The Systemic Lands

Chapter 230: Day 517 – A Concerning Letter

Chapter 230: Day 517 – A Concerning Letter

“Michael, surprised to see you back so soon,” Clarissa greeted me after I had gotten a shower and some fresh clothes. I was enjoying a late dinner in the conference room. I gestured at a chair and Clarissa took a seat.

“Well, Naran needed a vacation. Too much time near void zones. They were wearing on him. I can poke the swamp dungeons to the North and South while he rests,” I answered before slurping my stew. It was delicious, we really needed a way to have a cook when grinding. Would do wonders for mental health. That was how I could justify luxuries now, mental health.

“Should I be concerned?” Clarissa asked.

“Not really. He just needs a break, and I could use one as well. It is both easy and exhausting to explore, especially swamps. Also saw level 4 zones,” I said.

“From your tone, it isn’t good,” Clarissa replied.

“Nope, a super jungle that is quite dark, and psychedelic mushrooms that are constantly shifting. In color, location, and they have spores. Nothing good,” I took another long slurp of my stew. Goodbye manners, hello enjoyment of good food.

“Everything has been fairly quiet so far, but there are two issues that have arisen,” Clarissa said.

“What are they?” I asked.

“The first is Esperanza sending a delegation to complain about teams pushing towards their area. They want a treaty and boarders,” Clarissa said.

“I do owe them a favor. Draw something up, everything West of the ravine and put more pressure on them with your assassins,” I directed.

“Very well, I will make the arrangements. They will probably suspect us or already are,” Clarissa said.

“That is fine. We have the people tracker upgrade for the Regional Map?” I asked.

“Yes and the city map upgrade as well. We can see everyone in Purgatory and do regular sweeps to check the outer city for vagrants,” Clarissa said.

“Good. That eliminates the possibility of guerrilla warfare against us. Keep squeezing them, any threats?” I asked.

“No one that is above our Union teams. Estimates put them at two to four teams at that level, but no one grinding level 3 monsters,” Clarissa said.

“Good job on gathering intelligence. It is so nice to get answers right away like this. So, issue number two?” I asked.

“A letter, addressed to you from Governor General Gerold. I considered opening it, but it was addressed to you, so held off,” Clarissa said.

“He would know the dynamics of our city and how long my reply would take. We can look at it together,” I said. There was no need to keep secrets from Clarissa. Trying to undermine the other person would only backfire at this point.

The letter was a piece of paper enclosed in some more paper with a bit of wax. “We have wax?” I asked.

“From plants, yes. Not much use for it, but Governor General Gerold would know,” Clarissa said. There was no symbol or marking impressed into the clear wax. I broke and opened the letter, laying it out in front of me so Clarissa could read it as well.

Champion Michael,

The City of Truth remains strong under your authority and that of the City of Purgatory. I write to inform you of an issue that has arisen. I recently sent out scouts to inspect the surrounding level 2 zones and their monster types, and to see if we had any neighbors.

I sent a team Southwest from Truth to zone at coordinates (-1,1) with the plan to continue West to coordinates (-2,1). This zone was listed as an oddity since it listed a level 2, but based on the previous layout and orientation of zone levels to cities, it should be a level 3 zone.

Of the exploration team, only Captain Harold returned. While he was able to return, once he arrived in my office he began speaking incoherently, saying things like,

‘A thousand, thousand powers.’

‘Answers. Truth.’


‘Go there.’

He refused to communicate properly and began bleeding from various orifices. While we have kept him comfortable and under close watch, he experiences bouts of lucidity and then mania, insisting people go to the zone. People with energy sense have not observed anything unusual about him. A restoration has not helped.

Obviously, I am not sending anyone in that direction, but I felt it prudent that you are informed and possibly investigate what has occurred. If anything, new occurs, I will provide you with an update.

Governor General Gerold of Truth

There was a long period of silence after the letter. “He doesn’t want a panic,” Clarissa said, and I looked at her. “That is why he sent a letter, not a messenger.”

“Clever as well. Since he tells me, but drops the entire mess in my lap,” I said with a sigh and looking up at the ceiling. “I am tempted to ignore this, with how dangerous whatever is out there appears to be.”

“But you are thinking there might be information or it might be a threat,” Clarissa replied.

“Yes, to both. Or a trap,” I let out a long sigh. “I can’t not respond either, maybe.” I said while debating on the issue. “Would he know I came back to Purgatory?” I asked.

“Yes. There are regular shipments of crystals, and I am sure those soldiers bring back news. Your arrival would be news. A letter could be sent back saying that the area is off limits for now. Or just not respond,” Clarissa suggested.

“Give me a second,” I said while I pulled out my notebook from inside my tunic and set it in front of me. I flipped to the pages with the maps.

Truth was two zones to the North of Purgatory. There was a void zone to the West of Truth and swamp between Purgatory and Truth. There was a sliver of land that wasn’t swamp at the Southwest corner of Truth’s zone. The zone to the West of that was where the issue was.

It wasn’t easily accessible from the South since it was all swamp. To the West of the zone in question there was a level 3 zone with mistlands, which was a complete no go. The only real way to get there without going through the swamp was through Truth’s zone.

“Long term mental affects aren’t simple and concerning. The store can’t heal him either. Paper please,” I asked Clarissa. She quickly got me a clean sheet of paper and a pen.

General Governor Gerold,

Thank you for informing me of this issue. For now, I would avoid that zone and consider the issue localized to it if nothing as occurred so far. While I would like to investigate, the risk is too high at the moment in my opinion, since whatever affected Harold had to be at least level 4, possibly higher.

In addition, you should be aware or already aware that the void zones have a negative influence on those nearby. The effect is particularly pronounced the longer one remains near a void zone. If you haven’t already begun rotating people around, I suggest you do so.

If there is anything else, please let me know and thank you again for keeping me informed.

Champion Michael

“What do you think?” I asked Clarissa.

“It is good and to the point. You are okay saying you can’t handle the issue?” Clarissa asked.

“Yes. I know what to poke and what not to poke, most of the time. Something like this, is screaming don’t poke. At least until I have 1,000 in the Mind and Spirit stat. I don’t want to take any risks,” I answered. I pushed the letter towards her.

“I will handle the delivery and make sure it is sealed. It will go back with the tribute cart,” Clarissa said.

“No issues from Neo Brasilia and Sam?” I asked.

“They are struggling. But he is still alive and nominally in charge, until I hear otherwise. Heaven is falling into a religious theocracy, but we have taken control of the dungeons. No sign of anyone else,” Clarissa explained. I nodded at that.

“Anyone pushing for the Immortal Council?” I asked.

“No. After the last disaster of a battle, people are terrified of level 4 monsters. The Union was decimated as you know. So, there is a lot of people struggling to come to terms with what higher level monsters mean. Also, the battle is being called, the Purgatory Sky Battle,” Clarissa said.

“Purgatory Sky Battle, a weak name. I would have called it Descent of Worms, but it is what it is. Unless we are recording history?” I asked.

“There is a chronicler. I am keeping an eye on what she writes, making sure it is only favorable to us,” Clarissa said.

“Good. You are managing everything fairly well,” I commented.

“We are managing and are preparing for the next crisis. Since one will show up sooner rather than later,” Clarissa said.

“And what about my preacher for my church?” I asked.

“I still haven’t found someone who meets all the requirements. I am keeping my eye out. But most people aren’t great public speakers. Then you need someone who has the look and enough stage magician to sell the act, since I doubt you want to replace people,” Clarissa said.

“You are absolutely correct. The launch has to be perfect. Keep looking, eventually someone will turn up. Who is in charge of type research now?” I asked.

“That would be Doctor Katz. He has taken it over. Since he no longer wants to investigate hybrids or summons, saying the research is tapped out,” Clarissa replied.

“And the super weapon, the Ritualist threatened me with?” I asked.

“Probably powder into a slime, or some combination. A threat for sure, but not city ending,” Clarissa replied.

“That is annoying but expected. I guess I will meet with him later to discuss types and then set out tomorrow for one of the swamps. No idea when I will get back, keep an eye on Naran for me, would you?” I asked.

“I will. He spends most of his time getting ASMR, since he can’t do anything else with his Body stat,” Clarissa said.

“Listening to soft deep sounds?” I asked.

“Yes. There are skilled people who do that. Interested?” Clarissa asked me.

“Why not, have someone sent over, I could unwind and experience brain tingles,” I replied.

“So, you do know of it?” Clarissa asked.

“I know of a lot of things. Also, since I will be here a while, you know what I want,” I added, curious to see if Clarissa could guess what I wanted.

“The accounting books to check things. Don’t worry, I will have them brought to your room for your review,” Clarissa replied, and I grinned. She really was on top of everything.

“You are scary, you know that right?” I asked.

“Thank you for the compliment. I will make the arrangements. Breakfast tomorrow?” Clarissa asked me.

“Sure, first thing in the morning. Not about to say no to some good food,” I answered.

“I will send in Doctor Katz, and then someone to entertain you in your room afterwards. Don’t have too much fun,” Clarissa said in perfect deadpan.

“It is just ASMR? How fun can some whispering be?” I asked. Clarissa just shook her head and left the conference room. I flipped through my notebook while I waited for the good doctor.

I really wanted to work out the type chart and hopefully we could get pretty close. I was also starting to put some thought into the gear I wanted. An array of potions and bombs for emergencies, but the real issue was my clothing and armor.

I wanted them to resist damage, which made it seem like the brown crystals were the best option, to reduce force imparted to me. I didn’t like it. It was the safe choice, the easy choice. With my knowledge, there had to be better alternatives, I just had to think about all the crystal types.

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