The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 70: The black dog that only Xiao He can see

Chapter 70: The black dog that only Xiao He can see

Chapter 70 The black dog that only Xiao He can see

Tang Jinze and his parents were standing behind Shen Ge and the other two. All three of them had subtle smiles on their faces, especially the two old men, who looked as if they were looking at their daughter-in-law.

You three, are you playing a funny family here?

Tang Jinze saw that Shen Ge was embarrassed and joked: "We are half-brothers who grew up together, so we have to hide our love?"

After Shen Ge introduced Tang Jinze and the others to Cheng Shengnan, he introduced them to them: "Uncle, aunt, this is my colleague, Cheng Shengnan."

"We understand." Father Tang smiled happily.

Understood. Mother Tang smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Hello, Xiao Cheng." Tang's father smiled and extended his hand.

"Hello." Tang's mother followed closely.

Tang's father said something, and Tang's mother followed it with the next two words. It seemed like "understood", but in fact, what she understood was definitely different from what Shen Ge said.

Cheng Shengnan greeted the two elders politely. Tang Jinze looked at Shen Ge and asked, "Looking at your attitude, do you want to go to dinner?"

Shen Ge nodded.

It just so happens that we havent eaten either. We havent seen my parents for so long. Isnt it too much to have a meal together? Tang Jinze said with a wink.

Shen Ge really wanted to say that I just went to your house last week, but his father and mother in Tang Dynasty were really good to him since he was a child, and he and Cheng Shengnan really had nothing to do with each other.

Shen Ge looked at Cheng Shengnan and saw that Cheng Shengnan and Tang Mu were chatting, so he nodded and said, "That's fine. Uncle and aunt, what do you want to eat?"

"We can eat whatever Xiaocheng wants to eat. You don't have to worry about us. Haha, just don't blame us for disturbing your world." Mother Tang said with a smile.

Cheng Shengnan said: "Auntie, there are so many people here and I am very happy to have dinner with you."

"Hey, Xiao Cheng. Let's take a walk. What do you want to eat? It's around here. Auntie is very familiar with it. I'm sure I can find whatever you want to eat." Tang's mother took Cheng Shengnan's hand affectionately, not sure. She thought Shen Ge was her son, but at this time it was her mother-in-law who was looking at her daughter-in-law, and the more she looked at her, the happier she became.

Shen Ge said with a wooden face: "I want to eat dragon meat."

Tang's father and Tang's mother ignored Shen Ge and greeted Cheng Shengnan for fear of being cold and hungry. The three of them chatted and walked towards the opposite street.

Tang Jinze looked at Shen Ge and joked: "What are you doing standing around? Just follow along. I'm still waiting for you to wash the dishes and pay after eating."

The five of them went to a nearby Chinese restaurant for lunch. Cheng Shengnan and Tangs mother quickly became familiar with each other. Tangs mother also invited Cheng Shengnan and Shen Ge to have soup at home next week.

While Cheng Shengnan was chatting with Tang's father and Tang's mother, Shen Ge pulled Tang Jinze outside the store.

"Hey, what are you doing so mysteriously? Do you have any shady things? Doing both things with one foot? Oh, don't worry, I won't tell my brothers and sisters." Tang Jinze said confidently.

"You have such a big brain, it would be a pity not to write a novel." Shen Ge took out a small bottle containing "Internal Injury Healing Pill" from his pocket, poured one pill out of it, and then gave the bottle to Tang Jinze.

What is this? Tang Jinze opened the bottle and smelled it.

Shen Ge said: "This is called 'Internal Injury Healing Pill'. It can quickly heal non-fatal internal injuries within 10 seconds after taking it. It is effective for most moderate internal injuries."

Real or not, if this medicine really has this effect, 99% of pharmaceutical factories will close down tomorrow. Tang Jinze obviously didnt believe it, so he poured out an internal injury healing pill and studied it carefully.

Shen Ge said: "There are two pills here. Aren't you still doing drug research? Try to do some research and see if you can find out if the formula is imitated."

Tang Jinze said: "Are you really kidding? Where did this thing come from?" "It has something to do with those things."



Tsk, tsk, it seems like the world is really going to change.

Shen Ge has never had the opportunity to use these medicines, but since they are quick-acting medicines "certified" by the system, there should be no problems with their effects.

If Tang Jinze can really study something from it, then let him take a look at other restored products. Moreover, Shen Ge also plans to give one to Li Xiang when he has extra mental apples to see if there is any connection between this thing and the magic power. If Li Xiang can reproduce it, he will not have to worry about insufficient mental power in the future.

While the two were chatting, Cheng Shengnan and Tang's father and Tang's mother came out of the Chinese restaurant. After hearing that Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan were involved, the old couple did not force them to stay, but only asked them to come home for soup next week.

Then Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan took a taxi to the community where Xiao He lived. Shen Ge did not go directly to Xiao He's house, but walked around the community first.

Have you found anything? Cheng Shengnan who was following asked.

Shen Ge shook his head.

Not only did he not notice it, but the system did not give any warning.

But judging from the performance of the system in the strange pig incident in the Western restaurant last night, it should not be a system problem.

Shen Ge recalled that Xiao He mentioned that he only saw the black dog at night, so he decided to go to Xiao He's house to check the situation first, and then continue the search at night.

The two came to Xiao He's house. Xiao He opened the door with dark circles under his eyes that were comparable to smoky makeup. When he saw Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan outside the door, he forced a smile with exhaustion on his face: "Brother Shen, Mr. Cheng. .Please come in quickly.

I dont know what kind of fruit you like to eat, so we bought some. Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan placed two large bags of fruit on the coffee table.

Xiao He poured tea for the two of them and said, "Hey, why are you so polite? Just come and buy something. How embarrassing."

Its okay, Mr. Cheng has a lot of money. Shen Ge said.

Shen Ge held the teacup, glanced at Xiao He and said, "It seems like you haven't had a good rest recently?"

"Isn't that right? What happened last time left a huge shadow on me. Now I even dismantled the mirror in the bathroom, and I have to walk straight away from the sewer pipe when washing..." Xiao He finally met two capable people. People who listened to her story immediately began to express their bitterness.

It's not like she hasn't mentioned it to others before, but neither her parents nor her close friends believe this kind of thing at all.

After listening to Xiao He's rant for more than half an hour, Shen Ge concluded: "So after that incident, you didn't have a good rest for a few days after you came back. It was only a few days ago that you saw the black man with black smoke coming out of his body for the first time. Dog. And besides you, no one else in this community has seen the black dog?"

Xiao He nodded: "Yes, this is the strangest thing. One time, my best friend was worried about me and came over to stay with me at night. That night we went downstairs to have supper together, and I saw the black dog squatting next to the trash can. , staring at me with red eyes, I pointed it out to my best friend, but she didnt see anything."

Cheng Shengnan asked: "Could it be that you didn't get enough rest and are hallucinating?"

"But you can't keep seeing that black dog in the same place for several nights, right?" Xiao He said aggrievedly.

Shen Ge thought for a while and said, "After dark, take us to have a look."

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