The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 281: split personality

When Wang Han realized that the problem might be with the "mirror" in the bathroom, he shouted and ran to the bathroom, blocking the female representative and others and exiting the lobby.

And when they just exited the lobby, the slow movement of those faceless monsters suddenly accelerated, and they quickly rushed towards the door.

Wang Han reached out with his left hand, and the hand wearing the sly mechanical arm guard instantly completed charging, and then punched the leader of the weirdo, knocking him back.




The faceless monster's body immediately split in half after being hit, and inside its belly was a twisted human face, wailing and twisting.

After this wailing face appeared, red liquid overflowed from the bodies of the surrounding weirdos, and ghost faces emerged from their bellies.

Fortunately, the female representative was escorted by the security team and fled to the side of the corridor. She did not see this terrifying scene at this time, otherwise she would have been frightened and fainted.

Wang Han can deal with one or two weirdos, but letting him deal with twenty or thirty weirdos who are completing alienation at the same time is no different from killing him directly.

Therefore, Wang Han decisively chose to fill the treacherous mechanical arm with energy, and after the blow, he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Hey, where are you going? Let me hide in the toilet!" Wang Han turned around and saw the bodyguards carrying the female representative running toward the stairs, ignoring his suggestion to hide in the toilet.

The captain of the bodyguard group also thought very simply. They first encountered a strange incident in the bathroom. Wouldn't running back at this time be like giving away someone's life?

Even if Wang Han is a "professional" spy, who knows whether his judgment is accurate or whether he doesn't know there is something strange in the bathroom?

Wang Han also had a headache when he saw the bodyguard team running away. As a spy, what he fears most is that the survivors "have their own ideas", because these actions can easily kill them.

Sure enough, the bodyguard team soon got into fatal trouble because of their wrong judgment. As soon as they ran to the stairwell, they found that there was no passage up and down the stairs at all, only endless "darkness" filled with black mist.

By the time these bodyguards wanted to run back, it was already too late. Cold and pale hands stretched out from the black fog and grabbed their bodies, dragging them into the fog.

"Save me."


"Save us."

The bodyguard group wailed and disappeared almost in the blink of an eye. Wang Han was too weak to do anything. He wanted to save people, but he was not Shen Ge, so he did not dare to jump into the dark mist.

Seeing the mysterious black mist spreading in the passage ahead, and being pursued by those "faceless weirdos" with human faces on their bellies behind them, Wang Han jumped into the restroom next to him without any hesitation.

In the dark bathroom, there was only a trace of light in front of the sink. In the mirror, a pale and expressionless "Wang Han" was staring at him quietly.

The footsteps of the "faceless weirdo" in the corridor were getting closer and closer. Wang Han didn't have time to think about it, and he directly punched the mirror with a mechanical arm.

As the mirror fragments scattered on the ground with a crash, something strange happened. The space Wang Han was in seemed to be like a mirror. There were traces of broken mirrors in the air, and it collapsed after two or three seconds.

Wang Han felt a hand suddenly reach out from behind the collapsed mirror and strangle his neck, making it extremely difficult for him to breathe and his consciousness gradually dissipated.

In a daze, Wang Han faintly heard lightning and thunder, and then a bolt of lightning flashed outside the window, waking him up in the office.

Wang Han looked to the side nervously. He was not in the operations office of the Rong City branch, and it didn't look like the place where he worked before.

In a daze, Wang Han felt that his memory was in chaos.

Who am I and where am I?

"Hey, Wang Han, what are you doing standing still? Come with me to pick someone up." Just when Wang Han was confused, a familiar voice came from behind him.

When Wang Han turned around, he saw Ma Chao, but unlike his usual combat uniform, Ma Chao was wearing a white coat like a doctor.

"Oh, come right now." Wang Han responded subconsciously, got up and followed Ma Chao towards the outside of the office. When he passed by the mirror hanging behind the door, he subconsciously glanced at it and found that he was wearing a security guard's uniform with a patch on his shoulder. With the word "captain" on it.

Security captain?

Before Wang Han entered the Special Policy Department, he did work as a "security guard" in a bar. To be called a security guard, it would be more accurate to be regarded as a "thug".

"Hurry up, why are you dawdling around when everyone is here?" Ma Chao urged displeasedly.

Wang Han wanted to refute, and even wanted to say "I'm sorry" to reply. He was used to joking and would not lose his temper over such trivial matters.

But strangely, after the international greeting came to his lips, it turned into the word "good". Then, as if his feet were not obeying his command, he followed Ma Chao out of the office building and walked through a gloomy courtyard. Come to a big iron gate.


At this time, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and a thunder exploded. At the moment when the lightning flashed across, the **** red letters on the peeling paint sign next to the iron gate were particularly horrifying -

Mental hospital.

"Mental hospital?" Wang Han was stunned, but before he had time to think about it, he saw two men nearly two meters tall and with unusually strong bodies dragging a little boy into the mental hospital.

Soon, several "doctors" and "nurses" in white coats came from the nearby building and gathered around the little boy to examine him.

Seeing Wang Han stunned on the spot, Ma Chao couldn't help but urge: "What are you doing standing still? Go help. I heard that boy is difficult to deal with."

"Oh." Wang Han responded in a daze and walked to the crowd. Sure enough, as Ma Chao said, the little boy struggled very hard and kept shouting, "I'm not mentally ill, what I said is everything." Really, monsters, there really are monsters”.

But the doctors and nurses didn't care what the little boy said. They mechanically repeated the work at hand and asked Wang Han to help tie the little boy into the cart.

Wang Han always felt that he had seen this little boy somewhere, but he couldn't remember where. He could only numbly follow the doctor's instructions, take the little boy to a closed room in the inpatient department, and then untie him. The rope that bound him.

The room was very small, only ten square meters, with nothing but a bed, and not even a window for ventilation. It was like an independent prison.

After being thrown on the hospital bed, the little boy was still struggling and screaming excitedly, shouting "I'm not sick, let me go", "I'm not mentally ill", "They hurt me", "let me go", etc. words.

But the doctors and nurses ignored the little boy's struggle and anger. They quietly injected him with a sedative, then locked him in the room and left.

After Wang Han came out of the ward, Ma Chao stopped him, then handed a file book to him, and said seriously: "The order from above has been issued, this child is the key experimental subject, what are you going to do next?" Your job is to keep an eye on him and don't let him get into trouble, but you don't have to do anything else...remember your job and don't do anything extra."

"Yes." Although Wang Han was dissatisfied with Ma Chao's tone of speaking to him like a superior lecturing a subordinate, the strange thing was that every time he wanted to retort, the words turned into agreement after he spoke.

After Ma Chao left, Wang Han glanced at the file in his hand, which recorded some detailed information about the little boy.

"Chen Ge, ten years old, claimed to have seen a monster at the beach. The monster was his father's transformation and at the same time ate his mother in one bite..."

"..." "What are all this and what, have you been brainwashed by monster movies?"

"Chen Ge, Chen Ge? Why does this name sound so familiar? It's strange. I feel like I've heard it somewhere before."

"But this name is really an advantage. Anyone who calls him by his name has to call him 'brother'."

While complaining, Wang Han came to the door and looked inside through the small window on the ward door. He saw the little boy lying on the hard wooden bed. After being injected with a sedative, he was in a daze and was still mumbling. Saying things like "let him out".

Wang Han wanted to close the window and leave, but saw the little boy struggling to sit up from the bed, then sitting on the edge of the bed and breathing heavily.

After resting for a while, the little boy seemed to be observing the ward, and then he saw the small window on the door. The two people, one large and one small, were looking at each other through the window.

But the next second, a look of "fear" appeared in the little boy's eyes, as if Wang Han outside the window was some kind of terrifying monster.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wang Han saw the little boy falling down from the bed and quickly opened the door and went in to help him onto the bed.

The little boy's condition was not right. His breathing became more and more rapid, as if he was out of breath. Wang Han quickly ran outside and called the doctors and nurses.

The doctor tied the little boy to the hospital bed and pushed him out of the room into a closed operating room, but Wang Han was locked out.

After waiting for almost two hours, the door of the operating room opened and the little boy was pushed out, but he was in a "coma" state.

After the little boy was pushed away, a doctor wearing glasses stopped Wang Han and told him to keep a close eye on the little boy during this period to prevent him from causing problems.

This was the second person today who told him to keep a close eye on the little boy, which also made Wang Han very curious about the little boy's background.

In the following period, Wang Han acted as the "supervisor" of the little boy, monitoring his every move in the ward to prevent emergencies from occurring.

The little boy would be sent to the operating room for a period of time every day, and then pushed back to the ward to rest in a comatose state.

A few months passed like this. On this day, Wang Han was standing at the door checking his cell phone as usual, listening to the goings on in the ward.

In a daze, he seemed to hear voices coming from the ward.

Wang Han frowned, feeling a little strange, so he carefully opened the small window on the ward door and observed the situation in the ward through a crack.

At a glance, there was no trace of the little boy in the ward. Wang Han's heart suddenly lifted. He was nervously planning to open the door when he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from under the hospital bed.

Wang Han stood on tiptoe and looked under the hospital bed, only to see the little boy lying under the bed. A "pillow" was thrown in front of him and he was looking at the pillow.

"Found you."

"Found you."

The little boy kept repeating this sentence to the pillow. Although his expression could not be seen, a sickly distortion could be heard in the eerie tone.

Then, the little boy tilted his head and asked with confusion, "Who are you?"

The next second, it turned into that sick laughter again: "Hey, I forgot my name, they call me No. 3, and those who like me call me 'Sanzai'.

"The door here is locked, where did you come in from?"

"Hey, come here..."


Wang Han looked at the little boy lying on the ground in the ward, and his expression suddenly became strange, because the little boy was not talking to himself at this time, but seemed to be "conversing" with an invisible person.

"Did he go crazy after being locked up for too long? Split personality?" Wang Han felt a little complicated at this time. He had been guarding the boy for several months and saw him change from a normal person to a madman, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, something even weirder happened. The little boy crawled out from under the bed, climbed to the hole under the door where the dinner plate was usually placed, and removed the blocking door panel.

"Hey, this is the hole I dug. I dug many holes. Come on, I'll take you out to play."

"But... I just saw a lot of people outside the window. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by them?"


While he was talking, half of the little boy's body had crawled out of the ward, and Wang Han was standing next to the door. It was as if he couldn't see Wang Han, and he was still "talking to himself."

"No one, oh, have you been injected with a potion? After injecting that kind of potion, you will see some strange things. Don't worry, they are all fake. Don't be afraid. Let's go, I will take you out to play. Although there are many guards outside and we can't escape, no one is in charge of this building."



The little boy squatted at Wang Han's feet, turned around and made a "silence" gesture to the air in the big hole at the door, and lowered his voice.

"There are building patrols here, one on each floor. They like to eat brains and viscera the most. Be sure to stay away from them."

"I heard that they are researching new materials. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Wang Han didn't understand what the little boy was going to do. Seeing him swaying forward like a thief, he simply followed him. At the same time, he contacted the doctor through the intercom and reported to them the little boy's condition.

Soon, the little boy swayed his body to the specimen storage room at the end of this floor. There were many experimental equipment and some human models in it.

After the little boy entered, he squatted in front of a mannequin. He turned around and waved to Wang Han who was standing at the door: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Come quickly."

Wang Han was stunned for a moment, but then he realized that the other party might not be calling him, but talking to the invisible friend.

The little boy pushed a chair from the side, climbed up on the chair and squatted on it, getting close to the scary-looking mannequin and observing it carefully.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, which seemed to be the arrival of the doctor Wang Han called for.

"No, we've been discovered. Let's leave quickly! If we are caught by them, we will definitely be fed bugs. You don't want to eat bugs, do you?"

The little boy jumped out of his chair nervously and ran towards the other door. (End of chapter)

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