The Systemic Lands

Chapter 185: Day 400 – War Council

Chapter 185: Day 400 – War Council

I entered the Meeting Chamber. Weird how the store didn’t call it a hall. How things were laid out had been changed. I sat at the central table at the head. Clarissa, Naran, General Gerold, Vice General Smith, President Bob, and Garret were all there as well, sitting at the main table in the center with me. The twenty Captains of the RMPF had been arranged around the outside of our conference to listen in, but not contribute.

Clarissa banged a gavel on the table. “Silence!” she called out. Everyone went quiet. “Champion Michael, the floor is yours.”

“Thank you, Clarissa. Today we are to discuss two major issues.” It was originally going to be one, but now it was going to be two. “The first major issue is a full-scale assault on the city of Truth to purge the skill holders. The second major issue is our current stance with the Ritualist.”

“We can no longer afford the risk of the skill users of Truth threatening the Union teams in control of the two city dungeons. It would greatly halt our expansion process. That is why I plan to lead a punitive expedition to purge the city and end the threat.”

“In addition, it has been brought to my attention that there is a very high probability that the Ritualist has more than quadrupled in power.” There were mutters and worried looks at that. I slammed my hand on the table with a bang. “Silence.” Everyone shut up.

“We are not some gossiping schoolgirls. This meeting is represents the combined might and authority of our city of Purgatory. I have included the Captains of the RMPF so that you can be aware of the threats and listen.”

I took a deep breath then continued. “General Gerold, what is the status of the RMPF?”

“Currently there are 20 captains and 200 soldiers. Of those, there are only 40 soldiers with a Body stat over 200 and a Mind stat over 50, with the vast majority being in the fast reaction force. We have 2 soldiers with the skill Radiant Beam. There are 10 soldiers that can summon. Others have a smattering of skills, but nothing critical.” I nodded that.

“How many people in the fast reaction force?” I asked.

“There are currently 30 soldiers and 3 captains,” General Gerold answered. I nodded at that.

“Good. We can’t take half measures. The threat of Truth needs to be ended so we can focus on the Ritualist and his increased power. I have been thinking about the issue heavily and how we will deploy. In the end the only way to be sure is to take a risk.” I paused, since the next bit would cause a lot of contention.

“I will be taking 130 people of the RMPF. That includes the fast reaction force to control Truth’s plaza, 25 soldiers to hold each gate, and 5 summoners to help sweep the city. Thoughts?” I asked.

There was silence and then Gerold looked at his Vice General who then spoke up. “That would leave Purgatory impossible to defend. If there is an attack, we would not be able to hold.” I nodded at that.

“I know. That is why I am leaving only enough to maintain order. I am also dispatching Naran to open a trade deal with the Ritualist. Pricing our crystals at a two to one ratio if he wants other types,” I explained.

“Won’t that make him more dangerous?” President Bob asked.

“It will, but we can’t win in a battle. Our best hope is to delay and to keep building up our strength at the lower levels to counter his swarm tactics. The RMPF and the Union teams will be able to counter at the higher level. In addition, a top secret that is classified to Clarissa and myself is being developed to counter the Ritualist long term as well.” I noticed Naran’s gaze snap to me.

“What project?” General Gerold asked.

“Top secret. The penalty for discovery beyond Clarissa and myself without authorization is death. I only bring this up, so that all of you can rest easy the situation is being dealt with. But to release the knowledge would cause chaos and mass panic. Needless to say, I will be implementing the methods the Ritualist used to gain power to counter him. No one is to speak about or hint at this either,” I said, and people were nodding.

“So, you want me to set up a trade deal?” Naran asked.

“Yes. Don’t be afraid to push back, but compromise in the end as if we are in the superior position. The Ritualist will probably not want to reveal we have discovered one his methods and gains in strength. So, we can buy time at the highest cost possible. Drag out any deliveries to as long possible,” I said.

“I can do that. But if he attacks?” Naran asked.

“You will be going with a limited guard. If he attacks return Purgatory and sound the alarm. Gather information. I know I can count on you Naran,” I said.

“Don’t worry, I can handle some high stakes negotiation. What if he asks about you?”

“Just explain that I am grinding to get stronger. It is close enough to the truth it shouldn’t matter,” I replied. I mentally groaned at the unintentional pun.

“People will ask questions. Should we mobilize the militia?” Gerold asked.

“No. Unless there is an imminent attack but releasing a high alert status for the next few days won’t be remiss, since people will ask questions and see the reduced numbers,” Clarissa answered. I nodded my approval at her decision. There were probably economic and social considerations.

“Then there is the matter of the assault on Truth. You talked about five teams. One at each gate and one in the plaza?” Gerold asked.

“Yes. We can use the summoners to send alerts at a distance. One team will block each entrance and to slow down and kill anyone trying to escape. The fast reaction force will move for the plaza. Once that is secure, they will scout and kill anything nearby. I will go with them. If an alert comes from any of the gates at the first sign of an attack I will go there,” I said.

“That would mean if they perform a feint at one gate and then rush another, you will be out of position,” Vice General Smith said.

“It will. But I am hoping they will under estimate the summons, which will also slow them down. We have wolves and slimes?” I asked.

“Yes, it is quite an effective combination. Also butterflies to provide overwatch and scout,” Gerold said.

“Good. Then each gate will be forewarned ahead of time by using the summons as scouts, any other considerations?” I asked.

“Long term, are we planning to attack the Ritualist?” President Bob asked.

“Yes. Once the RMPF is built up more it will be a full-scale battle. Consider this a warmup. I won’t be taking overall command on the ground, since I will be involved in combat or moving to key locations. Who will take command?” I asked.

“I will,” General Gerold said. “Do you want to trap the gates instead with level 2 monsters?”

“Can the summoners handle that?” I asked.

“Yes. We can deploy a white slime into each gate and keep our forces on the outside. That will seal the city much better, and use the tunnel as a chokepoint. Have the summons attacks from the rear while my forces engage from the front in a holding action.”

Someone was earning their title today. “Good. They are going to have the skills Rock Lance, Light Bubble, Wind Grip, and Fire Shot. The biggest dangers are Fire Shot, which should be block able by a shield?” I asked Naran.

“Yes. Fire Shot can be stopped by a shield, but it is quick. So, if you aren’t ready, you will get torched. Rock Lance will break up formations. A shield wall won’t be possible with that skill,” Naran explained.

“I will be deploying 5 archers at each gate. They work quite well to counter skill users at a distance,” General Gerold said. Again, he was really shining in his role. At this rate he might rise to the level of Clarissa for military matters. Archers made sense, since people wouldn’t carry shields and use skills.

A low level skill required making a single hand sign. One would normally hold a melee weapon and use a skill. I could see a skill and a shield build, with a melee weapon as a reserve. But arrows would make things quite difficult and be hard to counter with other melee fighters and summons at the rear.

At least he didn’t mention trying to go up on the wall. It was near impossible if there weren’t towers to climb up inside. At four stories, even with Air Burst, it would be a struggle to get on top of the wall.

“Good. I leave the organization of your forces to you. Do you believe we should pull the nearby Union teams?” I asked. I was asking instead of telling, since the Union was going through some power shifts and was being difficult.

“It would cause confusion. My people are trained to work together and know each other’s skills. But we should alert them to our actions if possible. They would be useful to hunt down anyone that might escape,” General Gerold said.

I looked at Clarissa to get her opinion. “It is a risk. And the General knows his forces the best. I think it is best if the Union teams are informed but aren’t brought in as combatants.” I nodded at that.

“Afterwards. The control of the dungeons at Truth will shift from the Union to the RMPF as well,” I said.

“I object,” Garrett spoke up for the first time. “Those dungeons are critical for Union teams to gain the power to face higher level monsters. Without them we will only have Neo Brasilia, since Purgatory’s dungeons clears are being split.”

“Then they have to earn the dungeons and fight. Will they be willing to do this without reservation killing everyone inside the city?” Garrett went to open his mouth then closed it.

“No, they won’t,” he said. I nodded. If he had lied, well he wouldn’t have liked the results. That was why he backed down.

“For the battle with the Ritualist, I will put out the call ahead of time and teams that participate will be the only teams that get level 1 dungeon access going forward. But that is in the future. You should give them a heads up. Now anything about our battle with Truth?” I asked.

“I will arrange the logistics General. With no plan to resupply in Truth and see to the organization of our defenses,” Vice General Smith said.

“Good. Will you take the leader on clearing a route?” the General asked me.

“Yes. We will need speed. Two days to get there. One day to purge the city. Then two days to come back. If we leave tomorrow, we should be back on the evening of day 405,” I said.

“Thank you. I have no more immediate concerns,” General Gerold said.

“Anyone else?” I asked. No one spoke up.

“Very well. Then we leave at dawn tomorrow. See to your duties,” I said, and people dispersed. Clarissa and Naran remained behind. I waited until everyone left and we were the only ones remaining as the doors to the Meeting Chamber were closed.

“If the city is attacked by the Ritualist?” Clarissa asked.

“Use your judgement and retreat to Neo Brasilia. You won’t be able to hold. It will be a huge loss, but you cannot die,” I said.

“Michael, what research?” Naran finally asked. I sighed.

“Once you know, you can’t unknow,” I said.

“Michael,” Naran said while staring at me.

“Hybrid consumption,” I said. There was a long period of silence as I saw his face go through several expressions before settling on anger.

“Dammit! That was why he was eating people.” Naran didn’t shout thankfully.

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