The Systemic Lands

Chapter 128: Day 273 – Defensive Measures

Chapter 128: Day 273 – Defensive Measures

I took my seat at the head of table in the conference room Clarissa had set up in my home. Naran was seated to my right, looking distinctly uncomfortable being in such a high-level meeting. But I valued and trusted his opinion. He could deal with the discomfort, especially in a crisis situation like we were currently facing.

Clarissa was sitting on my left with notes and books ready to go. She had arranged this meeting the second she had confirmed my return the previous night. She had informed me the task was completed regarding the snitch. One less thing to worry about spending crystals on.

To Naran’s right was Gerold. The new leader and General of the RMPF. He was mostly quiet and had book of notes ready to go as well. The uniform was quite sharp and clean cut. The dark red color would hide any blood and make it obvious who was a member of the RMPF.

To Clarissa’s left was Louis, Ken’s replacement as President. I couldn’t blame him for the Ritualist, but I could blame him for allowing the Ritualist to sneak so much power under his nose. Unfortunately, there was no one else at the moment to manage that aspect of the government within Purgatory.

On the opposite end of the table was Laura. I would say she was the one person who could realistically challenge me for control of the city. But after the Union’s recent losses she appeared much more worn down and tired.

Everyone was silent as I gathered my thoughts. “The Ritualist lives. He has claimed a city two days to the East and has named it Heaven. There are several more developments as well. The first is that he was forcing the population to grind for him. I killed off the grinders due to the state of total war we are currently in.” No one interrupted or condemned me.

“This provoked a response. He attempted to trap me again. This time he was forced to retreat wounded but managed to survive. I couldn’t overcome the mass mental attack his monsters unleashed and the swarm of monsters he unleashed to cover his escape. The fact he was willing to leave the city, shows that he isn’t afraid to take the initiative. There are two more disturbing developments.”

“The first being, that he can now summon monsters that can summon other monsters, specifically the summoner ants. Secondly, he has begun to make human monster hybrids. While I haven’t seen one made, I heard a couple of accounts. The new monsters are too weak to be level 2 and have humanoid appearances like werewolves, or weredeer.”

“At this time, I don’t believe we can win a battle with the Ritualist without committing all our forces and sustaining heavy losses. We should take a defensive position until we improve our strength, and then attack.” There was silence. Finally, Clarissa spoke up.

“What about a battle of attrition?”

“It could work, and I have considered it. The issue is forcing the battle in an advantageous spot without him retreating into the city or overwhelming a weak point in our attack by committing all his forces against weaker individuals. His ability to adapt and implement tactics is stronger than ours. Thankfully there are three limitations I have been able to work out.”

“The first is range. I strongly suspect he can’t control his monster further than a zone, most likely less than that. Then there is the energy initial and upkeep cost to call forth monsters.” I then broke down my reasoning behind each conclusion.

“Could a siege happen?” Gerold asked.

“Yes. The biggest risk is if he enters Purgatory and can summon monsters within the city itself. As for sieging the outside, he would have to block all four gates. So, there is a chance we could be sieged and have to defend from all directions.”

There was silence as everyone digested that. “What are the city reserves at?” I asked. This time it was Clarissa spoke up.

“The city currently has 275,000 points in reserve for upgrades. That is with the increased tax rate of 50% for level 1 crystals.”

“Total tax income?”

“We are looking at 650,000 points every 25 days, but that number will go up as more Union teams are formed and will decrease once the tax rate is corrected for level 1 crystals,” Clarissa said.

“I am thinking about purchasing two city gates as the next purchase, unless there are any objections?” I asked. No one spoke up.

“Gerold, good job at securing the entrances so far. Hopefully the gates should make things easier. How is the readiness of the RMPF,” I asked.

“Thank you. I have also formed a fast reaction force with higher combat ability. Similar to SWAT. They will deploy from the plaza to reinforce where needed. I have also reorganized the RMPF, to have 5 units, with 4 squads each. One unit for each gate and the plaza. The last unit is the fast reaction force.”

“Each squad will remain on duty for one shift a day and rotate with the other squads to give a day off once every four days. Each squad has twenty people each. If there is an emergency everyone will deploy at the same time. We have conducted three drills so far and our reaction time from the initial bell in an area is 5 minutes, with alerts going to every other squad at 1 hour, with a far gate being 2 hours.” At least someone was on top of things. He continued to speak and I paid attention.

“While we have had mock combat drills, there is only so much we can do. The RMPF will not be able to repel a determined attack.” I frowned at this.

“An issue of quantity or quality?” I asked.

“Both. I am coordinating with Laura to involve any Union teams in mobilizing if an alarm is sounded, but the main issue is the city is too large. Getting from the plaza to any of the four gates, means our forces are split. If the Ritualist focuses on a single entrance, my people will retreat, sound the alarm, and regroup at the plaza if any of the gates fall.” I frowned at that.

“Another issue is recruitment. While training standards have been increased, finding people willing to sign up compared to hunting monsters is the opposite of what it used to be.” People didn’t want to fight. How frustrating.

“We could institute mandatory military service,” Clarissa suggested.

“No. Better to have people willing to stand and fight. What we will do is begin expelling vagrants. If people don’t have a job, kick them out of Purgatory. They can only enter if they have crystals in their possession. Sweep the city and clear out the vagrants.” The time for useless people was over. We needed everyone to mobilize in the face of the Ritualist.

“If people refuse?” Gerold asked. That was a stupid question.

“Kill them or kick them out of the city. Implement a mandatory curfew.”

“We already have,” Gerold said. I nodded at that.

“Good, then keep it up.”

“You think the Ritualist will attack?” Laura asked.

“Probably. Build up his forces and then move on Purgatory in force. Once he enters the city, he will be near impossible to find. Louis, how goes the research?”

“Slow. Making the crystal powder is simple enough, but no progress has been made in summoning monsters.” I frowned at that. “I have three people working on the issue, they are under heavy supervision.”

“Figure it out. We need results and a summoner of our own as soon as possible.” He let out a sigh but nodded.

“Laura, your teams?”

“I have seven going at the moment and more will be forming. They are pulling in the skill points as quickly as possible, but it takes time. We lost some of our best in the last attack. Are you thinking about a large-scale attack, on Heaven to kill the Ritualist? What time frame?”

“Yes. We force our way into the city and see what happens if the store pillars are destroyed. Killing everything in our path. Unfortunately, such a large-scale undertaking isn’t possible if the Ritualist can force me back. So probably in 50 to 60 days.”

“You want to plan for an attack then. Build up our defenses and forces, then launch an attack,” Laura said.

“Exactly. The Ritualist is a threat like no other and we are in a state of total war. If we don’t kill him, I have no doubt he will come to kill us. I have taken the step to arrange with Clarissa for a way to alert me in case of an attack. But it will take me at least two days to return.”

“You sure we can’t attack now?” Louis asked.

“I barely survived the overlapping mental attacks. Anyone else would be completely knocked out and vulnerable. Mental skills and the Mind stat should be priorities going forward. If we attack now, we might win but the losses will be quite large. Are you willing to join in such an attack?” I asked.

“No,” he looked down at the table. That was the problem. People wouldn’t run to their deaths like lemmings. There was a reason deaths in most medieval and historical battles were around 5 to 10 percent. Humans weren’t made to get up close and person to risk their lives. It was the same issue that came up when people had to grind monsters.

“I believe we can develop faster than the Ritualist. Despite the ridiculousness of his ability, he will struggle the same as everyone else by having to grind up stats. The city can grind up its defenses faster and I can improve myself faster than the Ritualist can.” Monsters took crystals to summon, so even if he could clear an area faster, he had to coordinate multiple monsters. He also had range limitations. He would be like a slow vacuum sweeping across the land.

“If you are wrong and we don’t attack now, then we will be in a very tough spot,” Louis said. I nodded at that.

“Yes. I won’t deny that. We are at a turning point, but I believe this is the correct direction to take. With research being done and the entire city working towards winning. I am confident that we can succeed. I know you wanted to speak about candidates for President, Clarissa. Is there anything else?” I asked.

“What about the dungeons at Neo Brasilia and Truth. Should we give those up?” Laura asked.

“No. Keeping those dungeons is important. If the locals need to be fought off, then so be it.”

“It will create deep grievances,” Laura said.

“Then what do you propose? We are in a war for our very survival we need every advantage we can grab ahold of.”

“Are you sure you can’t lead an assault on Heaven yourself?” Laura asked.

“What is the average total stat count of your people, 400 or 500, if I had to guess?” She nodded at that.

“They need more. We need more people with skills and a high number of stats. This is the kind of fight that will drag out and out. And even then, the Ritualist could still arrange for his escape. Since there are other factors in play. He has an ally. An individual in a cloak and mask named Nox, or Ruth. She hasn’t been spotted?” I asked.

“No. Her description is with every squad and there is a 10,000 point reward leading to her death,” Gerold said. I glanced at Clarissa who nodded.

“Increase the reward to a guaranteed level 3 skill. That I will escort someone to get. I want people motivated to find and kill her if she shows her face here in Purgatory. We can’t allow either Ruth or the Ritualist to gain information or a foothold.”

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