The Systemic Lands

Chapter 117: Day 250 (6) – Compassion is Death

Chapter 117: Day 250 (6) – Compassion is Death

“What? But why? Who would do such a thing?” He really didn’t know who I was. It was both sad and hilarious at the same time.

“That was my decision doctor. I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Champion Michael, ruler of the city of Purgatory.” I could see the surprise on his face which quickly left.

“I am Doctor Benjamin Katzberger, but most people call me Doctor Katz.” There was a long period of silence before he spoke again. “Why is charity illegal?”

“The simple fact is that there is a constant crystal crisis. There is also an impending housing crisis. The city cannot afford to waste crystals healing people when they need to be put towards upgrades and combat capable people with skills. I mean system skills, not life skills. Until today, there has been no need for a doctor.”

“But the people suffering?” People were always suffering. Here it was just more visible.

“Unless they are a skill holder or a member of the guard, their lives don’t matter against the entire city. This was the first organized attack the city has suffered, and I am sure it won’t be the last. To put it in perspective, a city gate costs 100,000 points. Getting 1,000 stat upgrades costs 2.6 million points. While the injured people probably cost, what to heal?”

“About 5,000 to 9,000 for the worst of them.” Far less than me. How frustrating.

“That adds up. Multiply that by however many people and it becomes an issue of ongoing triage for the entire city. I would not condemn people to death, but there is no other choice. If you find a better solution, let me know.”

“If a person gets these crystals and points themselves and chooses to give them away?”

“There are limited amounts of monsters. In time these areas will become more and more contested as people fight for points just to eat. For the system store is the only source of food unless people resort to cannibalism, which they have in other cities. That is why charity was made illegal beyond the initial restoration people are given and orientation for their first 10 days. That and the unplanned pregnancies.”

It was exhausting explaining this, but it was a good way to take my mind off the pain. My bandaged feet stubs throbbed. “Is the situation really that bleak Michael?”

“It is Champion Michael and yes. If you find another way for long term stability let me know. No one has managed to come up with anything. The most people seem to be able to do is hope the situation will change. That isn’t happening.”

“How do you know Champion Michael?”

“It is the progression of the monsters, crystals, store, and overall power. There is a reason my branch of government is named the Immortal Council.”

“I can’t stand by while people suffer and die when I could help them.” Your morality will only last so long in this place unfortunately.

“An idealist. Well, I guess for a doctor that makes sense. You truly stand by your words and would risk your life for others?”

“Yes. I am not afraid. I did two tours in Iraq as a combat surgeon.” Wow, this guy was the real deal. I stared at him, and he resolutely stared back at me. He was in good shape, but most doctors were from my experience.

“I think you are naïve and stupid.”

“My parents said the same thing when I joined the military.”

“Stubborn as well. If you want to change things around here, then I will only listen to someone who is my equal. People who have risked their lives and truly understand how unfair and stupid the Systemic Lands truly are.” He was silent so I continued.

“To do that you will have to sit on the Immortal Council. The only requirement currently is killing a level 4 monster in a single combat. Let me warn you, that so far only I have done such a thing and I barely survived that battle.” I stopped myself from rubbing my left arm.

“I estimate the minimum number of stats needed for such a feat is 1,000, but more would make the task more survivable. That is 2.6 million points you would have to gather just for stats.”

“That is the only way to change things around here?”

“Truthfully yes. Since I won’t listen to moralizing from anyone who doesn’t accomplish at least that much. You can be my cart puller and see the horrors of this world, if you dare take the risk, Doctor Katz.”

“A cart puller?”

“You aren’t qualified for any other position. You can kill the monsters in the level 1 area we pass through to get to wherever I am going to grind.”

“Isn’t there a President and elections? People were talking about how the last President was killed in the attack.”

“Ken, and he was killed. But when people have superhuman abilities, where do you think power resides?”

“With the strongest. Which is you.” I noted he glanced at my foot stubs. At least he had picked up on the situation, no matter how injured I might look.

“The Ritualist is not an opponent I expected, and he caught me in a trap with level 2 monsters. Anyone else would have had their mind scrambled and then been melted.” I let him think things over. I was curious to see what a moral person would do in the face overwhelming grimness this place produced.

Would he break down? Or would he realize the futility of his actions once he did the math? Or would he push forward and try to help people regardless? I was curious. Also, he had helped me out, which meant I was willing to give him a hand getting started in this place.

Someone with a different point of view on my future Immortal Council would be invaluable. I didn’t want yes men or women. I wanted people who could think, but also work together. Just like the Founding Fathers of America centuries ago.

This man was perfect if he could survive long enough, and this place didn’t crush his soul. It had already crushed mine into a black abyss. But like a blackhole and radiation, some hope kept escaping. Hope that the next day I wouldn’t die screaming as something terrible happened to me and actually ate my soul. I didn’t know if souls were real, but with this place, it could be anyone’s guess.

“There is no position for a doctor in the city, like a hospital?”

“There is no need for one with restorations. One just needs points. Still, I am not ungrateful. You can choose not to be my cart puller, and I will owe you, say 20,000 points in 100 days. I am afraid I am a bit cash strapped at the moment, despite being the richest person in Purgatory.”

“If points are needed for everything, then I would be foolish not to accept your offer, Champion Michael.” I guess being decisive was part of his character. That was something I could respect.

“Excellent. Make arrangements with Naran. Ask him how to kill slimes.”

“How should I refer to you going forward?”

“Michael is fine, and Champion Michael in public doctor. You have earned that title today. Otherwise, you would just be Benjamin here. Go speak to Naran, and he will find a place for you to sleep for tonight.”

“Thank you for the opportunity. If there are any issues with the bandages, let me know.” Doctor Katz then left my room and I let out a sigh.

I began to peel everything off. My nice outfit was completely ruined. I was completely ruined. Purgatory was completely ruined. I tossed the ruined clothing into a pile off to the side.

I looked at my left hand. Yeah, hitting blue slimes, a bad idea. Everything hurt. The pain from my foot stumps was constantly throbbing. Like needles and hammers digging and pounding away at my flesh. Acid was a horrible way to die or be injured.

I wanted to think about how I would fight the Ritualist but was too exhausted. I had said I wanted a huge invasion, but brute force, was a sub-optimal approach in my mind. I just couldn’t think of anything better against hordes of monsters and traps.

I lay there contemplating my utter stupidity in entering the tunnel. The chests, I should have broken them first. But I didn’t want to risk melee and didn’t want to waste energy for an Acid Shot. The increased cost was really hurting me with my Spirit stat only being 100.

Slimes could compress into barrels. What other things about monsters had I missed? Monsters could safely interact with one another apparently. That was a bit of tactical genius on the Ritualist’s part. Slimes riding on top of wolves.

The next mistake was not retreating immediately, but I would have been caught in the slimes when they exploded out of the chests then. If he had just two more slimes in the middle of the tunnel, I would have been completely engulfed and killed for sure.

This was complete bullshit! Hundreds of monsters at this command. Can sense through them. It was incredibly overpowered. In fact, the sheer power of summoning was insane. There had to be a drawback of some kind. I couldn’t accept there was such a powerful ability with no drawback.

If there was no drawback, then I was behind the Ritualist in terms of combat. There would be only losses and defeat in my future.

What if it was possible to summon death? I was glad I had turned in that crystal for the points. If I had kept it and it had been stolen or sold it, things could have been far worse. That didn’t bear thinking about. Perhaps the scaling made it impractical in some way. Preparation was an obvious drawback.

Probably an energy cost of some kind. Maybe an upkeep, but I couldn’t decide one way or the other with how many monsters there had been. What were his stats?

I thought back on the conversation I had with Chase, or the Ritualist now. Everything seemed off and declaring that Chase was dead, and he was the Ritualist pointed at deeper issues. I just didn’t know him well enough or his background. With Ken dead, I could ask Louis.

I needed an estimation of how many stats he had. That was something I would follow up in the morning. The biggest issue was where to grind. I had no good idea right now.

I swore after this, I would keep a million points in reserve. No more being crippled and not having the points. At least 1,000 points for every stat point in Body, minimum. Preferably 2,000 points per Body stat so I could cover a lot of healing if I needed it. Back-to-back healings, so I could fight off whatever nonsense came my way and be back on my feet instantly.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I mentally swore a much deeper vow. I was going to kill the Ritualist. If he wanted a title, then he could have his title. I would make him choke on it. You won this round, but you didn’t finish me off. Giving me time to recover and flee was your biggest mistake. If you aim to kill someone, make sure you do it right.

I was still kicking myself about how I had ordered his death, but he was somehow still alive. This time I would follow the rule of, if it has its head, it isn’t dead.

He must have faked being strangled and none of us noticed. How idiotic is that? Well, I had never seen someone strangled in real life, and the guard probably hadn’t strangled people either. I guess a CIA operative might have a professional certification in strangling. Get your strangle certificates, just three easy classes.

Missing something like that gnawed at my very soul. Mistake after mistake and I missed it all. The city was ruined, people died, and I was crippled and in pain. Laying on my bed, my thoughts kept going in circles. What if? Should have? I couldn’t sleep, the pain kept me awake as I just lay there. Almighty System, the pain was horrific. I mentally apologized to how people felt before they were melted. This was far worse than anything I had ever felt.

I tried to clear my mind, focus my breathing, nothing helped. What I needed was a pain killer or someone to use the Sleep skill on me. Ah, but I would probably resist the skill. No magic solutions for me. At least until I had points.

At least whatever poison was in those roots hadn’t wiped me out. I was too stubborn to die. Now I just needed to learn how to weaponize my stubbornness and focus it on the Ritualist.

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