Come on, let's go to the infirmary to check first. It's just that the memory loss is fine, but I'm afraid there are any hidden dangers."

Shen Ge nodded. According to his experience, it was impossible for anyone to interfere with memory, not even the weirdo in the mirror.

After all, if the other party really has this ability, then the danger Shen Ge faces in the mirror world will be at least several times greater, not to mention that the other party has always wanted to devour his consciousness.

If you have such a heaven-defying ability and only need to interfere with the memory, then the success rate of devouring will be greatly improved, and it is likely to be successful at the first invasion of consciousness.

If it wasn't for the ability to interfere with memory, then Shen Ge's "head" was severely injured. He couldn't guarantee whether the mirror world had hurt him, because he died inexplicably several times, and he didn't even know how he died. . In reality, Xiaoqi's classmate has always been wearing the red mist armor to protect Shen Ge's body and did not suffer any external injuries.

After realizing that Shen Ge's health was in trouble, "old acquaintances" such as Feng Chengxiu, Wang Han, and others who wanted to come forward to say hello had no choice but to slow down. Deng Yuqi asked them to go to work first, while she, Cheng Shengnan and others accompanied him. Shen Ge went to the infirmary for examination.

On the way to the infirmary, Xiao Qi used the red mist armor to examine Shen Ge's body and confirmed that there was no external injury.

 Shen Ge spent most of the day working in the medical department, taking blood tests for injuries and completing a series of examinations. The conclusion he reached was consistent with that of Xiao Qi.

“Shen Tan’s body is all normal, and brain tests have not shown the possibility of amnesia due to the impact. If it is ‘amnesia’, I don’t think it is due to physical problems.”

The chief doctor of the medical department often cooperates with the research department and is familiar with weird and strange abilities. What he said obviously meant that Shen Ge's problem should be caused by weirdness and strange spaces.

Deng Yuqi looked at Shen Ge solemnly and said in a deep voice: "According to what you said, you were not injured in the strange space. Could it be due to the strange influence of special abilities?"

Shen Ge thought for a while and shook his head to reject this possibility. The weirdest and weirdest person in the dream world is undoubtedly the "Dean of the Neck Man", but apart from her infinitely extendable head and limbs like a rubber man, she has no other Demonstrated no special abilities.

The only possibility is that in the last room full of eyes, there is a "person" who looks exactly like Shen Ge.

 It's just that Shen Ge "died" after entering. This death did not wake him up elsewhere, but returned to the real world.

If there is anything weirdest in this dream world, it is the "eye room".

While Shen Ge was thinking, Cheng Shengnan said: "I just counted the people Shen Ge 'forgot', and there are eight in total. My mother, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Information Liu Jiayi, Captain of the Stormtroopers of the Operations Department... Among them, Minister Liu Fu has the most cooperation with Shen Ge. ,followed by…"

Cheng Shengnan briefly explained the situation of several people who were "forgotten" by Shen Ge. Among them, the one who cooperated with Shen Ge the most was Liu Jiayi, the one who had known her for the shortest time was Cheng's mother, and the one who had the least contact with was the leader of the stormtroopers of the Operations Department... In general He said that these eight people were not among the grassroots staff who had a "familiar relationship". Even the leader of the stormtroopers with whom they had the least communication, Shen Ge could name them when they met.

Deng Yuqi asked: "...As the deputy minister of the Ministry of Information, Old Liu will communicate with Shen Ge when she wants to obtain combat information. The two of them have had a lot of communication in the past few months. By the way, Shen Ge, do you remember to go to Quan Who gave you the road map when Yongshan took Sister Yoona back?”

Shen Ge frowned slightly and asked, "Who should I pick up?"


Shen Ge's rhetorical question made everyone present stunned. Cheng Shengnan asked: "Shen Yuner and Shen Xue'er, these two sisters are killers trained by the Red Flower Organization of Bang Country. When you went to Bang Country for support, Bang Country sent them to monitor you. , but you instigated a rebellion and brought him back to the country. In order to show his loyalty, Shin Yoona used his own body as a container to bring back the "weird sample" from the Bangguo Research Institute. Have you forgotten all this? "

As Cheng Shengnan explained, Shen Ge's frown deepened. He found that he had "impressions" of the things Cheng Shengnan told, but this memory was very vague.

Deng Yuqi saw this and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the eight people who were forgotten in the morning are not the eight people... Shen Ge, do you remember Wang Fuchu, Shi Sijie, Tan Chunxi, Cao Ren... these people?"

Deng Yuqi announced eight names in one breath, pausing for each name. Shen Ge would also carefully think about the corresponding person in his mind.

Finally, Shen Ge discovered that among the eight names mentioned by Deng Yuqi, except for a few that had a vague impression, the rest had no impression at all.

 “Where are Jiang Jian and Ning Dian?” Deng Yuqi asked again.

Shen Ge thought for a while and said: "Two anti-terrorist warriors under Captain Feng? I remember that when they joined the army, I took them to the combat department, and we had a few chats on the way. The two of them... and you just now What’s the difference between those names?”

Deng Yuqi thought for a while and already had the answer in his mind: "Including Jiang Jian and Ning Dian, these ten people are 'newcomers' who have joined the company in recent months, in order from nearest to farthest. What they have in common is that, I usually communicate with you, and you don’t belong to the category that I can’t even call you by name.”

"Jiang Jian and Ning Dian were transferred to the ministry five months ago, Wang Fuchu and Shi Sixie were transferred last month, Tan Chunxi and Cao Ren were transferred last month...except for them, the few people you forgot were transferred to the Ministry at the same time. Within four months." Deng Yuqi said while listing some more names.

Everyone soon discovered Shen Ge's problem. The "people" he had forgotten were all people he had met in the past four months. Apart from the "people", Shen Ge's memory of the past four months had also become blurry.

Shen Ge had discovered before that there were two kinds of memories in his mind, one was a "clear" memory and the other was a "fuzzy" memory. But with what has happened in the past four months, this "memory" has also changed. It has become a kind of "fuzzy" memory.

Li Xiang concluded: "In this way, Lao Shen has not completely forgotten these people, but his memory has become blurred in the past four months. Among them, the memory of people has the greatest impact, followed by the memory of events. And these memories It’s not completely forgotten, it’s just become blurry. If you deepen the impression, you may still remember it... But this is not the point. The point is why ‘near four months’?”

Li Xiang's junior sister Jiang Wenpei nodded and said thoughtfully: "Yes, there is a 'fixed' time limit for the loss of memory. This kind of setting only appears in ancient idol dramas. Why do you happen to forget the heroine, hero and other plots? But the premise for these plots is "injury". According to current test results, Detective Shen has not suffered any injuries, so this "nearly four months" may be some kind of clue."

Li Xiang nodded, looked at Shen Ge and asked: "Old Shen, how long have you been in the strange space this time? Four months? Or do you have any experience related to the number 'four'?"

Shen Ge shook his head while thinking and said: "The time I stayed in the strange space this time was not long. Putting aside the fact that I don't know how long I was unconscious, it only lasted a few days. About... only a week. The time I spent here was still long. It’s better to fall into a coma before going to Donghuan Lake, but there was no memory loss at that time.”

"As for...'four'." Shen Ge quickly went through the experience of this trip to the dream world in his mind. To say that there is only one situation related to "four" -

 He "died" four times in the dream world.

“Is the ‘blurring’ of memory the punishment for death in the dream world? Every time you die, your memory will be blurred for nearly a month?”

“Based on this situation, the ‘punishment’ isn’t too serious... One month at a time, even if it’s full, you’ll still have more than three hundred lives?”

Everyone found Shen Ge's "problem". The next step was to verify Li Xiang's guess. They compared the people and things Shen Ge experienced in the past four months. Sure enough, they found that he could clearly remember the people and things in the fifth month. , only the "memory" of the past four months has been blurred.

As for whether the blurred memory is related to "death" in the dream world, we can only verify it when he enters the dream world next time.

 But just as Shen Ge doesn’t know how to “break away” from the dream world, he also doesn’t know how to actively enter the dream world.

The only monster in the mirror that has a certain understanding of the dream world is also clean with the stomach with a strange stomach, and there is no residue.

After this experience in the dream world, Shen Ge decided that before investigating the affairs of the Weird Association, it was best not to use the power of the ministry to investigate, so as not to alert the enemy.

 After all, after this time, except for people like Cheng Shengnan who were not members of the Special Strategy Department at the beginning, the rest may be the "remnants" left by the Weird Association.

As for the relationship between Shen Ge and Rongshan Mental Hospital, these "remnants" are still able to remain calm. They are either planning something, or they knew about it when Shen Ge first joined the special policy department and were just secretly doing it. Just monitor and observe him.

It was already night when he came out of the medical department. Shen Ge stopped Deng Yuqi who was about to leave and said: "Minister, I remember that the headquarters repeatedly 'invited' agents and researchers from our branch to the headquarters six months ago. Exchange and study?”

"Yes, they asked you and Li Xiang to go by name, but I asked you and you were unwilling to go, so you refused. Later, when you got annoyed, you sent Lin Yin to go... Her latest pair Isn't this type of robotic arm 'replaced' from the headquarters?" Deng Yuqi said.

Shen Ge: ...I think it’s not “changing”, but “grabbing”, right?

Since the "bandit" ethos brought out by Shen Ge in the Rong City branch, the whole department has developed a fine tradition of "picking off the skin even when passing by".

When Lin Yin went to the headquarters to communicate, he was arranged to help deal with a strange incident. Then he fell in love with the newly developed mechanical kinetic energy arm armor. The original "voluntary assistance" became "if you don't give it to me, I will go back to the factory to screw the screws." As a result, She really asked her to take her own devious energy gauntlets and successfully replaced them with a pair of the latest mechanical kinetic energy gauntlets.

 It was said to be "exchanging", but in reality it was "grabbing". Shen Ge still remembered this very clearly. Deng Yuqi saw Shen Ge thinking and asked, "Why are you suddenly interested in things at the headquarters? What did you discover?"

Shen Ge said: "I suspect that Fang Laozha's problem of infiltrating the Twelve Branches has not uprooted them. The weirdo who looks exactly like me is the latest 'weird' of the Twelve Branches. They have mastered abilities similar to mine, and... just From the original Rongshan Mental Hospital.”

Shen Ge did not tell everything about the Weird Association and the clones in detail, but used the "Twelve Branches" as a cover to see Deng Yuqi's reaction.

 Deng Yuqi’s reaction was also what Shen Ge had expected. She was only shocked and confused about the “Weirdo Association”. If it weren’t for the actress who won the acting award, she really didn’t know about it.

But whether he knows it or not, Shen Ge has decided to personally find out the "remnants" of the Weird Association, so naturally he cannot tell Deng Yuqi all about his plan.

"I have long said that the management style of the headquarters is not good. Do you think that if you are absorbed into the department, you can become one of your own over time? Dreaming! Just like humans don't look down on weirdos, weirdos may not necessarily look down on humans. At least for now, the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches The conditions revealed by those people are all "superior to others"...I will investigate this matter personally, and will notify you as soon as there is any news..." Before Deng Yuqi could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Shen Ge.

"No, even Mr. Fang, a former minister, couldn't completely uncover the 'remnants' of the Twelve Branches. I think it's beyond your reach to investigate this matter. The best way is to arrange for me to go to the headquarters for 'communication' and let me go and investigate the Twelve Branches in person." penetration problem," Shen Ge said.

Deng Yuqi was stunned for a moment: "You want to go in person? In the past, you didn't hate this kind of trouble the most, and you always avoided it. What happened today..."

"This is all part of the 'Alice Project'. If we continue to let it go, you won't even know when I will be replaced by them."

According to the weird man in the mirror, Shen Ge’s “replica” plan was not successful, and so far there are only three left including the weird man in the mirror.

 But Shen Ge wanted to implement his plan, so naturally he couldn't tell the matter thoroughly. On the contrary, the more "serious" it was, the easier it would be for the next action.

 To take a step back, if Deng Yuqi is also a "remnant" of the Weird Association, then Shen Ge's "heart-to-heart" conversation will definitely make the Weird Association relax its vigilance and make it easier for him to find people.

"That's right. The new Asia Anti-Confidence Research Society is coming soon. It makes sense to arrange for you to go to the headquarters for exchanges." Deng Yuqi nodded and agreed to Shen Ge's plan.

From her point of view, what Shen Ge said was indeed correct. She was looking for someone to look up the "remnant". Who knew if the person she was looking for was the "remnant"?

Shen Ge would go there in person. If he couldn't find out, it would prove that the "remaining evil" was indeed hidden deeply. The branch's next actions and plans would need to be greatly adjusted, at least to avoid the eyes and ears of the "remaining evil" as much as possible; It would be better if it was found out. With Shen Ge's strength, he would be able to avoid future troubles.

 After discussing with Deng Yuqi, Shen Ge returned to the dormitory to rest.

 “Are you back? Are you hungry? What would you like to eat?” Cheng Shengnan asked.

Shen Ge shook his head, sat on the sofa and said, "No, I may have to go on a business trip to the headquarters in a while, maybe for a while."

"Is it a problem with the strange space this time?" Although Cheng Shengnan is not from the Ministry of Information, she has a lot of information in her hands, and she also knows that the headquarters has invited Shen Ge to go there many times. But Shen Ge has always thought it was troublesome and has not gone. This time he took the initiative to go is obviously related to the "blurred memory".

Shen Ge nodded: "My 'memory' problem is not that simple. I need to investigate some things when I go to the headquarters. You also try to help me keep an eye on some people at the branch..."

Shen Ge said that he could not spread out the mysterious realm to cover him and Cheng Shengnan, and then said a few names to her, which made Cheng Shengnan's eyes widen: "You doubt..."

 “Yes, there is a mole in the branch.”

 “I understand.” Cheng Shengnan nodded solemnly.

Shen Ge explained some things to Cheng Shengnan, and then the two of them turned off the lights and took a rest.

The impact of this strange incident in Donghuan Lake is not as bad as a "weird disaster", but the aftermath is also very troublesome, especially when the corpses of those suspected "future people" brought back from the strange space by Shen Ge have to find their corresponding bodies in the real world. After people die, those corpses will appear in the same condition as the female weirdos, which is very strange.

However, Shen Ge doesn't need to worry about these things. Deng Yuqi is responsible for the arrangements for the aftermath, and Li Xiang's research department is responsible for the research on weirdos and corpses. He only needs to have a good rest and undergo daily examinations by the medical department to confirm that the blurring of "memory" has not affected the environment. The body is affected.

 A few days later, Deng Yuqi and the headquarters reached an agreement on Shen Ge's "exchange". The headquarters was also very concerned about the visit and guidance of the first pair of secret agents in the Great Celestial Dynasty, and even sent someone to arrange a special plane to pick him up.

 However, Shen Ge refused.

“You really want to fly there by yourself? Why don’t you accept the arrangement of the headquarters’ special plane?” Deng Yuqi was puzzled.

Shen Ge said in a tone of "There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me": "Accepting the arrangements from the headquarters is like sitting in the headquarters' prison car, and every move is under their surveillance. Secondly, such a good 'attracting' firepower I don’t believe the Twelve will miss this opportunity.”

"Are you crazy? Are you using yourself as bait?" Deng Yuqi frowned.

Shen Ge smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have sense. If the Twelve Branches really have a way to deal with me, they won't just dare to do anything secretly."

"Having said that, it's still too risky to do this. Besides, not only the weirdo organizations, but also the secret service departments of various countries are also watching you..." Deng Yuqi said worriedly.

Shen Ge said confidently: "Don't worry, I'm not afraid that they will take action. I'm afraid that they won't take action. It would be great if we could solve it once and for all."

 Deng Yuqi was a little speechless by Shen Ge's strong "confidence", but then again, given his strength, he does have the ability to be confident.

 Using oneself as bait is very dangerous for other people, but for Shen Ge...whether they can bite this "bait" is also a problem.

Shen Ge refused to let someone from the ministry see him off at the airport and took a taxi to the airport. He didn't even tell the headquarters when he would go, but bought a nearby ticket to Dajing.

  Just as Shen Ge walked into the aisle when passing through the security check, the instrument in the hand of the staff member who scanned him and the luggage detector sounded the alarm.

Such an urgent alarm scared the security personnel and also alerted the airport armed police, who immediately rushed over and surrounded Shen Ge.

 “He’s got a gun in his package!”

 “Not a lot!”

The female staff member sitting in front of the detector saw the contents of Shen Ge's luggage bag clearly, and her voice was trembling. She was born in the Great Heaven, how had she ever seen anyone carrying a gun through the security check?

 Several armed police officers immediately drew their guns and pointed at Shen Ge: "Hold your hands..."

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. I am Shen Ge, a counter-terrorism agent from the Rong City Special Policy Department. I went to Dajing to attend the pre-conference meeting of the Asian Counter-terrorism Research Association. As a counter-terrorism agent, it is okay to carry a few counter-terrorism weapons with me. It's very reasonable, right?" Shen Ge said as he took out his ID and handed it over.

When the armed police checked the documents, they were not sure about Shen Ge's identity, so they quickly reported the matter. Soon the person in charge of the airport came with someone to verify Shen Ge's identity.

"Inspector Shen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is all a misunderstanding! We checked with the Special Policy Department, and since we didn't know you were going on a business trip, we didn't make any arrangements. Please come with me and board the plane through the special passage here..." The person in charge apologized, guided Shen Ge to leave, and even asked someone to help him carry his luggage.

Shen Ge smiled and said, "This was my mistake. I should have informed you about carrying weapons. It only increased your workload. Please forgive me."

"Well, weird things are rampant now. Thanks to the protection of heroes like you, Inspector Shen, we can live a stable life. It is our honor to serve you." the person in charge said.

As Shen Ge was speaking, his cell phone suddenly rang. As soon as it was connected, Deng Yuqi's roaring voice came from the phone: "This is what you told me, you want to go to the headquarters in a low-key manner?"

 “Well, I can explain that.”

"To explain, the Ministry of Information received a report from the airport, saying that someone was pretending to be an anti-spy agent and carrying a large number of weapons on board the plane. If I hadn't happened to be having a meeting at the Ministry of Information, the team would have been closed and they would have made a trip to arrest the person. Then they found out You are the one to be arrested, it’s really embarrassing. Wait, what are you doing?”

 Complaints are complaints, but Deng Yuqi quickly realized the problem.

  Not to mention whether Shen Ge needs to pack weapons in his bag given his current situation, he would not be unclear about the possibility of being detected when boarding.

There is only one possibility for doing this...on purpose!

Shen Ge smiled and replied: "I just wanted to see how many fish bit the hook. Unexpectedly, the number was much more than I imagined."

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