The Systemic Lands

Chapter 65: Day 156 – The Cost of Being Rude

Chapter 65: Day 156 – The Cost of Being Rude

The next day we went South for a bit and then I had us turn West. We ran into the blue floating rock monsters. I then had us go back to the sword dervishes and continue South. I made a note of the monster boundaries.

Some boundaries were very much aligned with North, South, East, and West, while other boundaries weren’t. Similar to the edges in regard to the types of terrain. The difference between the starting forest and grasslands compared to everything else was a straight line based on the compass positions based off the sun.

I was missing some key piece of information, but there was something going on. I killed another sword dervish easily enough as I pondered on the situation. I needed to map out the territories better. On the way back I would definitely map out the boundary between the pigs and the sword dervishes. I suspected I knew where that boundary would end up if I went back East, but I wanted to confirm it first.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” I muttered. The sword dervishes had transitioned to spear dervishes.

These monsters only had three spears but had a much greater range. If it wasn’t for all the aim practice I had done with my skill, I would have been in trouble. At least these only took a single attack, since there was not enough flying weapons to easily protect their core.

Our pace picked up a little bit due to that. I checked to the West again and this time I ran into an axe dervish. Five axes that were drawn in and out. There was a total limit between all the weapons, and they spun vertically, not around the core.

After killing one with two Acid Shots, I had us keep going South. The range on the axe dervishes was a bit concerning.

It was getting dark when we crested a hill and I saw grassland ahead of us. Ruth came up to me and we both looked at the grassland. Tom rolled up and looked at it as well.

“Push on?” Ruth asked.

“No, a new terrain means a new monster for sure, and I don’t want to fight in the dark against an unknown. Let’s clear the area and we can push on tomorrow.” We did that and got settled in for the night.

“You think there is another city?” Ruth asked.

“Maybe. Maybe. Not enough information about terrain to make a determination one way or the other.”

“If we do run into a city, what is your plan?” Ruth asked.

“It is day 156 for us. We are more likely to run into people outside grinding. If we don’t, then the city is probably filled with death. Still, I want to check the store regardless. On the practical side, I would have you stay with the cart along with Tom while I rush the plaza.”

“If there are people?”

“I will do the talking.”

“And aliens?”

“I will do the talking if possible. I am going to try and avoid the first hostile move, but anything can happen.”

“If we are forced to fall back, what then?” Ruth asked.

“Short answer is don’t. I would prefer not to separate no matter what. Also, there are a lot of crystals in the cart, which would be tempting for all kinds of people. Don’t talk about our wealth. We should get the 5-point crystal packs ready. Don’t pull out crystals no matter what.”

“I won’t, don’t worry,” Ruth said.

“Sometimes it is worth it saying obvious things, since they might not be obvious. If either of you think something is obvious, ask it now to confirm.”

“If we are attacked, we can defend?” Tom asked.

“Of course, yes. Don’t be afraid to attack first if a larger group confronts you to gain the advantage. Hesitation is death when fighting people. If you attack, aim to kill them all. Anything else?”

“Trade?” Ruth asked.

“No for now. If they prevent access to the store or demand payment, I will have to see how much they are asking first. I would like to get a restoration, as I am sure both of you would as well, but we can’t take risks. Anything else?”

There was nothing else. I got some sleep before clearing out the respawned spear dervishes.

The next day we went South to the grass land. We ran into small grass creatures. Like a cheap doll made of twisted grass. I melted one and it easily died and dropped a 5-point crystal. That confirmed it in my heart that another city was nearby. This was a level 1 area.

I had us check to the West into the deadlands and ran into a white crab. The monster made it appear as if it had more than two claws. A mental attack of some kind. I quickly melted it and we returned to the grassland.

I had us turn to the Southeast and pulled the cart while Tom and Ruth got a chance to swing swords and kill the small grass elementals. The only thing dangerous about them was their speed and short stature. But they were nothing in my eyes. The wounds they left were several small cuts when they spun their arms out in a slashing motion.

I noticed Tom struggle, but Ruth was there to pick up the slack. I also wanted to be free to keep an eye out for other people. It was mid-day when I saw a group of five working on cutting down grass elementals a couple of hills away.

They also noticed us. “Tom take the cart.” He quickly complied without a word as we came to a halt. The other group began to kill their way towards us while I had us wait to observe and recover. Let them waste their energy reaching us, in case it devolved to a fight.

The five people were a range of skin colors. Not Asian or Indian as far as I could tell. I scanned their equipment. It was all copper with some leather. That meant they had a tier two store from what I could tell while Purgatory was at tier three.

That made sense since tier two was only 10,000 points, while tier three was 100,000 points. Still, they should easily have that much by this time if they started at the same day I had. Something was or still rotten in their city.

They climbed up the small hill and I saw there were three men and two women. A good sign their city hadn’t become a rape nest or a bit of depravity I feared things might descend into, in other cities. If women were out fighting and earning crystals then the situation was probably stable in some regard.

I decided to speak first at they stared at me. “Greetings, I am Champion Michael.”

One of the men, who appeared to be older to middle age stepped forward. “Greetings, I am Alanyo. This is Estevo, Inacio, Izabel, and Eloa.” He introduced his party members. Well, the names sounded Spanish, possibly Mexican or South American. I didn’t know much about names to make a determination.

I kept my helmet on with my right hand free to be able to use my skill. “Do you speak on behalf of your city?” I asked.

“Um, you would need to speak to the Council, wait you aren’t from Neo Brasilia?” Ah, Brazil, interesting. That was what that accent was and explained the varied skin tone and builds of the people with him.

“No, I am from Purgatory.” There were a couple of gasps at that. Had my reputation proceeded me? No, they didn’t recognize my name.

“Another city, where? Have you found out anything?” Alanyo asked. Ah, just surprised about another city.

“You can’t afford to ask me questions of that nature. I will speak with your Council, and we might come to an agreement, but it is doubtful.”

“Hey, don’t speak poorly of the Council!” Inacio shouted. Young and hot headed, all he needed was red hair and his anime power would surge through him.

“I speak however I want. Unless you are challenging me to the death?”

“No and you be quiet,” Alanyo said. “Is that a regular thing in Purgatory?”

“Five thousand.”

“What?” Alanyo asked.

“The cost in points to answer a question. Quite cheap, but I am feeling generous.” There was a long stretch of silence. “Well, if you cannot afford even that, then let us depart. I do not wish to remain in your city that long.”

“You expect us to lead you back?” Alanyo asked.

“No, but I can continue with or without you. I figured you would want to take the lead to prevent any issues from arising.”

“And if we say no?” Alanyo asked.

“Are you challenging me? If so, then you might live longer than one second if all of you attack at once. One or two of you might escape. Then I would consider your city an enemy and kill everyone.”

“Is he serious?” He looked over at Ruth and Tom.

“Tell him the truth to that question,” I said while staring at Alanyo.

“It would be a massacre, and everyone would be killed,” Ruth said.

“She has to be lying,” Inacio replied while glaring at me.

“You question the word of my companion who has braved hardships with me, and you were warned. Either remove an eye as an apology or prepare yourself.” I drew my iron sword, and the other party quickly drew their weapons.

“Stop! You, shut up!” Alanyo pointed at Inacio. He then turned towards me. “And you, threatening people you disagree with, that is no way to have a conversation.”

I let out a long sigh. “I am not having a conversation and you dare to lecture me. One can only have a conversation with equals. But I feel you don’t truly understand the difference in power and fail to comprehend the gravity of your errors and insults. Prepare yourselves!”

It was not a spur of the moment decision that I chose to act this way. These people weren’t my equals. The power of an individual was to be respected and these people had not engraved that lesson into their hearts. I was going to make a point and be able to negotiate from a position of strength.

I rushed forward. Alanyo brought up a sword to try and block, but he had no shield and not enough upgrades. My jab went right past his guard and into his head, killing him instantly. I yanked my sword free in a spray of blood.

There was shock at how quickly I had acted. I rushed over and slashed at one of the women. She brought up a hasty block and stopped me from eviscerating her.

“Bastard!” Inacio shouted and charged at me with his companions. I slammed my iron shield into the woman, and she went sprawling on the ground. I stepped forward and crushed her right knee beneath my boot. I deflected a sword blow from Inacio as I quickly maneuvered away.

The woman was screaming in pain and the other woman was at her side trying to figure out what to do in a panic. Inacio and Estevo rushed me. I slammed my shield into Estevo and then stabbed Inacio through the chest. His return blow deflected off my helmet. Close, but I had seen the angle of his attack and he was slow and weak. Still, it was an attack that my armor had blocked, which was concerning. Inacio slid off my blade, onto the ground, dead.

I turned to Estevo. “Mercy! Mercy!” He screamed out and dropped his sword, raising his hands.

“Kill him if he moves or talks,” I said to Ruth and then turned to the two women.

“We surrender,” Eloa said, dropping her weapon.

“The ones who insulted me are dead. Let this be a lesson in manners and politeness.” I went over to Alanyo’s body and wiped off my blade. “Strip them of anything useful and place it in the cart, also take their weapons.” Ruth got to work.

“Can you do anything for her?” Eloa asked.

“Yes, since you asked me to intervene, I shall now intervene since you asked.” I walked over and stabbed the wounded woman in the head. Eloa let out a scream of panic.

“Why? She could have healed up?!”

“You asked me to do something for her. I ended her suffering. You should thank me for helping when you asked.” Tears were streaming down her face.

“I-Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now I will give both of you two options. Option one, you cannot speak and behave yourselves in my custody until I turn you over to an authority for proper punishment. Option two, you can cause any kind of scene by talking in any way without my permission or running away. If you choose option two, you might as well leave now and then I will declare war on your city. Saves me time and headache of trying to resolve this mistake all of you made.” I stared at Inacio’s corpse.

I looked at both of them. “Option one,” Estevo said. It took a long moment between sobs, but Eloa said the same thing.

“Very well, l will let you know that breaking your word to me will require I keep killing people in your city until your heads are brought to me. If you don’t speak or run away, then there is a good chance that won’t happen. One can hope, but the stupidity and rudeness of people is a never-ending source of surprise.”

“I will take the lead, both of you walk in front of my companions. No talking.” We set off.

“You aren’t going to question them?” Ruth asked.

“It is pointless. I will go straight to their Council and resolve things and I already have most of the answers they could give me anyways. Can I look any more edge lord or threatening? Because I thought I looked pretty edge lord with the whole outfit and cape. Does it look like I am handing out hugs?” They should have been a lot more careful when speaking to me.

“No, but people don’t realize the difference in personal power and how much respect that deserves.”

“Well, then. I might end up killing a lot more people. Time to focus, keep your eyes out. If anyone tries to sneak up, kill them or warn them your choice.”

“Got it,” Ruth said.

We went by a forest off to our left. I was curious if there was another type of monster but couldn’t be bothered with that right now. Our captives led us through areas they had already cleared, and I noticed other people in the distance who we avoided. We soon came to the city walls and looped around to the South to reach the West entrance.

We reached the gate and entered, there was no one else around. The streets were laid out differently than Purgatory. “Remember the route. You two walk in front and lead the way to the plaza. Is that where your Council is?” I asked.

“Yes,” Estevo said tears coming down her face.

“Excellent, we can deal with everything at one time. Remember, option one or two. You might be thinking, with enough people you can bring me down. How to put this, I was only playing with you when I drew my sword. If I get serious, people will start to be melted. The screams are something that will stick with you, trust me on that. Ruth?”

“I suggest you listen, since he doesn’t lie and his sense of humor leaves much to be desired. He literally brought the entire city of Purgatory to heel multiple times. It wasn’t pretty or pleasant in any way. Don’t make him do that here.” I could sense the fear radiating off them as I waved at my hand at them to get moving.

We didn’t run into anyone else. The city size of Neo Brasilia was the same as Purgatory. Same gray buildings, two stories tall. Same cobble stone roads.

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