The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 283: scary hospital


The cold touch from his feet scared Wang Han and he fell to the ground. At this time, he didn't care about his image anymore and ran towards the door while crawling. He didn't even dare to look back at the bottom of the bed to see if it was there. There really is an "old man" grimace.

 After Wang Han rushed out of the ward, the little boy lying on the hospital bed did not make any movement, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Wang Han screamed and crawled towards the front desk and rang the alarm bell. The nurse at the front desk was startled by him and asked him cursingly what was wrong.

Wang Han was so frightened that his face turned pale. He couldn't speak a complete sentence for a long time. He just kept repeating "Ghosts, there are ghosts".

It was not the first time for the nurse at the front desk to work the night shift. Although she was scared, she still looked down on Wang Han from the bottom of her heart that a grown man could be so frightened, so she kindly gave him a glass of water.

 After waiting for about ten minutes, several security guards and doctors on duty arrived. Since Dr. Chen and Ma Chao, who were in charge of the little boy, were on vacation today, it would probably take a long time from notifying them to arriving at the hospital.

The doctor on duty knew the importance of the little boy, so he asked Wang Han to tell what happened. As a result, everyone's expressions suddenly became strange after hearing Wang Han's vivid description of what happened.


Seeing ghosts in hospitals seems to be nothing new, but now in the 21st century, you still talk about "ghosts" and you are not afraid of being laughed at?

However, Wang Han's description was too real. Even if it was just a ghost story, several nurses were so frightened that they were unwilling to follow him to the ward.

Wang Han finally went to the ward with the doctor on duty and several security guards. On the one hand, he was also somewhat concerned about the little boy's condition. On the other hand... he wanted to know whether what he saw just now was just his hallucination, or whether he really encountered it. Dirty stuff!

A group of people came to the door of the ward, opened the door and took a look, only to find the little boy lying motionless on the hospital bed. The doctor on duty raised his hand and pressed the switch of the room light, but only heard the sound of the switch and no light came on.

“The light is broken, remember to find someone to fix it tomorrow.” The doctor on duty turned on the flashlight, gave instructions to Wang Han behind him, and walked in first.

Wang Han nodded, but stood at the door and didn't dare to go in. He subconsciously looked under the bed, and he was relieved when he didn't see the old man's face.

The doctor on duty used a flashlight to conduct a simple examination on the little boy. After he came out, he said: "Nothing was found. He slept quite peacefully. Wang Han, I'm not talking about you. You are a grown man in his thirties, how can you still do this?" I believe in ghosts."

“…” Wang Han was speechless. He didn’t believe in ghosts before, but what he saw just now was too real.

Everyone said that they left the ward and returned to the front desk to go about their work. Wang Han simply stayed at the front desk to keep company with the nurse because he was afraid, but he neglected to leave the ward and only talked to the doctor on duty. He forgot to lock the ward door. door.

Wang Han chatted with the nurse at the front desk for a while, then leaned on the chair outside and prepared to sleep for a while. At this time, the nurse heard a slight movement in the dim corridor.

The nurse pushed Wang Han out of his daze and whispered: "Captain Wang, do you hear any noise in the corridor?"

"What's the sound?" Wang Han woke up suddenly. It wasn't that he became serious as soon as he heard the noise due to his duties, but he subconsciously remembered the dirty things he saw in the ward before and was suddenly awakened.

Wang Han listened carefully and heard a rustling sound, like someone rubbing something against the wall.

Wang Han and the nurse looked at each other, and they swallowed subconsciously. They both saw the fear in each other's eyes. The nurse subconsciously wanted to reach out to ring the alarm bell, but Wang Han stopped her. He had already been laughed at once for this matter, and this time he had to at least be sure before calling someone.

 “Turn on the light.” Wang Han said to the nurse.

The nurse nodded and quickly turned on the lights in the entire corridor through the controller at the front desk. The dark corridor suddenly lit up.

In the corridor leading to the special care ward, I saw a little boy holding a spittoon in one hand and a piece of bread for dinner in the other hand. He slowly scratched the wall with the bread and walked forward with his eyes closed, mouthing as he walked. What else is he talking about.

"From the stairwell to here, there are six wards on the way, each ward is about five meters apart..." The little boy muttered as he walked to the stairwell and stopped.

Wang Han and the nurse were startled by this move, and the latter subconsciously said: "Is this... sleepwalking?"

"I'll go take a look." Wang Han got up and followed him. For safety's sake, he picked up the security stick and flashlight placed at the front desk.

Wang Han quickly walked up to the little boy and asked, "What are you doing out so late? Your health is already bad. Go back and rest quickly."


 “Shen Ge?”

Wang Han tried calling a few times, but the little boy didn't respond at all. He just kept mumbling some unintelligible words.

“Which floor is the operating room that Sanzai took me to yesterday?”

 “Third floor?”

 “Or the fourth floor?”

While muttering in a low voice, the little boy took his feet and walked upstairs. Although he kept his eyes closed, he could accurately step on each step of the stairs by sliding the bread on the wall.

Although Wang Han didn't understand what the little boy was doing, now that he had a light, the fear in his heart was not so heavy, so he followed the little boy.

The little boy counted the stairs and walked up. He stopped when he passed the corner of the stairwell on the second floor, but he just stood at the entrance of the corridor for a while, then turned around and continued walking upstairs.

After arriving on the third floor, Wang Han pressed the switch on the third floor. When the corridor lit up, he saw the little boy slowly opening his eyes.

“Shen Ge, are you awake?” Wang Han asked.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, he added: "You are sleepwalking. Come back with me quickly. Don't walk around outside so late."

 The little boy still didn't respond.

 Then, he threw the bread into the trash can next to him, then walked to the left of the corridor, and finally stopped in front of an operating room.


What is he doing here?

Wang Han was very confused, but he still walked behind the little boy and tried to shout a few times. When he saw that the other person still didn't respond, he wanted to carry him directly downstairs.

 “Zizi, Zizi—”

However, just when Wang Han's hand touched the little boy's body, the lights in the corridor suddenly flickered, and then as if switching to energy-saving mode, the entire corridor darkened.


Suddenly there was a sound like a tripping switch, and several lights in the distance dimmed. The faint sound of "sizzling" electricity could be heard, and the surrounding lights flashed from time to time, instantly filling the eerie atmosphere.

The operating room in front of me had a red indicator light on, and it looked like an operation was taking place in the operating room. What was even weirder was that the words "operating room" were written in red, and it felt like it was melting, like blood. Same. This sudden change made everyone in Wang Han dumbfounded and froze in place with fear, but the little boy approached the door and listened carefully to what was going on inside, and then carefully pushed the door open a crack.

"Wait..." Before Wang Han could finish his second word, he saw that the little boy had already entered the operating room. He wanted to turn back and go downstairs, but he saw that the entire stairwell was shrouded in a strange black mist. Coupled with the flashing lights on both sides of the corridor, he was so frightened that he almost subconsciously pushed open the operating room door and followed in.

The operating room was very spacious, with various old instruments and shelves placed along the walls. There was only a hospital bed in the center, with a tied man lying on it.

What’s horrifying is that this man has no head and his legs have been amputated, but he is still tied to the hospital bed with two thick ropes wrapped with iron chains.



Wang Han was so frightened that he fell to the ground and hit his head on the door with a loud noise. He had been working in the hospital for several years. Although he had visited the hospital before becoming a nurse for little boys, he had never I have seen such a horrific place, a hellish scene like a human slaughterhouse.

What is even more frightening is that the headless corpse that was cut into a stick lying on the hospital bed is impossible to appear in a hospital.

 “Is it a specimen?” This is the only answer Wang Han can think of.

  Tick tock.

  Tick tock.

At this time, a drop of liquid dripped on Wang Han's forehead. He subconsciously raised his hand to wipe it, but found that his hand was bright red, and the water droplets dripping from the roof turned out to be blood.

Wang Han subconsciously looked up and saw several **** human legs hanging from the ceiling, which looked like they had just been cut off, with blood dripping down the legs and onto the ground.

Seeing this strange scene, Wang Han almost fainted from fright, and his remaining sanity allowed him to roll and crawl forward a certain distance.

At this time, the little boy slowly walked towards the hospital bed. He seemed to be very interested in the "corpse" on the hospital bed and took a closer look.

 “Singing song!”

 “Singing song!”

For some reason, Wang Han subconsciously regarded Shen Ge as a life-saving straw. He always felt that he would be pulled into this weird space, which might have a lot to do with the little boy.

The little boy acted as if he couldn't hear what he was saying. He moved the chair next to him, as if he wanted to climb up on the chair and pull the legs off the ceiling to study.

“…” Wang Han was speechless for a moment. He was so frightened that almost everyone was gone, but the little boy was as interested in everything as if he were playing an adventure game.

At this moment, both Wang Han and the little boy heard a slight noise coming from the direction of the operating bed, and the headless corpse tied to the bed seemed to move.

Wang Han swallowed his saliva. Although he was very scared, he still carefully cast his eyes towards the operating bed. He was surprised to find that the "corpse" was still breathing, and his chest was rising and falling slightly. He was suddenly frightened. alright.

But the little boy pushed the chair over, climbed onto the operating table and studied the corpse closely, touching and pinching it from time to time, like a professional doctor. Wang Han was dumbfounded.

"Isn't this kid kidnapped?" Wang Han saw the little boy's astonishing behavior and couldn't believe that he was still the same ten-year-old boy.

What's even more frightening is that after observing for a while, the little boy still felt that he was not satisfied. He took a scalpel from the side and cut off the sutures on the body. Then he went straight down with the knife and cut the skin between the two ribs of the body, and then cut it along. Cut down.


Wang Han, who had just stood up with his support on the wall, saw the **** scene and the internal organs exposed after the body was cut open, and he suddenly retched.

  It took a lot of effort for the little boy to cut open the corpse, and there was a lot of blood on the small body. However, he did not rest, but directly peeled off the skin of the corpse.

 In the corpse's strong body, the "stomach" alone was about the size of a basketball, and it was still beating, giving people the illusion that it was the heart.

The little boy stared at the internal organs and hesitated for a while, then slowly cut open the heart with a scalpel. The strange thing was that there was a "human head" inside!

When Wang Han saw the head clearly, he suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu, and then a terrifying face flashed through his mind.

“It’s that old man!” Wang Han was very surprised, but he couldn’t figure out why the old man’s head appeared in the heart of a corpse.

 At this time, the little boy continued to dissect the corpse and cut open the intestines, and suddenly black things crawled out of it.

A finger-long centipede was picked out by the little boy from the belly of the corpse. When he saw the dense insects in the belly of the corpse, Wang Han's spirit finally couldn't hold on any longer. He rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and "thud" It hit the ground with a sound and passed out.

Wang Han didn't know how long he had been unconscious. He vaguely felt someone shaking him, and then heard someone calling his name.

“Ah, ghost, ghost, monster, human head, heart, heart, and bugs, so many bugs!” Wang Han opened his eyes and sat up, rolling and crawling towards the corner.

At this time, a steady voice sounded: "Wang Han, don't be nervous first. See clearly who we are and where we are."

Dr. Chen?

Wang Han was stunned when he heard Dr. Chen's voice. Then he calmed down and looked in the direction of the voice. Sure enough, he saw Dr. Chen standing under the light and staring at him. Beside him were Ma Chao and the doctor on duty. et al.

Wang Han swallowed his saliva and looked around subconsciously. Only then did he realize that he was in the specimen room on the third floor. The experimental equipment and human models around him had been thrown to the floor, as if someone was deliberately sabotaging the whole specimen room. confusion.

At this time, he was sitting next to the cabinet in the corner. Several bottles were smashed next to him, and the glass shards cut his palms.

In the center of the specimen room, a "human acupuncture point model" with no head, no limbs, and only a body was chopped into pieces, revealing the empty shell inside.

“What’s wrong with me?” Wang Han stared blankly at the red blood in his palm, and for a moment he couldn’t tell the difference between reality and illusion.

  Could it be that everything you saw before was fake?

Is it all an illusion?

At this time, Dr. Chen asked: "Wang Han, the head nurse said that after you discovered that the patient was sleepwalking, you followed him upstairs. Where has he gone now?"


 Singing song!

 It was only when I met him that I had this weird hallucination...

"He was here just now, those things..." Wang Han originally wanted to say that the corpse in the middle was destroyed by Shen Ge, but it was not a corpse, but a human model.

Dr. Chen adjusted his glasses and said calmly: "Wang Han, according to the surveillance at the entrance of the specimen room, we found that you were the only one who entered the specimen room." (End of Chapter)

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