The Systemic Lands

Chapter 266: Day 538 (5) – Viewpoints 24

Chapter 266: Day 538 (5) – Viewpoints 24


“Got you!” I shouted as I stabbed my spear down at another hybrid attacking the inner wall. This was it, the final fight and then we would win. The weird were-lizard went tumbling to the ground. Archers kept shooting their arrows wherever they could. I had lost my bow.

I looked around, there weren’t any more monsters. A cheer began to go up along the wall. But people began to freeze one by one. “What is-“ I was suddenly unable to move. I screamed in my head in panic, but my body did nothing. It leapt down off the wall along with everyone else.

We began to make our way to the plaza. I saw Champion Michael facing a deformed human who was carried by another man. Their left arm some kind of metallic monstrosity. And the eyes. Oh god the eyes. I wanted to just die. Their unblinking whiteness seemed to sense my fear. The hand was gripping the side of the man carrying it with its unnatural fingers.

The Champion unleashed his signature acid attack, but the man carrying the human monster leapt away. A hum began to build up. The City Shield! There was one more use! The world turned monochrome and I gasped for air since I could move again.

I looked up to see the head of the monster human being separated from its body by the Champion. It hit the ground and then burst into light. A nightmare formed. Everyone began to scream and run. I ran as well. I came to a stop at one of the side streets and gripped the corner of the building.

I turned around to see several of the blue guards being decimated and Champion Michael fighting the monster. I clung to the wall to watch. I wanted to run, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away. I needed to know what was going to happen. Were we all going to live or die? Please win Champion, I prayed in my heart, even as I felt despair, the world spinning, and like my chest was going to be crushed.

General Smith

“Now!” Three Radiant Beams lanced out across the plaza. After seeing Clarissa’s trump cards fail so spectacularly, getting close would only hurt Champion Michael’s chances. The beams hit a shield and I frowned at that.

“Retreat, on me,” I said, and my group of soldiers quickly fell back to reposition ourselves. The ground shook from the battle occurring in the plaza. We reached another building. Even as a crushing pressure hit all of us, everyone remained standing. A testament to their fortitude, training, and stats.

We got up on top of the building. Several ladders had been positioned for ease of vertical movement and we went to the top of the building. “Who is ready?” I asked. Only one man raised their hand. We went forward to the edge of the building.

Champion Michael was dodging around like monkey as the super hybrid tried to smash him. The eyes, they seemed to always be looking at me. And why were they crying? Why? Champion Michael moved in and used his acid attacks.

“Now,” I said. The soldier next to me unleashed a Radiant Beam. The super hybrid raised a hand. The attack splintered like the others. Two of the beams returned in our direction. I tried to move but was too slow. The soldier’s head was incinerated. Then I was hit in the neck.

I tumbled back trying to breath, but I couldn’t. My hands reached up to my burned throat as I struggled, unable to take a breath. My throat and lungs not working. Work! Work!

“General!” I was dragged away by my soldiers. I had so much left to do I thought with sadness as darkness claimed me.

Captain Terrance

I looked down at General Smith. I knelt down and closed his eyes. He had been a great man. A good man that was made hard by tough times. The ground shook from the super hybrid chasing after Champion Michael. We could mourn later. I stood up and looked at the small number of soldiers with me at the moment.

“We need to keep bombarding the super hybrid to give Champion Michael as many openings as possible. Who has the energy?” I asked.

“I do,” one of the men said.

“Good, let’s go. Ground level this time,” we quickly left the rally point. I would act as the spotter. We got into position. Champion Michael was clearly struggling with his left foot bleeding heavily and limp. He raced around and the super hybrid was right behind him. Occasionally it would lunch several silver orbs, shattering the terrain with Champion Michael barely dodging.

It was not looking good. The monster came to a halt just as it began to use the silver orbs again. “Now,” I said.

Radiant Beam!” As soon as the skill was done, I yanked the soldier behind the building. I waited and then looked back around. Michael had made it to the pillars and his foot was fixed. He was moving much better, but the super hybrid was not letting up in the slightest.

I quickly retreated to the rally point, hoping another soldier would have the energy to use the skill.


“Hush, hush,” I rocked my child praying we would live through the battle. Already several effects had impacted everyone. When Naran was brought back heavily wounded, a sense of despair had gripped everyone.

We all knew who he was. The greatest fighter of Purgatory behind the Champion. There was even talk that he had over 1,000 in the Body stat. The ground shook again. I looked at Chief Administrator Clarissa who was next to his bed where he kept groaning softly.

“We should all sing something,” Gretchen said. “Take our mind off the battle. I have come up with just the thing.” We all knew she had been working on a song, but she hadn’t shared it yet. Saying it wasn’t ready.

There was a champion, brave and true

Fighting monsters, black and blue

He battled on, through rain and fire

Never faltering, never tire

He's a melting champion, melting through

Purging the world, of all that's untrue

He fights for justice, he fights for right

He'll never stop, until the monsters melt away from sight

He's been through purgatory, and back again

But he never let the demons win

He rose from the ashes, stronger than before

Defeating the monsters, forevermore

He's a melting champion, melting through

Purging the world, of all that's untrue

He fights for justice, he fights for right

He'll never stop, until the monsters melt away from sight

He stands tall, as the monsters fall

His power shines, through it all

He's the melting champion, the one and only

Defeating evil, and bringing peace to the world, finally

He's a melting champion, melting through

Purging the world, of all that's untrue

He fights for justice, he fights for right

He'll never stop, until the monsters melt away from sight

Soon everyone had joined in as the ground continued to shake intermittingly.

Doctor Yang

I glanced at the plaza where the battle was taking place. When I had first arrived here, I had thought all the discussions on Champions and high-level combat had been over exaggerated. Now I had seen the truth. It had opened my eyes to how dangerous this new world really was.

The super monster leapt after Champion Michael who dodged several silver orbs and the monster’s attacks. A bright beam cut across the plaza, leaving spots in my eyes. I peeked around the corner of the window, unable to not watch the battle play out right before my eyes.

The super monster landed near me. Several of its white eyes were looking at me. I didn’t know how I knew, but I knew. I felt so small, so pointless.

Why did this have to keep going? Why fight? This was all so pointless. I stumbled away from the window and pulled out a knife I kept on me for safety reasons. I should just end this here and now.

I slit my throat, collapsing to the floor. I am so sorry.

The Astrologer

“A curious thing. How the energy shifts there. You seek her focus,” the Envoy said, and I gave my best fake smile in return. I knew that teams were already moving for the boarder. What was taking so long to win the stupid battle.

Did I have to do everything myself? Everyone was so bloody useless and incompetent. It was exasperating. Give them a simple job, set it all up to be handled. But no, they just have to go and drag it out.

“Like I have said, the issue is well in hand. My personal forces are dealing with the issue,” I replied.

“Perhaps a summit. Between you and the divine. To speak without fault.”

“That won’t be necessary Envoy. My real body is quite busy as I am sure her majesty, the empress is as well. But if you insist to disturb her and pull her away from minor matters, I would be happy to convey and agree to such a meeting,” I replied. Don’t call my bluff. Please don’t call my bluff.

“Perhaps I spoke fast. But you must understand why. For the actions there.”

“Like I have said multiple times. A band of rebels is causing trouble across a wide area. While my progenitor is stomping on each fire, when there are a thousand sparks it takes time. As one grips tightens, even stone can slip free.”

“You take a light touch. Your prerogative, the East. The Astrologer,” the Envoy said with an equally fake smile. This was exhausting, but when you had near limitless power then you could waste other people’s time. Even annoying them. We sat there in silence, carefully feeling each tremor of energy that rippled outwards. Dammit, hurry up and stop causing so many problems. I could only stall for so long.

At least they had stopped using the bombs. Now they just needed to get rid of the Ritualist and turn off the City Shield. Activating the City Shield was sign of weakness to all those who watched. Activating it three times so far was a disaster and I knew she smelled blood in the water. Like a shark or apex predator, she was waiting for the right moment to strike.

I would need to take a personal involvement with the situation going forward. I could no longer afford any mistakes and I needed to free myself as quickly as possible. For I was the Astrologer, and he was me. The only difference was the power we could each bring to bare and our experiences since we had split.

It would be impossible to return without aid. And even that was fraught with grave danger. Initially there had been four others. I was the only one to leave intact. The rest were ripped to shreds and destroyed.

If Champion Michael was still so weak, then there was no chance of him being able to help me any time soon. There was no other person available, no matter how much I wished. Anyone with the strength to help me, would sooner spit on my body and laugh at my predicament than lift a finger to help me. My trusted Valkyries were no more.

Their lives had been exchanged to preserve mine and create the possibility of escape. Their sacrifices would not be wasted or forgotten. I was so close to the third meta-point. I could almost taste it. With a third meta-point even, she would hesitate before me and be forced to retreat. But each one was harder than the last, hidden requirements, hidden rules, and the unrelenting unfairness of the Almighty System.

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