The Systemic Lands

Chapter 275: Day 543 (5) – Viewpoints 25

Chapter 275: Day 543 (5) – Viewpoints 25

The Astrologer

I floated away after leaving the Champion’s home. I shifted my Astral Projection to phase out of this layer. A key trick to my vanishing. It would do nothing against a professional diviner, but to these people it was probably one of the most impressive things they had ever witnessed. I circled back around and went back inside the building.

I knew there were a lot of questions they had. But I needed to make Michael want to free me and build up trust. Knowledge was the only currency I had. I had already given him enough direction to speed him on his way and hopefully free myself in the future.

There was little hope. She would move soon. Already I could feel the living tumor growing weaker through resonance. It was what gave me confidence to know that she wasn’t about to show up suddenly. If I had to guess there were only around 100 to 200 days left. But that was just a vague and hopeful estimation.

I needed to consider alternatives. The problem was that the only real alternative was a terrible idea and would be near impossible to pull off. One did not lure monsters across the Systemic Lands lightly. The way I was pushing my skills, I was sure my favor with the System was rapidly declining. The chance of another meta-point was growing further and further.

I needed a third one once I was free so I could defeat her and crush everyone who might stand against me. I was so close I could almost taste it. Even the loss of my precious Valkyries was nothing compared to earning a third meta-point.

The sheer power that I would be able to wield would synergize well with my first choice. The ability to use a word to alter my skill. Shatter was such a potent and powerful ability that kept giving and giving. Being able to use it across all my skills and alter their effects, was something that people underestimated.

They wanted power, not utility. That was why I had beaten her, by not playing the power game. My second choice had been a unique skill. While the limitations were strict and it was a gamble at times, it offered a path of permanent power ups. I could use it and was thinking through what I could use it on. If I managed to get three more boosts from it, then I might take the risk to free myself.

Still, it wasn’t easy to use the skill properly. I had used up all three of my requests to refine the skill to perfection. Laying on requirements to extract everything the System was willing to give from it. I snuck into Naran’s room.

“Who is there?” a maid asked as the door opened. The greatest weakness of invisible people. I flicked my fingers, and a tether entered the back of her head. She fell asleep on her chair. I carefully walked over to her and put my hand on her head, tying off the tether. She would wake in a few minutes, wondering what happened.

More than enough time for me to act. I looked at his prone figure and the curse damage on his face. It was bad and I didn’t lie earlier. I already had my trump card where Michael was concerned. What I needed was another power boost. I leaned in close to whisper to him. Naran being awake was not a requirement. “You will die at her hands. Screaming in pain and suffering. Unable to break the chains of fate and earn a meta-point. So I Predict.

My skill took hold and I nodded. Now I just needed him to die, which would happen. It was unfortunate, but he would not last for long. He was one of the few people besides the Ritualist who had the stats to make the use of my skill worthwhile. I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me. No one the wiser to what I had just done.


“What do you think Michael?” I asked him.

“Frustrated, but there are two pressing issues. This Divine Empress and the Astrologer,” he replied. I considered the deeper meaning of what he was implying.

“You don’t trust him in the slightest, or what his main body will do?” I asked.

“Exactly. For all we know the main body will just kill us all. Or be displeased with how his projection or will has handled things. Not respect the trust we have built up. We aren’t negotiating with the real Astrologer, that is something we shouldn’t forget.” I considered that and nodded.

“That seems like a long-term problem. This Divine Empress, I am not sure what we should do,” I said honestly.

“And that is the crux of the issue. How much do we believe the Astrologer. There is no good way to easily confirm what he said. Still, we need a plan to evade her rather than confront. I just can’t believe there would be someone who gained power like that,” Michael said. I wasn’t so sure about that. There was great evil in the world, but he was right, suffering and torture just for amusement seemed a bit far fetched and was probably the Astrologer hyping his enemy up.

“Not kill or assassinate?” I asked.

“It would be unlikely to succeed, if she has the power the Astrologer implied. We need a way to avoid her detection and hide somewhere if she moves on Purgatory. Me, you, and a few key people to escape into the wilderness. Well, I probably won’t make it, but the rest of you,” Michael said with a sigh.

“You would face her?” I asked in surprise.

“I will most likely be forced to. I am the strongest person around. So, if she moves discretely and in person, I would be her first target. It is what I would do if I was facing off against myself,” Michael replied.

“Then I will make the preparations like I have for the Ritualist. Any suggestions?” I asked Michael.

“How would you kill Naran? It is impossible unless there is another high level combatant. Or use a unique skill combination like the Astrologer claims he used. I don’t know, except that it probably won’t work,” Michael answered.

“Then, what would be the long term plan if we go into hiding?” I asked him.

“To keep grinding upwards and to avoid her notice if at all possible. I trust you to make the necessary plans,” Michael said, and I felt tired. After one victory, another problem was coming right at us. But it was my job, and I would figure something out.

Governor General Gerold

“So, they won,” I said to myself as the messenger left. I looked at the letter Clarissa had written me. At least the Ritualist was dead. I felt helpless during the battle. I had gotten a warning and marched my troops out, but there was no good point to intervene. We did not have the long-range high damage attacks like Radiant Beam to be useful.

Instead, Clarissa was adamant, our shipments of crystals don’t stop. I looked out my office window at the plaza. The city of Truth was slowly coming together. I still didn’t know what to do about the area to the Southwest, but I wasn’t about to poke it.

Captain Harold had been struggling, between lucidity and his mad ramblings. I would have to put him down soon unfortunately. He wasn’t recovering and he was a drain on resources. Perhaps sending him back to Purgatory would be a good idea? I made a mental note to do that. He would be their problem and I wouldn’t have to get my hands dirty, damaging morale.

At least things should be quiet for the foreseeable future with the Ritualist dead. It was a shame really. It would have been the best outcome if everyone had killed each other, then I would have had the dominate city in the region.

I looked at my hand as I made a fist. I was getting there myself, but it would take time. A lot more time and crystals, but soon I wouldn’t be at the whim of any random person or monster. Just one man and his woman. But I could live with that. Better to serve in Truth than be melted.


“I can’t believe that was caused by one person,” one of my roommates said for the millionth time. They had been talking non-stop about the battle. I was just grateful to have survived when so many other people hadn’t. I put my hand under my shirt and felt where I had tucked my family photo away.

“Yes, yes, we heard. The Ritualist took control over everyone and then turned into a super monster. Champion Michael then killed him in single combat. All very impressive,” one of my other roommates said, having gotten sick of hearing about an event they had been at. I was grateful they said what I didn’t want to.

“He looked at me you know. You are just jealous, that the Champion knows me.” I wanted to roll my eyes at this, but kept to myself and thought about the level of strength that kind of fight required.

“You and all the other women. Don’t delude yourself, at best you would be his doormat.” I winced at that, but again true.

“Shut up, you jealous…jealous harlot!”

“After you, you pompous dried up cunt!” I let out a sigh and left my room. It was getting dark, and I made my way downstairs to the small common area. The screaming match was still going on above. One of the soldiers of the RMPF was sitting down and looked at me.

“Again?” he asked.

“Again,” I said, and he let out a sigh. He had given them a warning before. But they didn’t listen. He left the common area to round up some more soldiers and soon came back. There had been several cases like this, of people mentally breaking down.

As long as they were quiet and didn’t cause a disturbance, no one really cared. This shouting was disturbing the peace and putting people on edge. I shook my head as the soldier came back with two more soldiers, all of them had their swords drawn.

The screaming soon took a panicked tone and then stopped. There would be two less annoying women in the world. Just learn to shut up and walk away. Even if we won, this place was still a military police state. Just that people were less likely to even question that fact now that they had seen the terrors that waited outside.

I knew I was going to keep my head down no matter what. Causing trouble just ended up with people being killed. People just needed to focus on getting stronger, not causing trouble. At least I would have a good night’s sleep now that I had no roommates. Also, it meant more crystals, since so many people had died, almost too many, but we were managing. How anyone had energy to argue after killing monsters all day and picking up crystals was beyond me.

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