The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 225: The outcome has long been doomed, humanity will eventually perish

Chapter 225 The outcome has long been determined, mankind will eventually perish

Shen Ge's punch, which was amplified a hundred times, hit the door frame of the black door. It was like hitting a monster in the stomach, causing stomach cramps, causing the entire space to shake violently.

The next second, the ceiling and walls began to collapse, and the surrounding space quickly closed and compressed. Hu Tinglan, who was not far away, screamed in fear when she saw this scene.

 Fortunately, Shen Ge's consciousness became much clearer after the punch, and the voice in his mind that kept asking him to enter the room gradually disappeared.

I saw him stepping down, using the bouncing power of his sneaky boots to bounce back and forth, twisting his body in the air, and grabbing Hu Tinglan as he flew past her.


Shen Ge waited for Hu Tinglan to finish screaming and then asked: "Didn't I ask you to stay outside and wait for me to finish the things here before I go back to find you? Why come in and cause trouble?"

Hu Tinglan was so aggrieved that she almost cried: "Tan Shen, I really didn't come to this place on purpose... I was staying in the small room and locked the door. Suddenly there was a strange noise outside the door. I leaned on the peephole and looked out. I found that the outside was shrouded in a strange black fog, and it was the same scene outside the window. "

"I was so scared that I hid under the bed. As a result, the whole house shook violently, and black mist poured into the room from the crack in the door. Soon the whole room was filled with that weird black mist. As the black mist poured in, The whole room became distorted and shaking, and I ran to the window with all my strength..."

"At this moment, I heard your seemed to say 'I found you' and asked me to follow you. Although I had some suspicions that it was a strange voice, the situation in the house was very bad at that time. I have no choice but to follow your voice and rush out of the door. "

“As a result, I rushed out of the door and saw the weird corridor, and then I saw you standing in front of the black door in a daze..."

While Hu Tinglan explained how she came to the spire, she tightly grabbed Shen Ge's arm with the rot-blood armor with both hands, and threw her in this strange place for fear of making the other party unhappy.

 The surrounding space was still compressing at an extremely fast rate. Shen Ge relied on the high mobility of the red mist armor to continuously move and run from the tenth floor back to the eighth floor, while the surrounding collapse became more and more intense.

"What's going on...just because you didn't enter that room, the entire spire collapsed?" Shen Ge was very confused and couldn't figure out why the situation in front of him happened.

However, the speed of the collapse of the spire gave him no chance to think. Fortunately, Shen Ge climbed up one level at a time and was quite familiar with the environment here. He rushed all the way back to the lobby on the first floor.

When he arrived at the gate, he was stunned. The outside world had been completely shrouded in black mist, and the gate was wide open, and no monsters entered. It was as if the terrifying monsters he had seen on the way to the minaret didn't exist. Something is obviously wrong!

"Could it be that... it's not that the spire collapsed, but that the whole world collapsed?" Shen Ge suddenly thought of an unlikely possibility. The collapse of the dream world meant that if he didn't find a way to leave quickly, he would be buried forever. here.

Of course, it is possible that after the dream world collapses, he and Hu Tinglan can successfully leave the dream world, but it is obvious that Shen Ge is not willing to gamble with his own life.

 “Why does the dream world collapse?”

 “Just because you refused to enter the room?”

 “What’s in the room?”

A series of questions flashed through Shen Ge's mind. He felt that there should be some connection between the collapse of the dream world and that room.

  When he experienced Doomsday Banyan City before, Shen Ge also escaped from the dream world after entering the tower and finally entering the weird room.

But the difference is that at that time, the consciousness of Shenge fell into a deep sleep, and it was just the consciousness entering the dream world, but now it has entered the dream world together with the physical body, and also brought in an unrelated person.

Although there have been cases of weird Shen Ge entering the dream world since Shen Ge discovered it, weird Shen Ge, like him, also entered through consciousness.

So this time after Shen Ge and Hu Tinglan entered as a group, he did not dare to bet for a while whether he would be able to leave the dream world after entering the room.

What's more, the situation at that time was too weird, as if there was an invisible force forcing him to enter a weird room full of eyes. No normal person would dare to gamble in this situation!

At this moment, Shen Ge thought that when the red mist armor was used to "compete" with the magic energy provided by the red mist armor at the door of the room, the different magic energies of both sides had a strange collision, resulting in a twisted and torn scene!

 “I have a bold idea!” Shen Ge suddenly said.

Hu Tinglan was about to cry when she heard this: "Tan Shen, are we going to die here? Ah, I have just waited for my promotion and salary increase...God bless me, the Buddha is immortal, the Bodhisattva protects me, the God of Wealth has mercy, and the Jade Emperor is in good health... Please help me leave this hellish place smoothly. From now on, I will burn incense and worship Buddha every month!”

"..." Shen Ge realized that the other party didn't hear what he was saying clearly at all. He escaped from the collapsed and shrinking floor and nervously muttered various incantations to pray to gods and Buddhas.

 From God to the Jade Emperor, from Buddha to the God of Wealth, the main purpose is to pray evenly, and always have the attitude of a fairy.

Shen Ge didn't bother to ask her anymore, so he expanded the Uncanny Realm to cover him and Hu Tinglan, and then asked Xiao Qi to continue to transform his uncanny energy into him through the red mist armor, and rushed out of the minaret gate.

The next second, Shen Ge suddenly fell into the darkness wrapped by the black mist and the mysterious energy. However, the invisible barrier condensed in the mysterious realm formed a defense around him, and the mysterious black mist could not get close.

At this time, Shen Ge felt as if the whole world was spinning, as if the dark mist had condensed into a giant hand, tightly holding his barrier, trying to crush it!




Shen Ge could even faintly hear the sound of glass-like shattering coming from the invisible barrier, and traces of cracks appeared in the air.

His deception ability was declining rapidly, but at this moment it was clear that there was no way out, and he could only rely on the recovery of spiritual apples and the supply of red mist armor to support himself.

At this moment, a scene appeared in the pitch-black foggy space, which looked like glass fragments from countless worlds pieced together.

Seeing this weird scene, Shen Ge thought of a possibility - if the dream world is really like what the Weird Association has studied, it is a "strange space" where countless endings on Earth 2 overlap and twist, then the direction is already destined, so Could the current situation mean that one of the fragments has reached its "end"?

"Shen, Tan Shen, where are we?" Hu Tinglan finally recovered from her prayers to God and Buddha, and then she realized that she and Shen Ge were trapped in a strange world. "Distorted space." Shen Ge explained to Hu Tinglan in the most understandable way. While speaking, his eyes kept scanning the different mirror fragments in the sky, trying to find some clues.

Hu Tinglan was stunned when she saw the mirror fragments all over the sky. It felt as if the sky was a whole mirror, and then you smashed it with a stone, and each mirror reflected a different picture.

" could this happen? I, Detective Shen! I seem to have seen this picture before!" Hu Tinglan said hesitantly, staring at the mirror fragments in the sky.

Shen Ge frowned and asked doubtfully, "Have you seen it before?"

"The institute was rebuilt after the Dajing disaster. The superiors believed that putting all the eggs in one basket would lead to huge losses if this happens again, so they decided to divide the headquarters into three departments, and each department planned to build laboratories with different research directions. …Roughly divided into weird research, weird equipment and weird research.”

“Since the reconstruction of the institute is of great importance, and a lot of information needs to be kept confidential, we are the ones who are finally dispatched to carry out ‘data reorganization’ after layers of screening and investigation.”

"I am responsible for sorting and transferring the data of the first film. When sorting the files, I found an abandoned file named "Haiya 1009320". Because it is to be destroyed, I need to confirm that the contents inside are all 'invalid' information. , so I read the information inside.”

“There is an old and yellowed photo in the archives, and in the photo there is a scene similar to the mirror fragments in the sky now.”

 《Haiya 1009320》?

 Haya Institute’s archives?

Shen Ge frowned. There was one thing that he couldn't figure out... The information at the Haiya Research Institute was very valuable secrets. It was too late to hide it at the headquarters, so why should it be abandoned?

 Hu Tinglan didn't notice the change in Shen Ge's expression and was still telling him about the information in the file, and the reason for discarding it was also very simple.

There was a data bias in the study. The researchers believed that the conclusion was wrong and that there was no so-called "mirror world"... Therefore, the file was thrown in the corner for ten years. After repeated "screening", it was finally decided to publish it here It was completely abandoned during the reconstruction.

"However, there are still some differences between that photo and the situation in the sky..." Hu Tinglan said, staring at the mirror fragments in the sky.

"What's the difference?" Shen Ge asked. In his opinion, maybe this "difference" was the key to them leaving the dream world!

Hu Tinglan pointed to the sky and said: "The file mentioned that the headquarters plans to implement a plan called the 'Cloud Project', which roughly means to connect our world and the mirror in the sky through treacherous energy facilities to establish a No. 3 The 'bridge' from Earth to Earth 2, or Earth 1."

"So in that yellowed old photo, it looks like a complete mirror was hit with a stone, and cracks like a broken mirror appeared from the center. But look at the 'sky' here, Detective Shen, it seems like there are three places covered by Smash, the three broken centers seem to form a triangle."

Shen Ge looked in the direction described by Hu Tinglan. After looking into the distance, he discovered that there was a faint "triangle" in the distorted picture.

Shen Ge suddenly thought of the scene where he saw three connected earths through the Secret Eye, and in the center was a whirlpool shrouded in black mist!

“Master, there is less than 30% of the magic power left!” Xiaoqi kept checking the consumption of the magic power. Seeing that the magic power could not keep up with the consumption of the magic field, he could only remind Shen Ge.

"Then we can only give it a try!" Shen Ge condensed an invisible barrier under his feet, then concentrated the magic power of the red mist armor on the sneaky boots, jumped with all his strength, and rushed towards the sky above. The center of the mirror fragment.

The "mirror fragments" in the sky give people a very strange feeling. They are obviously as far away as the sky, but in fact, due to the influence of the strange black mist, the entire world is like these broken fragments. It felt like he was thousands of miles away, but Shen Ge jumped up and down and was about to hit his head!



As he moved, the invisible barrier that Shen Ge condensed turned into a missile and rushed into the air under the influence of the red mist armor's fully powered sneaky boots.

In an instant, both Shen Ge and Hu Tinglan were surrounded by the sound of air flowing at high speed, followed by a violent collision with the "mirror fragments".

 Shen Ge felt as if his magical energy had been drained out in an instant. Fortunately, the continuous supply of the red mist armor prevented him from being dizzy when it was drained away.

With the sound of broken glass, Shen Ge controlled the invisible barrier to break through the "mirror fragments", as if breaking the dimension of space, moving rapidly in the torrent of time, and the pictures in those mirror fragments were like Different endings flashed quickly.

These endings have only one ending—


Looking at the earth's "explosion" and the destruction of mankind again and again, Shen Ge's heart was shrouded in despair, as if the outcome was already destined, and what would greet mankind would only be destruction!

At this moment, one of the worlds flashing with white light caught his attention. As the picture played back at high speed, he discovered that it seemed to be his own world...

real world!

Shen Ge tried his best to reach out and grab the fragment, and this fragment shone with a faint white light among the countless broken gray fragments, like a ray of light symbolizing hope in the darkness!



Shen Ge used all his strength to grab the piece of debris and held it tightly in his hand. The next second there was a loud "bang" sound, as if he and Hu Tinglan had smashed a glass, followed by something falling from a high altitude. Falling rapidly.

In front of him was the high-rise building of the Pingan Hotel. He and Hu Tinglan were falling downwards at a very fast speed as if they had jumped from the rooftop.

 The dim night sky, the streets with all the street lights on, the police cars and tanks lined up neatly on the streets with flashing police lights, and the black mecha troops!

 This is reality?

 Shen Ge didn't have time to think too much. He adjusted his body shape in the air and extended it with the help of the rotten blood tentacles. He controlled the cunning gloves to "hold on" to absorb the building to slow down the falling trend. Then he dragged Hu Tinglan and landed accurately.

As soon as the two landed on the ground, they saw the counterattack agents and the mecha troops of the special strategy department surrounding them, warning him to stay where they were and let go of the hostages.

Obviously they regarded Shen Ge as a weirdo and thought he was holding Hu Tinglan hostage.

Hu Tinglan quickly raised her hand and said loudly: "I am Hu Tinglan, deputy director of the Internal Affairs Department of the First Division, and this is Captain Shen Geshen of the Rong City Special Policy Department, one of my own!"

Shen Ge withdrew the rotten blood tentacles wrapped around Hu Tinglan, put her on the ground, and then jumped back to the Ping An Hotel. He still had many doubts in his heart, which could only be verified in the hotel!

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