The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 228: Different experimental procedures

 Chapter 228 A different experimental process

Shen Ge remembered several "experiences" in the dream world very clearly. The last time he looked out through the observation window, when he met one of the eyes, he felt like he was out of breath, like a One hand grabbed his neck, and his body couldn't exert any strength, almost collapsing.

Then his consciousness fell into a blur, and he vaguely heard someone opening the door, and then a group of white coats came in pushing the hospital bed and tied him to the hospital bed.

Then he was pushed into a closed operating room and asked some weird questions when he was unconscious, such as asking him to repeat the process of seeing his father turn into a monster and bite off his mother's head, or inject him with some medicine. , perform various inspections.

This situation lasted for several months, and his consciousness was always half asleep and half awake. Every day he was either locked in a dark ward or pushed into the operating room for various experiments, such as drawing blood or extracting body tissue. , or inject him with various drugs.

 But this time, he did not have any horrifying hallucinations when he looked at the white coats outside the door, and the white coats did not inject him with drugs.

Was there something wrong with the dream this time, or was it because everyone was more cooperative from the moment they entered the hospital, so they were not asked to take extreme measures?

Shen Ge calmly withdrew his gaze and pretended to be sitting on the bed in a daze, but in fact he was listening carefully to the conversation of several people outside the door.

 But they only said some insignificant words, such as "the target is still calm", "the situation is normal", "progressed according to the original plan", etc., but did not talk about any topics related to the experiment.

He spent the night peacefully like this. Early the next morning, Shen Ge heard the sound of the door opening, and immediately sat up from the bed, only to see a few "fully armed" white coats wearing masks pushing the hospital bed in.

 “Shen Ge, I’ll take you for a checkup.” The leader in the white coat said.

Shen Ge got up and got off the bed, put on his shoes and said, "I'm still in good health and can walk by myself. I don't need to trouble you to push me."

Shen Ge's main character is to be submissive. If these white coats are willing, he can even let the white coats lie down on them and he will use some force to push the cart.

The two men in white coats standing in front looked at each other, thinking that this child seemed to be different from the "difficult" people said. He had been very obedient since yesterday.

 “Come up and lie down.” The white coat said in a commanding tone.

Shen Ge didn't say anything. He lay down on the gurney obediently. There were straps on the four corners of the bed to help the patient, but this time the white coat not only didn't tie him up, but he didn't even inject him with sedatives.

In this way, Shen Ge remained awake and was pushed out of the ward. He walked through the corridor and entered the elevator. The strange thing was that although the lights in the corridor and the elevator were energy-saving lamps, their brightness was normal. They were not as "dim" or even dim as last time. A strange situation of darkness.

Finally, Shen Ge was brought into an operating room. The white coat asked him to sit beside the bed, and then began to put tapes covering his body with various testing instruments: "You can call me Dr. Chen, and I will be responsible for your treatment from now on. Your name is Shen Ge, right? You’re ten years old?”


"I have read your confession. You said that when you and your family of three were driving back from the beach, your father turned into a monster and ate your mother in one bite?"


 “Can you tell me more about the situation at that time?” asked the white coat.

  Shen Ge told the story of the accident he "remembered" when he was ten years old and what happened on the way, without any concealment.

At this time, a shorter man in a white coat behind Dr. Chen lowered his voice and said to the person next to him: "This child is only ten years old, is he acting too calm? Is he the type who is born without emotions? Or is he being manipulated by that child? Are you so scared?"

"Judging from his physical indicators, there isn't much of a problem. However, it is indeed strange for a ten-year-old child to behave so calmly." The man agreed.

Dr. Chen ignored the two people behind him and just asked a few more questions about Shen Ge's words to help him "recall" the original accident in more detail.

"We suspect that your father is infected with some kind of virus that can mutate people, so we need to extract your blood and skin tissue for testing. We will also inject you with several virus antibodies. If you feel any discomfort, please report to us immediately. ." Dr. Chen said.

Shen Ge nodded calmly: "I understand."

"You are only ten years old, but you are quite calm." Dr. Chen teased lightly when arranging his assistant to draw blood for Shen Ge.

"I have figured it out in the past few days. My dad must have been in trouble at that time. I was worried and heartbroken but couldn't change anything. If you can let me find the truth, I am willing to cooperate with you in any experiment." Shen Ge lay on the hospital bed and let the men in white coats draw blood and extract skin and flesh tissue. Occasionally, he would show some expressions of pain, but did not react much.

 “Find the truth? Then what?” Dr. Chen asked.

Shen Ge said: "I don't know, it's better than not knowing anything at all. Maybe I can find the murderer who turned my dad into a monster, and I still have a chance to take revenge."

 “At such a young age, I have a lot of murderous intent.” Dr. Chen sighed.

 Thanks to Shen Ge's "cooperation", Dr. Chen's test also went smoothly. The "experiment" that originally lasted for several months was completed in just half a month.

I don’t know whether he wanted Shen Ge to cooperate more with the experiment, or whether Dr. Chen had other ideas. He even explained some less important experimental procedures and drugs to Shen Ge.

Dr. Chen also said bluntly that Shen Ge's cooperation saved them a lot of trouble. If they didn't cooperate, they could only take two options -

 First, the experiment is carried out forcefully, but if people's emotions fluctuate violently in a short period of time, the body's secretions will be disrupted, and even affect the accuracy of the experiment to a certain extent.

 The other method is to use sedatives and other psychotropic drugs to control Shen Ge's emotions. Although it will also affect Shen Ge's body to a certain extent, at least it will not have a greater impact than his tenacious resistance when he is awake.

At this time, Shen Ge realized that the most fundamental reason why there was such a big difference when he entered the dream world last time was that he had been injected with psychotropic drugs for several months.

Another half month later, although Shen Ge didn't know what kind of experiment Dr. Chen had done on him, but because of his cooperation, the experiment went very smoothly. This was because Dr. Chen was willing to take off the mask in front of him and reveal his true face. This can be seen by even offering to move him out of the ward.

Dr. Chen looks to be in his thirties, tall and thin, with a lean appearance. He wears a pair of thick metal-framed glasses, which gives him a "senior" look at first glance.

Although Dr. Chen is usually "kind and kind", he has a very high status in the hospital. So far, no one Shen Ge has come into contact with dares to disobey Dr. Chen.

The strange thing is that Shen Ge has been in Rongshan Mental Hospital for more than a month and has not seen the "dean" and "supervisor" who left a deep impression on him during his last dream trip. It seems that except for Dr. Chen and the others, The hospital prohibited others from entering his floor.

Dr. Chen has proposed more than once that Shen Ge should move to a better ward, but he has never agreed. The main reason is the "hole" under the bed.

On the first day he checked into this ward, he used his shoes to check the bottom of the bed and confirmed that the hole that the "three boys" had led him to drill before existed. What makes Shen Ge feel strange is that this "hole" is not a mouse hole that is difficult to detect, but a hole that can accommodate a ten-year-old child.

 The most important thing is that, except for the room where Shen Ge is located, this "hole" extends in all directions. It can be said that every ward on this floor has such a hole.

 It’s so obvious, wouldn’t the hospital know?

 Do you know that you can still let the "three boys" run around in the hospital?

Shen Ge couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't get through these holes and actively look for "Third Boy". After all, he didn't even know if "Third Boy" was on this level.

Just like this, another month passed. When Shen Ge was receiving medication in the hospital bed that day, he faintly heard the doctor at the door mentioning that "the experiment has entered the second step"...

Just as he was wondering, Dr. Chen walked to the hospital bed with a needle as long as his thumb and said, "Chen Ge, we have detected something similar to a 'virus' in your body, and the 'virus' has shown signs of mutation. Why? To ensure your safety, we will inject you with the latest serum..."

 Doctor Chen explained in detail, but Shen Ge automatically translated "virus" into the ancestral weird component or weird energy. The "serum" should be the earliest "strange energy antibody" recorded in the archives of the Haiya Research Institute.

"So, I have already participated in the weirdo project when I was ten years old?" Although the expression on Shen Ge's face did not change much, he was extremely surprised in his heart.

 He ​​even had some doubts, whether the so-called "system" was the final product of the "experiments" in Rongshan Mental Hospital?

 “Do you understand?” Dr. Chen asked.

Shen Ge nodded: "I understand. Carefully observe whether there are any abnormalities in the body and mind, and record the changes and report them."

“Very good.” Dr. Chen nodded, inserting the needle containing the red unknown liquid in his hand into Shen Ge’s arm and injecting it.

After being injected with this strange red liquid, Shen Ge suddenly felt a little blurry and even felt weak and sleepy.

“Shen Ge, how do you feel?” Dr. Chen asked.

Shen Ge felt that his consciousness was gradually dissipating, but he still held on to his sleepiness and said: "I... am very sleepy... very tired. It seems that I have done strenuous... exercise. My body is sore and weak..."

As he spoke, Shen Ge's voice became softer and softer, and finally he fell asleep directly.

Shen Ge didn't know how long he had slept. When his consciousness had just recovered, the first thing he felt was a sense of weakness as if his body had been hollowed out. He was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger.

 After lying there for a long time, Shen Ge slowly opened his eyes. There was a desk lamp on the desk in the corner of the ward. Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt the light of the desk lamp swaying a few times.

Then, when Shen Ge looked back at the door, through the observation window on the door, he saw terrifying white faces outside. They looked at him through the window.


"Got you."

Seeing this familiar picture and hearing this familiar voice, tired Shen Ge suddenly became energetic. This is the familiar taste of the dream world!

The dream world has been too "normal" in the past few months, and he even had the illusion that he couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams. As soon as this weird feeling appeared, the familiar dream world came back!

After Shen Ge heard the weird sound that sounded like it was ringing in his ears, fear penetrated his body like an electric current, making his hair stand on end.

 Then, Shen Ge turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw the child lying at the end of the bed. It was the "three children" he had been waiting for for a long time to finally appear!

San Zai looked the same as him, about ten years old. His upper body was lying on the bed, and his lower body was kneeling on the ground. His face was pale, and he stared at Shen Ge with a weird smile, as if he was looking at an exquisite toy. This strange feeling of terror instantly made Shen Ge sober up.

 “Who are you?” Shen Ge asked deliberately.

San Zai chuckled and said, "I forgot my name. They call me No. 3, and those who like me call me 'San Zai'."

Shen Ge tried to ask a few more questions, and the answers he got were exactly the same as the exchanges with Sanzai in his memory, which once again confirmed his suspicion. It was not that the dream world was different this time, but because of some of his choices. , causing deviations in the direction of some events.

But it seems that no matter whether the "deviation" is huge, the "plot" will still get back on track in the end... Is this because the dream world is a world composed of the "fragment ending" of Earth 2, so no matter how Shen Ge changes the process, it cannot be changed. ending?

Shen Ge couldn't understand, but the appearance of Sanzai at least allowed him to verify many guesses and find answers from the "plot" that happened next.

 “Do you have anything to do with me?” Shen Ge asked.

Sanzai squatted beside the bed, pointed under the bed and said, "Are you bored here? I dug a lot of holes. Come on, I'll take you out to play."

Shen Ge thought for a moment and said, "But there are many doctors and nurses guarding outside. Will we be discovered if we go out like this?"

Sanzai moved the spittoon in the corner of the room and locked it at the door. He stood up and leaned on the window to look out. He whispered: "They have all gone to rest at this time. No one will pay attention here. Oh, have you been injected? After injecting the potion, you will see some strange things. Don’t worry, they are all fake. Don’t be afraid. Let’s go, I will take you out to play. Although there are many guards outside, we can’t escape, but No one cares about this building.”

Shen Ge nodded and followed Sanzi to drill through the holes under the bed in each ward. After drilling, he came out of the ward and came to a dark corridor.

Shen Ge stood at the door of the ward and observed the corridor carefully, and found that except for the strange lighting, the rest of the layout was no different from the corridor he had passed through to the operating room in the past few months.

"Hush." ​​Sanzai made a silencing gesture, took Shen Ge and hid behind a large potted money tree and waited quietly.




At this time, the sound of heels tapping on the ground echoed in the corridor, and then I saw a tall and thin figure walking around the corner in front of me.

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