The Systemic Lands

Chapter 169: Day 352 (3) – Request and Departure

Chapter 169: Day 352 (3) – Request and Departure

Naran and I made our way back to the cart. This time one of the guards in blue came up to me once we entered my building and were near the cart. “Champion Michael, permission to speak?” He saluted me. It was weird, being saluted. I knew it was a sign of respect and of authority. But it felt weird to me, for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on. Perhaps, the fact that I was never in the military and didn’t take a salute that seriously. Something to think about.

I turned to fully face the solider. Younger, and in good shape. Dark skin and darker hair. “Yes, what is it?” I asked.

“I wanted permission to go outside the city with you to improve myself by grinding up points.” I stared at him, and he didn’t wilt at the very least. He was about my height.

“Skills?” I asked.

“None.” Well that wasn’t that useful.

“Stats?” I asked.

“200 total, half in Body, 50 in Mind, and 50 spread out between the rest,” he replied. That was a lot of stats.

“I doubt you got that many stats working for the guards?” I asked.

“Union team. Fell apart when the Ritualist attacked the first time. Was laid up for a while. When I got a regeneration, well, it was hard to find my footing. Clarissa hired me around then.” That made sense. “I don’t want to be left behind.”

“Why not another Union team?”

“I tried, but odd number of people. Too big, slows things down. Also trust. My team leader and Laura didn’t get along. Unfortunately, when she did the reorganization, I got left behind.” The timing was incredibly suspicious.

“Why now?”

“Well, you were busy all day yesterday. Then you came back to rest. I missed you before breakfast since I was at the research lab. Then you were busy until now. I just got off shift to make this request.” He didn’t appear to be lying and was quite earnest. I looked over at Naran.

“He speak to you?” I asked.

“He did, but I told him that kind of request had to go through you.” So, this wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. If it was, I would said no for sure.

“You will have to do most of the babysitting.”

“I already do babysitting.” With his tone I knew he clearly meant me. I rolled my eyes.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Oscar, sir.” I nodded at that.

“What do you think Naran?” I wanted his opinion.

“I don’t mind, but we will need to purchase more supplies. Also, we will hit our cap much more quickly.” I frowned at that. The one million point cap was quite annoying, since it meant I couldn’t just grind continuously like I wanted to.

I would have to redo all my math and projections if a third person came with us who was grinding as well. That was annoying. However, there were benefits from having another person. They were a meat shield to throw in front of my problems.

“Alright, you can come along. Work with Naran to see to the supplies and your gear.”

“Thank you, Champion Michael.” I just nodded and left to go into my home to see to my prisoner. I would let Naran get a feel for him. I needed to make sure that Laura was situated.

I ended up in front of one of the rooms on the second floor. There was just a bed and a bucket. No light and no blankets. Clarissa was standing just inside the doorway speaking. There were guards but they didn’t stop me or speak up. Smart of them. Since I was the big boss in the end not Clarissa.

She had probably told them not to do anything to annoy me. If they even gave a hint, they were following her orders or will over fine, there would be a purge. I wouldn’t let my home turn into a next of vipers.

“…really Laura? You just had to keep pushing? How did you think things were going to end?” I gave a light cough. Clarissa turned to look at me.

“Michael. I was just seeing to the prisoner.” I looked at Laura on the wood bed in gray clothes. Her face still bloody.

“Get your gloating in?” I asked. Clarissa looked me straight in the eyes without a hint of remorse or shame when she responded.

“Yes. Since she will be locked in here for a very long time,” Clarissa said. I looked over at Laura again and her eyes were open, but she was just staring at the ceiling. She was probably in shock at how quickly things had changed for her.

“Don’t let her die. Don’t have her raped or tortured. If she doesn’t cause problems, give her better food. If she causes problems, take away the food. If she tries to starve herself, then cut off a piece of her skin and pour salt and rub it into the wound.” I noted Laura’s eyes flicker over to me and the slight wince. Good she was listening.

“I will make sure,” Clarissa said.

“Good. You wanted her removed you got it. Now get your shit together and manage this city. I don’t want to have to clean up any more messes.”

“I understand. Sorry for putting you in this position.”

“It is fine. Walk with me,” I stepped out and the guards closed the door. We went to her office, but I took the seat behind the desk. Clarissa sat down across from me.

“One of your guards asked to join me, Oscar.”

“Ah, him. I am not surprised. He wants more power.”


“No idea. But I wasn’t about to turn away someone with 200 stat points.”

“Can he be trusted?”

“Trusted to act in his self-interest. Yes. Trusted not to betray you, I can’t answer that.” I frowned at that. “It is a question of power. He wants what you have.” I drummed my fingers on the desk as I considered what Clarissa said. “So, are you taking him with you?”

“Yes. I will need to talk to him some more to get a better understanding of his personality and desires, but I am sure an accommodation can be reached. Perhaps as my head guard, or a member of the Immortal Council along with Naran. To offset anyone from the Union.”

“That can work. But I make no promises. Not like I can run real background checks anyway. It is all word of mouth. People vouching for people, asking them questions day after day and comparing their answers.” I could tell she was exhausted but she seemed more lively since I had locked Laura away.

There was a knock on the door. “Enter,” I called out. Bob and Gerold entered. The guard shut the door behind them. I gestured at some free chairs, and they sat down. They didn’t say anything, so I decided to go first.

“It is done. Laura has been removed from her position. Garrett is in charge and Clarissa will be overseeing the transition.”

They glanced at each other and then looked at me. “You aren’t killing her?” Bob asked.

“No. She will stay locked up until day 1,000 or so. By then, she won’t matter anymore. If she is released or killed. Until then, she is a hostage for the good behavior of the Union. When new people are brought in, they won’t know about her.” The loyalty would not be there, and the old guard would be crowded out.

“That is quite a decision to make, it could cause unrest. What if the teams protest?” Gerold asked.

“Then they can protest to me. I will hear their complaints and liquidate, sorry, I mean dispose of the complaints in a proper manner.” I wasn’t sorry and that wasn’t a mistake. “People seem to forget. I am in charge. Until they have power to contend with me, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they smell. I don’t want to smell them.”

“I understand completely,” Bob said. I looked at Gerold. He let out a long sigh.

“Trust me, after what you did to put me in charge, I am not about to give you grief. But people will talk and complain. The more people are clamped down on, the more they will speak up.”

“We don’t need people in this city that smell. We need people who can shut up and work hard. The hardest workers will get a say once they have the level of power and have shown they can fight. I don’t care if freedom of speech is built into these people’s souls. Rip it out and explain to them in detail.”

“I get it, but, you might just cause people to revolt, which is something we all want to avoid,” Gerold said.

I rubbed my face and leaned back in my chair. “I can deal with people questioning and bringing me a different point of view. I won’t tolerate people resisting the direction I am pointing this city in. I have fought too hard and put in too much effort to let things go to shit.” I tilted my head back down to look at Gerold.

“I don’t care what people say. They can either get with the program, shut up, or die. It is that simple. You focus on keeping order, managing the gates, and crushing any crime. That simple. Now does anyone else have an opinion they want to express to me?”

No one spoke up, there was dead silence. I nodded at that. “Good. Clarissa is in charge while I am gone. If she says something, consider it coming out of my mouth. Feel free to give your opinions, but they are just that opinions. If you still strongly disagree, then you may inform me when I return. Are there any problems with this?”

“No problems!” Bob quickly said. I looked at Gerold. He let out another sigh.

“No problems Champion Michael.”

“Good. Now the Union needs to be sorted out. Taxes need to be collected. The arrivals rotated. The crafting system tested more. And more city structures need to be purchased. Anything I am missing before I leave?” I asked. No response. “Alright, dismissed.” The two men left. The door closed behind them, and I looked at Clarissa.

“Thank you, Michael. That will help with a lot of problems.”

“That was the point. I am putting a lot of faith in you. I see your drive and determination. Don’t let that go. Also find a hobby.”

“I don’t think there are many romance novels around here,” Clarissa said.

“Really? Romance novels. Perhaps a steamy werewolf hybrid. I won’t judge.”

“Novels, not bestiality,” Clarissa said with a sigh.

“Hey, all stripes, I don’t judge. Get that action on. Everyone needs some love.”

“Now you are teasing. Shoo. You helped enough, thank you for that. Now go grind and become impossibly strong,” Clarissa said with her deadpan voice. Still, there was a hint of life in it that wasn’t there before.

“Fine, fine. I am going.” I got up and left the room. I hesitated and then paused. I was thinking about going to see Laura once more, but it would be pointless. I had made my decision. It was too late for regrets.

There was only moving forward. At least I was slowly filtering out the stupidity. Now I just had to keep all these people alive. There was no way I was going to go through rebuilding a city again. All the headaches to get to this point were more than enough for ten lifetimes.

I reached the cart. “Ready?” Naran asked.

“Yes. Oh, we have someone to get Radiant Beam?” I asked.

“The team of guards will meet us at the West gate. Oscar?” The man in question was standing nearby and listening in.

“He is fine. But we will have to talk. No such thing as a free lunch.” Naran nodded at that. “Everything else will just have to wait until we return. Oh, did you get the stuff I wanted?”

“Yes. It is all arranged. Also packed the Processing Rod if you decide to use it.”

“I just might. I just might. Let’s go.” Naran opened the doors while Aahan began pulling the cart. We set out for another grinding session.

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