The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 3: I didn't wear it, did the system wear it?

Chapter 3: I didn't wear it, did the system wear it?

Chapter 3 I didnt wear it, but the system did?

Shen Ge now has a general understanding of the characteristics and system, although a group of wild cats looks scary, ferocious and strange to the system, which is very strange in itself.

But as long as the system gives rewards, Shen Ge doesn't mind playing a "weird house" game with the system.

At present, the system has activated three major sections. In addition to attributes and tasks, there is also a "log" section, from which Shen Gexindao may be able to get some clues.


As soon as he finished speaking, lines of small words appeared on Shen Ges pupils and irises.


[On January 3, 2027, as an eighth-level strange appeared in Tokyo, the skyrocketing strange realm engulfed the entire Tokyo overnight. No matter how hard various countries tried to cover up the truth, they could not hide the fact that Tokyo had fallen under the developed network. . And those terrifying and weird "urban legends" finally found the "answer" at this moment!

In 2027, with the frequent occurrence of strange events, various countries have discovered that the "growth" of strange things is much faster than in previous years. The monsters that appeared in strange events that they once suppressed have now grown to the point where they are unable to fight against them. In just one year, the world has become a purgatory and is in danger!

On January 3, 2028, the hosts survival team came to a previously designed villa while searching for resources, and mistakenly entered a strange and haunted area on level 4. The host relied on its strong will to survive, familiarity with the terrain, and the opportunity created by the sacrifice of all teammates to successfully kill the level 4 weird "Silent" and activate the system!


2027, 2028?

Shen Ge subconsciously took out his phone and glanced at the date "January 3, 2024" on the phone, and immediately understood where the weird feeling came from!

In the novel, the protagonist always travels through time, so why does it become a system time travel when he comes here?

"According to the system log, three years later, with the emergence of the eighth-level weirdness that swallowed up the entire Tokyo, the weirdness was completely exposed to the world. And I only activated the system in the second year after the weirdness was exposed?"

So its not that the black cat is not worthy of level 4 weirdness, but that it will only reach level 4 weirdness in four years?

The system was activated four years in advance!

The mystery that had been plaguing Shen Ge was finally solved. It turned out that it was not that the black cat was not strong, but that the other party had not grown up at all.

This is just like a superhero who proposed to go back in time and kill the "baby purple sweet potato" after learning about the ability to travel through time and space!

Four years later, the wild cat will be level 4 weird, but now it is still a cub!

Shen Ge's mood was extremely complicated at the moment. Although he had activated the system, he was not happy at all when he learned that something strange would break out three years later and the world would be in danger.

Under the cover of the nest, there are completed eggs.

The earth is gone, will it be possible for me to build a spaceship to wander the universe?


Shen Ge took a long breath, thinking that no matter what, the system was activated in advance, and even if something strange happened, he would have an extra guarantee of survival.

Judging from the content of the log, countries should be aware of the existence of the strange, and it is not difficult to understand why they cover it up. It is nothing more than the theory of the "Men in Black MIB" -

For "unknown existences", it is easier to control them by keeping them mysterious than by exposing them, because once humans discover that there is something beyond their control, they easily become panicked!

Strange, even more so!

I just didnt expect that in 2027, with the appearance of a strange eighth-level creature, the situation became extremely serious. In just one year, the world was reduced to purgatory, and the earth was in danger!

Shen Ge felt a little heavy, but then he thought about it. Now that the system has been activated in advance, if he seizes three years to make some preparations, maybe... there will be changes in the future?

Not to mention completely preventing the strangeness from coming, at least delaying the speed of strangeness coming to this land of life, or rather not being completely passive!

Thinking of this, Shen Ge gathered his mood and prepared to study the "daily tasks" and seize as much time as possible to obtain more rewards.

"Collect supplies for seven days and leave Dongcheng District, where weird things are rampant."

"Collect supplies..." Through previous tests of the system and the logs, Shen Ge already had a clear direction for completing this daily task.

Shen Ge had just come out of Lushan International when he received an urgent prompt from the system!

warn! warn! warn! ]The host appears in the realm of level 7 weirdness. There are a large number of new weirdnesses affected by the level 7 weirdness in this area. With the current strength of the host, there is absolutely no way it can be an opponent of these weirdnesses! Host, please cherish your life and escape from the strange Dongcheng District as soon as possible!

Shen Ge looked at the people on the street, and for a moment it was difficult to connect this scene with "weird and rampant".

From the system's perspective, this place was very strange and dangerous. The three "warning" characters even flashed in red on his irises. Although it was fleeting, it made Shen Ge uncontrollably nervous.

However, according to the information in the log, it is possible that level 8 weirdness may appear in Rong City, which can even swallow up Tokyo.

How about moving first? Shen Ge thought in his mind. The cities of Dachang, Zhoushi, and Jiujiang have developed well in recent years and can be used as alternatives.

There is a two-story large shopping mall "Tom's" across the street. If you want to "collect resources for seven days", the shopping mall is undoubtedly the best choice.

Shen Ge walked to the zebra crossing and was about to go to the other side of the street when the system's urgent voice sounded in his mind again, and a blood-red prompt suddenly appeared in front of his eyes -

warn! warn! warn!

[The current road surface has been severely polluted, and there will be unpredictable dangers. If detected by level 7 weirdness and affected by the weird field, the current area may become a swamp, lava zone, quicksand area, etc. due to the weird characteristics. Please host. Leave this area quickly!

The urgent prompt made Shen Ge couldn't help but become nervous. Seeing the traffic light on the other side of the road starting to count down, he subconsciously trotted to the other side.

Congratulations to the host for safely passing through an area heavily polluted by level 7 weirdness. He is agile and courageous. Reward system points x5.

Just crossing the street, why are you so excited?

Shen Ge suddenly felt that there were many flaws, but instead of complaining, he had a good idea in mind. Wait for the red light across the street to turn green and walk across the street again.

warn! warn! warn!

The current road surface has been severely polluted and there will be unpredictable dangers. Please leave this area quickly!

Shen Ge walked to the other side of the road expressionlessly.

Congratulations to the host for safely passing through an area heavily polluted by level 7 weirdness. He is agile and courageous. Reward system points x5.


This is also okay?

Shen Ge walked back and forth on the zebra crossing without hesitation, but starting from the third time, the system reward prompts changed

The host is not afraid of being bold and cautious in times of danger, and with his keen observation skills, he has been able to skillfully pass through level 7 weird and heavily polluted areas! Reward system points x15.

After that, Shen Ge had to walk back and forth on the road three or five times before the system prompt appeared, but it was just a "praise" and no reward.

Going more than 20 times, I reluctantly gave a reward of 1 point.

It seems that this method can be used to repeatedly earn reward points for an event, but it cannot be stuck with bugs for a long time?

The system is a little smart, but not much.

Shen Ge took a look at the system points of "91", which was still 9 points away from a lottery. It seemed that he could only find a solution through daily or other reward events.

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