The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 65: Ah, Sparasi

Chapter 65: Ah, Sparasi

Chapter 65 Ah, Sparasi~

Shen Ge stayed in the dormitory again. He didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, let alone go home. This shows how intense today's training was.

However, Feng Chengxiu was not seeking revenge, it was just to allow Shen Ge to improve his physical fitness and become proficient in fighting skills as soon as possible.

One day of training also increased Shen Ge's agility and physical fitness by 2% each.

After Shen Ge simply washed up, he set an alarm clock for "00:01" on his mobile phone and fell asleep directly on the bed in the dormitory.

When the alarm rings, its time to get up and catch up.

On January 12, 2028, after escaping from the invisible realm, you immediately returned to Shizhong District and reported the strange incident immediately after returning to the organization. According to the latest Weird Danger Rating Report issued by the International Anti-Terrorist Organization, the Weird Domain that can affect the environment is at least Level 6 Weird. The senior officials did not expect that after the "big evacuation" of Rong City, a high-level weirdo would be hidden.

Organizations and officials responded immediately and dispatched a reconnaissance team to conduct 24-hour monitoring of the invisible magic zone in Tom's Supermarket to prevent the spread of the magic zone. At the same time, he applied to the higher authorities and tried to use the newly developed "anti-conspiracy" missile to defeat the conspiratorial realm. The plan is approved and you are sent to find survivors around the invisible realm and relocate them.

]]uleous in the evening, you dragged your tired body back to the organization base, and when you were about to go back to your dormitory to rest, as soon as you entered the block, you saw a fashionably dressed, beautiful-looking long-haired beauty staggering towards you as if she was drunk. Less than two meters away from you, someone staggered towards you.

You quickly ducked to the side, and the long-haired beauty fell to the ground and ate mud. She raised her head and looked at you pitifully. You bypassed the beautiful woman and walked straight towards the dormitory. At the same time, he took out his organizational liaison device and sent a message to the patrol team, saying that there were suspicious people around the dormitory area.

[After asking about what happened and the appearance of the suspicious person, the patrol team replied with four words - "As expected of you".

Gone again? Shen Ge was still a little confused, but at least he had confirmed that there would still be technological weapons such as anti-terrorist missiles in the future, and he was also prepared to use them to combat the weirdness.

However, Shen Ge was curious about what the "big evacuation" incident in Rong City was.

Judging from the logs of the past few days, it seems that the citizens of Rong City have been evacuated. It seems that the extent of the disaster in Rong City is no better than Tokyo, which was swallowed up by the eighth-level weirdness.

In the next few days, Shen Ge received high-intensity training every day. In addition, in order to adjust his physical fitness, his diet was also controlled, and his life was worse than death every day.

The strange thing is that when he went out for a walk in the past few days, not even a single "special event" was triggered. If the other functions of the system were not normal, he almost thought that the system had swallowed the invisible and then hibernated.

Unable to trigger special events, Shen Ge simply concentrated on training and updated the [Log] every day.

The logs of the past few days also allowed Shen Ge to solve many mysteries.

[On January 13, 2028, the patrol team captured the woman based on the clues you provided. After interrogation, it was discovered that she was from the Sakura Kingdom. Their goal seemed to be for a strange person with special characteristics in Rong City, trying to use you to enter The organization lurks until it finds the weird one.

Regrettably, even though the organization tortured the woman to extract a confession, she did not say which specific peculiarity the target was.

That night, the woman escaped from the cell.

On January 14, 2028, you and the members of the organization searched the neighborhoods within a ten-mile radius of the invisible realm. After confirming that there were no other survivors, you reported to the superiors to carry out the "annihilation plan." Returning to the organization, you collected this week's resources and returned to the dormitory. You were extremely vigilant and found that the door lock had been tampered with.

You turn on the "silent" feature, pry open the door of the dormitory next door, and crawl back to your room from the balcony. The room is pitch black and you can't see anything. You crawl into the room silently, as if you are one with the darkness. At this time, you noticed a faint sound of breathing coming from the corner. ] [You are familiar with the terrain in the house, and you suddenly launch an attack. You kick off the coffee table and hit the person hiding in the corner. With a soft groan, you successfully locate the target and stab him directly with the saber in hand. The opponent's reaction is very fast, and they are inseparable from you.

After an anxious battle, you successfully subdued the target. When you turned on the light, you saw that it was the woman you had reported before.

You looked at the spy who had been beaten up by you, but he had a bad face. He silently took out his mobile phone and dialed the patrol number again.

[The woman stared at you with charming eyes, licked her lips, half of the white hemispheres were shown on the east and west hemispheres, and said in the authentic hometown dialect, "Ah, Sbarasi, Shen Sang, you are worthy of being favored by the organization." , as long as you are willing to cooperate with our actions, the organization will give you me and a piece of level 4 deception equipment as a reward."]

[On January 15, 2028, the patrol team took the woman away for investigation. The leader told you that after the Sakura Kingdom destroyed Tuokou City because of the eighth-level weirdness, the domestic situation was not optimistic. They tried to find a more powerful weirdness. Use deception to control deception.

When Weirds grow to level 4 or above, the threat posed by thermal weapons to them is greatly reduced, and most Weirds also have the ability to convert nuclear energy into Weird energy. Just like Godzilla, the national treasure of Sakura Country, directly uses nuclear radiation as food.

When the weird incident broke out last year, Meiliguo and Asan Kingdom tried to use nuclear weapons to completely destroy the level 6 weirdness, but the weirdness did not die. In the end, two level 7 weirdness was created, causing the two cities to fall directly. After this, the nuclear weapons of various countries were sealed.

At the end of last year, there was the first case of successful combat against level 7 spooks in the beautiful country. Although the news was hidden for a time, the international spy organization still discovered the clues and asked the beautiful country to publish the details. Only then did they learn that they had consumed three pieces of fifth-level weird equipment, one piece of sixth-level weird equipment, and paid an extremely heavy price to successfully kill the seventh-level weird equipment.

[The combat plan of "using trickery to control trickery" has been listed as the primary research object of various countries. At the end of December, a certain dynasty successfully defeated a level 6 trick at the cost of two pieces of level 5 trick equipment. And this strange sixth-level corpse was stored in the Rong City Military Center.

The leader suspects that the target of Sakura Kingdom is the strange corpse of Level 6, and asks you to lead a patrol to investigate the central area of the city, and you will definitely find out all the lurking people.

On January 16, 2028, the "Stealth Creation Annihilation Plan" was officially launched, and "anti-deception missiles" were used to launch an attack on Tom Mall. However, as shown through satellite images, although Tom's Mall was razed to the ground, leaving a deep crater, blue blood poured into the city like a flood.

You received an emergency evacuation mission from the leader and led the residents of Shizhong District to evacuate. In just half a day, half of Rong City was submerged in a blue sea of blood. The flooded area was instantly made transparent. It is extremely difficult to find something weird and invisible in half of the city.

The "anti-spy missile" plan has failed!

On January 17, 2028, you successfully evacuated from Rong City.

On January 18, 2028, you and the survivors entered the Quanlongshan base. Your organization was incorporated into your organization, and you became a member of the Counterattack Department.


Shen Ge never expected that his future self would join the Special Policy Department in this way.

On January 19, 2028, you became an elite agent of the Special Strategy Department and received your first mission. The organization asked you to obey the woman and try to break into the enemy.

Shen Ge: ....

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