The Systemic Lands

Chapter 121: Day 263 – A Silent Death

Chapter 121: Day 263 – A Silent Death

I let out a sigh of relief as the restoration restored my feet. Naran set me down on the ground. The price had only gone up by a couple hundred points. That was good news at least. My feet had just formed and pushed the bandages out of the way. I left the bandages on for now. I would throw them out once I got back to my house. I wiggled my toes, happy to have toes again. It wasn’t as weird as it had been for my left arm at least, still weird though.

I currently had 27,482 points in the bank and 450 50-point crystals remaining. I had given up 10,000 points to Mute who had just restored himself. The flesh instantly moving back into place. He let out a long sigh of relief as well.

“Thank god,” he said. “My name is Aahan. Thank you for taking me along.” He rubbed his face. I knew that feeling. While the new flesh felt exactly the same, there was just something weird about being restored.

“Ah, much better,” Doctor Katz said as he got a restoration as well. It quite late at the moment and almost no one was up. I turned to head back home and Naran began following me.

I noted Doctor Katz and Aahan were following me. I reached the entrance and Clarissa was already opening it. “Welcome back Michael.”

“Clarissa good to see you.”

“There is much to discuss.” Of course, there was. “These two?”

“You sticking around or charting your own paths?” I asked.

“I will pull the cart very well. Don’t you worry.” Aahan had a strong Indian accent, so it took me a moment to work out what he said. Well, I did need a cart puller, so I wasn’t about to complain. I turned to look at the doctor.

“What exactly would that mean? I didn’t do much the last trip?”

“Depends. Do you want to stick with me on a team long term, or try and find you a position in the city?” I asked.

“Can I think about it?”

“I am leaving first thing in the morning. I don’t know when I will be back.”

“Then I would like to continue with you to get points.” I nodded at that.

“Clarissa, find the good Doctor a team he can grind with while Naran and I are gone. He needs points and stats. Also, we need to arrange a slot for Naran at the wolf dungeon.”

“That is what we need to discuss. You are bankrupt. Actually, in the negative right now.” I picked up my crystal pack from the cart and tossed it to Clarissa.

“That is 22,500 points. Will that stabilize things?” I asked.

“For now. But there is my pay and the pay I need for everything you asked for.”

“Naran, sort these two out with places to sleep. We are leaving first thing in the morning. Aahan can pull the cart.”

“Got it Michael,” Naran said and led the two inside. I followed Clarissa up to the second floor and sat on a chair near the window.

“What is it?” I asked. This was something more than crystals with the tinge of worry that had leaked into her voice.

“Tyrese was killed in his sleep two nights ago. The culprit is still at large. A knife across the throat.” I closed my eyes and mentally cursed. Another name to be forgotten and another mess for me to clean up. I knew there was an issue when we didn’t encounter anyone at the city entrance.

“Who is in charge of the guards? Also, the properties?”

“No one. The captains are still arguing, but the entire group may schism or fight. I have been reached out to by three separate groups, but have been putting them off until your return. Different captains were declared heirs of different of properties so they inherited them. That is another factor that has led to the current mess.” Solve one problem, inherit another.

“What is the exact situation?”

“Unclear. Many refuse to meet, claiming that they may be assassinated.”

“Who is running the brothels and the gambling houses?”

“Different factions. Things are constantly changing. Information I get one hour is outdated the next as the situation is very fluid. The biggest issue is that there is no one who can step into Tyrese’s role. The only good news is that open fighting hasn’t broken out yet, but it could any moment.”

“How was he killed? Doesn’t he have guards and a locked door?”

“The guards were killed, and he was ambushed when he opened his door. All blade work, no monsters, no skills. No witnesses.”

“Of course. Fine. I am going to deal with this right now. Anything else?”

“Nothing about Ruth or the Ritualist. But there is no one watching any of the gates. Since the captains brought their people back once Tyrese was killed.”

“Louis is handling everything alright?”

“Yes, it has been rough, but the rest of the city is calm for once. A lot of vagrants were killed in the attack.” Another grim silver lining. “There is one more thing.” Clarissa hesitated.

“What is it?”

“I would like to recruit guards.”

“Do what you think is best, but it comes out of your pay. You are paid up to day 600.”

“Those contract holders died.” I just stared at Clarissa for a long moment before speaking.

“A risk you took. Crystals are tight. That 22,500 points is a lot more than other people have.”

“You are right. My apologies. The last couple of days have been extremely stressful.” I could understand that. I would think on this issue, but for now she would have to make do.

“Lock up after me and tell Naran to be on alert until I get back. Time to go clean up another mess. It isn’t fire, but I knew something bad would happen,” I muttered as I made my way to my room. I began putting on what armor I had. Missing the left armguard and the portions of the left shoulder.

Once I was done, happy to be able to walk on my own two feet again, I made my way outside. “Need help?” Naran was waiting outside.

“No. But make sure I have a place to fall back to in case this gets messy. Oh, let the Union know I am sorting out the guard so they don’t have to worry.” He nodded and I made my way to the pillars. The guards looked at me and I made my way to the Captain there.

“Ring the alarm bell,” I said.

“Champion Michael, that is only for emergencies, or if there is an attack,” the Captain said.

“There is an emergency with the Red Military Police Force. I am going to fix it right now. Ring the bell,” I said calmly.

The Captain nodded slowly. He then turned to one of his people, who was a woman. “Ring the bell.” She began to ring it. The sound echoed across the plaza in the late night.

“Clear the table and close up the tax chest.” One of the guards quickly obeyed. I then climbed up on the table. I noticed people looking into the plaza as guards swarmed forward. After five minutes I had the guard stop ringing the bell and looked at the assembled men and women.

“I had the emergency bell rung since the issue of leadership needs to be sorted out immediately. Are there any captains not here?”

“Four. Two will have mobilized their teams for the treasury and another one was on guard at the treasury. Captain Josh, well he created his own guard rotation.” The Captain at the pillars explained.

“He is expelled from the Red Dawn Military Police force effective immediately on charges of desertion and is to be executed on sight. Send someone to get the captains at the treasury and tell them to come here immediately. Leave the people guarding it behind.” The Captain quickly ordered one of his men and they ran off.

“Silence,” the muttering quickly stopped. “If you don’t want me in charge, then challenge me. Here and now.” No one spoke. The remaining captains were quickly rushing over.

“Good. As I just said, if anyone disagrees with me, they are welcome to challenge me. If not, I will be sorting out the mess immediately. First any guard or Captain who didn’t show up to here or the treasury is expelled from the Red Dawn Military Police Force for dereliction of duty and is to be executed on sight. The only exception is if they are still injured from the battle and need a restoration.”

“The bell sounding is the call for all fighters to mobilize in defense of the city. While there haven’t been any drills this will change into one drill at least once every ten days going forward. No exceptions.” I stared out at the assembled people. The threats were real, and the Ritualist had proven that beyond any doubt.

“Next is the lack of presence at the gates. That is unacceptable. We would have no forewarning of an attack. They are to be guarded at all times and screening everyone who enters and leaves to see if they are from this city. No exceptions.”

“Finally, we are sorting out the leadership of the Red Military Police Force right now, tonight. Any Captain who thinks they deserve the position will step forward in front of me. I will then let each of you give a five-minute speech. Then every single guard will vote.” I paused and no one stepped forward. Might as well keep going since I didn’t want a silence hanging over everything and needed to resolve another situation.

“But before a new leader is selected. I will have my revenge for Tyrese.” I looked out over the crowd. “While we didn’t always agree, I would call him a friend, we had an understanding, and he was a good colleague to work with. I will not let his death go unavenged. So, whomever is elected can take comfort in that.” No need to speak ill of the dead.

“The first person to step forward with exact information on who killed Tyrese and the people protecting him, will receive a full pardon, and 100,000 points guaranteed by the city. This is your only chance.” I waited as I looked out over the crowd. The tension kept building.

I didn’t know what I would do if no one came forward. There was decimation like the Romans used to do. Forcing a group of ten to kill one random person, but that could lead to more issues. I just knew I had to resolve this tonight. I couldn’t waste time messing about in Purgatory with the Ritualist still out there.

“I know!” Everyone turned to the man, who quickly rushed forward.

“Traitor!” Another man shouted. I leapt from the table and punched the second man in the gut. He collapsed to the ground. I stomped on his hands, crushing them. He began screaming or crying. It was hard to tell.

“Bring him to the table and hold him down. Was there anyone else?” I asked the snitch.

“Yes, Captain Josh as well.” I looked at the snitch.

“Anyone besides you three?” I asked.

“No.” I stared at him intently before asking my next question.


“Captain Josh wanted a woman, that Tyrese fancied, and he wanted the crystals from the brothels and casinos.” Of course. Money and women. A tale as old as time itself.

“I will have to retrieve this Josh myself. Do you know where he is?” I asked.

“In one of the brothels.” Of course, he was. At least the snitch knew where this Josh was.

“Lead me to him. The rest of you wait here. Make sure he doesn’t die.” I pointed to the man on the table. “Let’s go.” The snitch led me to the brothel, while I left the rest of the guards and Captains behind.

I banged on the door of the brothel once I reached it. A window up top was opened up and shut quickly. A moment later the door was opened. “Champion Michael, what can I do for you?” The brothel madam asked.

“Show me to Josh’s room. Now.”

“Of course. Follow me.”

“You wait here.” I told the snitch and he nodded. The madam led me to the second floor and pointed to a door. “Unlock it.”

“No lock.” I nodded at that and opened it up. A man was lying in bed with two women. They didn’t even notice me enter while in the midst of their adult activities. I went over and grabbed his ankle. I yanked on his leg hard and pulled him right off the bed, leaving the two women behind.

“What-“ I then stomped on both his hands and he screamed. The naked women started to scream. I reached down and drove my right index finger into his left eye and clamped onto his skull with my hand. His bleeding and broken hands smacked against my armor as I dragged him out of the brothel. The madam quickly rushed to see to her employees.

The snitch was still outside. “Follow,” I said over Josh’s screams and the snitch didn’t say anything. I dragged the screaming and bleeding Josh back to the plaza. The guards and captains were staring at me in silence and most likely fear. Good, this kind of nonsense couldn’t continue. I dropped Josh next to a table.

“Put him on the table and hold him down.” A couple guards rushed forward and lifted the screaming Josh up onto the table. I began wiping my hands off on his clothes. “What pisses me off is having to deal with shit. This.” I pointed at Josh. “This is shit I have to deal with, when a man is summoning monsters to rip and melt everyone here.”

“If the Red Military Police Force isn’t in lockstep and sorted out when I return, well you better run or plan to kill me. Because otherwise I am going to kill every single Captain and appoint new ones over and over until I don’t have to deal with this shit anymore. Is that clear?” There was silence. “You are all supposed to say, Yes Champion Michael.”

“Yes Champion Michael.” Several voices shouted.

“You all better shout like your life depends on it since it does, try again.”


“Better. I won’t just kill whoever is elected to be in charge if this mess continues either. They will get something more. I will do what I am going to do to these two. For undermining the safety of this city in a time of war, assassinating the leader of the Red Military Police Force, and for making me have to get involved in this mess, your sentence is death by torture.” Both men began to scream and plead.

“Let this be a lesson that is passed on to every recruit. Don’t make my life difficult. If I have to get involved, no one will like the outcome.” I reached down and scooped out their eyes with my finger, making my hand bloody again. The screaming intensified.

“Most of you probably know the saying, those who pass the sentence should swing the blade. Well, I am not afraid to get my hands messy and scoop out some eyeballs.” One of the guards threw up as I continued. I pulled out the tongues next so the screaming would stop.

“Hold their heads to the side so they don’t choke on their own blood. None of you better look away or have your eyes closed. You better sear this sight into your head. Forever. Since I don’t want to have to deal with this shit ever again. Let go of their legs.”

Acid Shot. Acid Shot. Their feet began to melt along with the tables. Then their legs began to turn black. “Did I make myself clear?” I asked the horrified crowd.


“Good. Go toss them in a building somewhere to finish dying and vanish like the trash they are. Be careful of the acid.” The men were dragged by their arms, leaving a bloody trail from their melting legs across the plaza. At least that wasn’t my problem to clean up. “Now we can hold elections for a new leader, so who wants to speak first?”

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