The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 247: It turns out that I have dug a hole and

  【Lock the target and start scanning now. 】

["Weird", artificial characteristics "two heads and four arms", artificial weird sequence 14, current rating 3, comprehensive weird energy 1773%, and the number of weird equipment worn on the body is 3. 】

[Skeleton Gloves]

【Bone Dagger】

【Sneaky Clothes】

[The presence of a "teleportation device" on the target has been detected, the host is asked to handle it with caution. 】

If Shen Ge remembered correctly, he had scanned Fang Yaori when he first met him, and the opponent's deception power had just exceeded 1,000, which meant that he had just entered the third level.

Unexpectedly, after he successfully withstood a monster cell rampage, his power intensity directly increased by nearly 800%, bringing him close to the strength of a level 4 monster.

"Tan Shen, do I have any more questions?" Fang Yaori saw Shen Ge staring at him without saying a word, and his heart that had just been relieved rose to his throat again.

Shen Ge looked at the bone-shaking glove on Fang Yaori's left hand and asked, "This glove of yours... was given to you by Manager Chen?"

Fang Yaori was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Shen Ge suddenly asked about the Bone Gloves, and said, "Yes, these gloves, daggers and the leather jacket I am wearing underneath, Manager Chen said that they are for future elites to spy on. The standard three-piece suit for members... Wait, is there something wrong with these equipment? "

As Fang Yaori spoke, he made a gesture to take off the sneaky clothes on his body, but Shen Ge stopped him and said, "No, although this three-piece suit is the standard equipment of the twelve members, it should be harmless to the body. I was surprised. What’s amazing is that he would spend a lot of money to think about your experimental materials.”

Fang Yaori always felt that Shen Ge's words sounded strange, as if giving him things would be a waste of natural resources. Although he was reluctant, he still told the truth: "Actually...these three things were not given by Manager Chen on his own initiative. Mine was after I accidentally discovered it in the laboratory. He just told me the general function. When the laboratory was cleaning the warehouse last week, I took a set to play with while the warehouse manager was not paying attention..."

"Wait a minute, you took this privately, and they didn't give it to them on their own initiative? And these equipments are kept in a special warehouse at the Research Institute of Special Policy Division II?" Shen Ge was surprised. If this is true, wouldn't it mean that Special Strategy 2 has been completely infiltrated by the weirdo organization. How dare they store weirdo equipment so blatantly?

Fang Yaori explained: "No, it's not the research institute of Special Policy Division 2, but the secret research institute near the base that we went to before."

"So you took the teleportation device privately?" Shen Ge asked.

Fang Yaori was stunned: "Transmission device? What is that?"

These words made Shen Ge stunned. At the same time, some important information suddenly flashed through his mind.

"Classmate Xiaoqi, scan Fang Yaori's body for items containing strange energy!" Shen Ge said immediately.

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Qi responded, and immediately stretched out several rotten blood tentacles to wrap around Fang Yaori. This move immediately frightened the other party to jump back.

"Shen, Shen, Shen Tan, I, I don't have this hobby!" Fang Yaori said nervously.

Shen Ge's face darkened: "Shut up, stand still and don't move!"


Next, it was no longer a question of whether Fang Yaori dared to move or not. It was a question of Xiao Qi not giving him any time to react. He tied him up with rotten blood tentacles and searched him. Then he found the teleportation device under the sneaky clothes.

"What is this?" Fang Yaori asked curiously as he looked at the fingernail-sized thing he found from the inner layer of his clothes.

Classmate Xiao Qi used the rotten blood tentacle to send the transmission device to Shen Ge and said: "Master, the device is always on, and the other side seems to be collecting coordinate information."

When Shen Ge heard what Xiao Qi said, the fragmented information instantly became clear. He never understood why Director Chen chose Fang Yaori.

Now it seems that if the weirdo organization knew early on that Shen Ge would come to Dajing for exchanges, it would have specially arranged a strange event to allow him to meet Fang Yaori, the "chess piece".

And because of the relationship between Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue, there is a high probability that Fang Yaori will not let it go if he sees Fang Yaori being deceived into a living experimental subject of a weirdo.

So whether you bring Fang Yaori back to the Rong City branch or take him with you, this transmission device that can collect coordinate information will become the key to obtaining Shen Ge's intelligence.

In this way, all questions will be explained as to why Fang Yaori could easily come out of the research institute, and why he could easily get the three-piece set of twelve weirdos!

However, Manager Chen probably couldn't believe that Shen Ge's dream world had accidentally "lost control", and he and Fang Yaori were dragged into the dream world together. Even if the transmission device successfully collects the coordinate information here, there is no way to send it out.

In order to verify his suspicion, Shen Ge took over the transmission device and started it. As expected, the expected "white light" did not appear.

"Xiao Qi, can you crack this thing? When you leave here, try to collect their coordinates." Shen Ge said.

Classmate Xiao Qi wrapped the teleportation device into the rotten blood tentacle: "Copy that, Master."

Now that the doubts about Fang Yaori have been solved, the only remaining doubt is why Dr. Chen, who originally belonged to the Weird Association, was related to the twelve "artificial weirdness" and "weird equipment". However, this issue is not urgent for the time being. The most important thing right now is to find a way to leave the dream world first.

"Tan Shen, what on earth is that?" Fang Yaori couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked again.

Shen Ge said: "The reason why you can enter and exit the research institute at will and easily obtain weird equipment is because Director Chen has installed a tracker on you. As long as they are willing, they will immediately teleport you, not to mention locating your location." 'You can go back to the laboratory."

"What? There is such a thing?" Fang Yaori was shocked. After all, he had only seen such a magical word like "teleport" in games.

Shen Ge said: "Fortunately, we were involved in the strange space and cut off the link to the teleportation device. Otherwise, after obtaining my coordinates, they would probably teleport you back while I was not paying attention."

"Well, it sounds like... being trapped in a strange space is a good thing? But, Detective Shen, can we get out of here?" Fang Yaori asked.

Shen Ge opened the [Map] and took a look, and found that with the death of the fusion weirdo, all the red dots surrounding the smaller one disappeared, apparently falling into "sleep" again.

However, Shen Ge has already made a rough guess about the "key" to the dream world. Next, he only needs to verify his guess, and maybe he can master the method of actively entering and exiting the dream world.

"Let's go back to the city." In order to verify his guess, Shen Ge asked Fang Yaori to drive back to the Pingan Hotel.

Under the dark night sky late at night, Dajing became a dead city. The surrounding buildings and alleys were crowded with monsters that had become parasites. They mechanically repeated the actions of humans. In the distance, the iconic spiers of the "Doomsday Capital" tower into the sky.

"Shen, Detective Shen, is this still... Dajing?" Fang Yaori looked at the "familiar streets" around him that had turned into a doomsday scene. He even forgot to step on the accelerator, and the car slowly slowed down until it stopped.

"Yes, it's just that it was affected by the strange space, and it may show a future Dajing that will be destroyed by strange things." Shen Ge roughly explained.

"Those monsters..." Fang Yaori looked at the parasites in the alleys beside the street. The sound of the car had attracted their attention, and they were staggering towards the car.

The street ahead was crowded with abandoned cars, and it was already difficult to continue driving. Shen Ge simply let Fang Yaori get out of the car, then rolled him up with his rotten blood tentacles and jumped to the rooftop of the building in the distance.

"If you want to leave the strange space, the exit is in that steeple." Shen Ge said.

Fang Yaori swallowed his saliva as he looked at the gloomy spire in the distance. As long as he could leave the strange space, let alone a ghost tower, he would have to break through the gates of hell.

Shen Ge took advantage of the mobility of the red mist armor to bring Fang Yaori with him without any trouble. On the way to the minaret, he also borrowed some good sparring materials from the parasitized people around him and let Fang Yaori try to use the Bone Gloves and Black Use the bone dagger to get rid of them and become familiar with the way the monsters fight.

Fang Yaori was extremely scared at first. The moment the parasite came into contact with him, he was so frightened that his legs weakened. If Shen Ge hadn't asked Xiaoqi to help him with his rot-blood tentacles, even the lowest-level parasites would have been able to do so easily. Cut him into pieces.

Later, Shen Ge simply threw Fang Yaori into the pile of monsters. This "Kapu-style" education method quickly allowed Fang Yaori to master the fighting method.

Although Fang Yaori has no abilities, he is still a "Level 3 monster", and his physical fitness far exceeds those of the parasites who were eliminated for the first time.

Coupled with the assistance of deception equipment, it is not difficult to deal with it.

The reason why Shen Ge was willing to spend some time "training" Fang Yaori was, firstly, because he didn't want him to waste such good resources, and secondly, if something happened in the spire, this guy could still protect himself with his own strength.

The two of them walked all the way to the vicinity of the minaret. Shen Ge had been here once and was already accustomed to the surrounding environment and monsters. However, Fang Yaori suddenly felt withdrawn when he saw the disgusting flesh and blood vines crawling on the 20 to 30 meter high outer wall. meaning.

But Shen Ge barely gave him any time to think, and wrapped him in the rotten blood tentacles, and then fed the red mist sneaky energy into the sneaky boots, releasing the ability to the maximum.

Then he transformed into an octopus monster with his rotten blood tentacles, and fought into the monster group with multiple weapons, all the way to the dark entrance of the spire.

Fang Yaori was stunned by Shen Ge's murderous figure. As a level 3 monster, he found it difficult to deal with three or five parasites, and these monsters were like weeds in front of Shen Ge. Just a big piece.

For a time, Fang Yaori had a profound understanding of the phrase "the first pair of cunning agents in the great empire" that his sister Fang Mingyue often talked about.

Arriving in front of the minaret door, Shen Ge attached himself to the full-body red mist armor, and wrapped Fang Yaori from head to toe in the rotten blood armor, and warned: "It is a dark world with multiple strange spaces. After entering, Don't panic, I will lead you forward, and don't respond to anything, even if you hear me talking...unless I take the initiative to untie the armor, do you understand?"

Fang Yaori was so tightly wrapped in the rotten blood tentacles that he couldn't even speak, so he could only nod his head to make it clear.

Then, he felt Shen Ge "drag" him into a strange space.

As soon as Fang Yaori entered, he felt a strange feeling, as if the air in the entire space was being compressed. The strong pressure made him breathless.

The air was filled with a strong putrid smell, like the peculiar smell of Weird's body mixed with the rotting corpse, making people want to vomit.

But Fang Yaori couldn't do anything, and this feeling made him feel a little desperate for a while.

Fortunately, Shen Ge had already been here once and was already prepared for the situation in the spire, so he followed the method of leaving the dark space last time and asked Xiao Qi to locate the area with the strongest treacherous energy fluctuations, and then launched the treacherous realm with the help of the red mist armor. The maneuverability dragged Fang Yaori to "fly" to the upper level.

Soon, Fang Yaori felt as if he had crashed into a strong tornado, and his body was swaying in the air like a kite with its string broken.

Fortunately, he kept Shen Ge's words in mind. If encountering any situation, as long as the rotten blood tentacles did not take the initiative to release the restraints, he would just wait obediently.

Fang Yaori gave up any struggle and let the rotten blood tentacles pull him.


Fang Yaori felt like he had hit a wall. Fortunately, the package of rotten blood tentacles absorbed most of the impact for him.

But even so, it made him feel like the bones in his body were about to be broken.


Fang Yaori wailed in pain, but found that the rotten blood tentacles restraining him were untied. He looked up and found that Shen Ge was standing next to him. At this time, the two of them were standing next to a dark wall. Shen Ge He was holding a lighter and observing the "wall".

Fang Yaori stood up while rubbing his numb arms. He looked at the wall in the light of Singer Shen's fire and found that there were very skinny patterns on the wall.

He originally thought that these patterns were unique decorations, but when he took a closer look, he discovered that these were not "patterns" at all, but a tree-like diagram of blood vessels.

"Tan Shen, what is this?" Fang Yaori asked confused.

Shen Ge didn't answer him, but directly took out the mystery-killing revolver and pointed it at the door handle on the wall. "Bang bang" was the machine gun. With a "pop", the bullet penetrated the door handle. Suddenly, black blood leached out from the entire handle. , and then shrink together as if the living body was attacked and produced a stress response.

"Back off." Shen Ge said and kicked the door open.

As soon as the door opened, Fang Yaori immediately understood why Shen Ge asked him to step back, because the spacious office behind the door was full of disgusting fleshy tumors.

As if they heard the movement at the door, these tumors all exploded, and disgusting weirdos emerged from them and walked towards the two of them.

But it is a pity that these monsters were all burned by Shen Ge before they got close to the door. Before Fang Yaori could recover from his surprise, the fire in the room suddenly went out again, as if Shen Ge was the **** of fire and could do whatever he wanted. Control burning and extinguishing in an area.

Fang Yaori was very curious. The words "how to do it" came to his lips, but he didn't dare to ask any more, because combined with the strange abilities that Shen Ge showed along the way, he found that this was no longer something a human could do. Arrived.

You must know that Shen Ge is the first pair of secret agents in the great empire. If he is a "weird", the heaven of the great empire will collapse! (End of chapter)

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