The Systemic Lands

Chapter XXII – Day 333 – Allies of Convenience

Chapter XXII – Day 333 – Allies of Convenience

I had used the new arrivals as hybrid fodder and was slowly building back up. The main issue was the constant pain that coursed through my body. It ebbed and flowed. It was barely manageable. Curse Michael, I wish he went and died.

I gritted my teeth as I gathered up more crystals using hybrids outside of the city. I was sweeping around the city of Heaven as quickly as possible to gather all the level 1 monsters. Efficiency was key. Efficiency would allow me to kill Michael and avenge myself.

Someone was approaching. I was about to think they were someone who escaped during the most recent arrival in Heaven, but I had accounted for all 250 people. In addition, this person was wearing a black robe with silver stars etched into that appeared to glow. A dark hood hid their face, and black gloves hid their hands with silver stars on the back of them. A silver rope was wrapped around their waist, but there was no visible weapon.

“So, you are the Ritualist. Causing quite a stir, haven’t you?” The figure said to one of my monsters. I dispatched a wolf hybrid and they arrived in front of the figure. While they didn’t have a visible weapon, they clearly had points to afford such an outfit and looked dangerous. The voice was a man’s voice, but I didn’t recognize it.

“Who are you?” I had my wolf hybrid speak as I plotted out the best way to surround and kill this person.

“Impressive, that you have come this far with such sub-par methods. I wanted to discuss making a deal with you Ritualist.” The figure paused. It wouldn’t hurt to hear them out to gain more information. After that, I would then kill them. “I can guess you are thinking of hearing me out and then killing me.”

How?! Was it possible he was reading my mind. The figure kept speaking in a calm and collected manner. “It is what I would do. So, the answer is obvious. But I am not really here. A far more complex method than the crude summoning you are so invested in. So while you can only inconvenience me, I can kill you.”

My heart began to beat faster. Still, they were just words. “Even then, I could defeat anything you might be willing to send at me. Level 1 hybrids, weak,” this man said. Well, if this person wanted to die, then so be it. I had already moved my squad of weredeer into position.

They hit the figure with mental attacks. Wolves rushed in with slimes on their head. “Foolish,” the figure said and raised up a gloved hand, a silver star emblem glowing slightly on the back. They snapped their finger. All the tethers vibrated, and my head hurt. My monsters stumbled and were disoriented. The pain from what Michael had done to me flared up.

“I trust that proves my credentials.” Yes it did. I had no idea how the figure had done any of what he had just accomplished. I would figure it out and then kill him.

“Fine, talk,” I said though my werewolf as my physical body gasped in pain.

“It is simple. I need you to wipe a city, more specifically a person in that city. It is a bit far for me. In exchange, I have some juicy information, that will help you on your path,” the figure said like they were discussing the weather, bored but focused.

“And who are you? And why do you want this city wiped out?” I wasn’t about to be lead around or bossed about. I refused to submit to Ken and Michael. I was not about to bow and scrape before this person.

“Names are such an interesting thing. Ritualist!” I gasped as I felt my chest clench and had trouble breathing. How?! How had this figure accomplished something, just by speaking my name? I wanted to say impossible, but it clearly wasn’t, since it just happened. “You felt that. Names are dangerous things to throw about so freely. But no matter. I am the Astrologer.” That was clearly a power move to assert dominance, giving their name after using mine somehow to hurt me at a distance.

The name Astrologer, meant someone who looks at the stars to gather information. The stars weren’t even real stars. The name made no sense. “Maybe a bit off, but I always enjoyed looking at the night sky. As for the why, it is a bit of a story,” the Astrologer said as if he were reading my thoughts.

“I don’t mind, go ahead,” I replied, wanting to gather every bit of information possible. I was a bit surprised he was willing to talk, but I would not object.

“Hmm, well to keep it simple in a way you understand. There was a minor incident quite some time in the past. Which made things quite difficult for me. Now I am waiting for my situation to fixed. Unfortunately, time is a precious resource here. What do you call this place, the Systemic Lands, how fitting.” That was Michael’s name, but I didn’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt.

“Regardless, I am getting off track and this isn’t a history lesson. I can’t fix my situation on my own and the local talent is…lacking, unfortunately. The outside talent would rather see everyone crushed, including myself. While I could handle it if I was here in person, that is sadly not the case.”

“Now we arrive in the present. Where I have to ask for help, however lacking it currently is, to resolve issues before they put me into an untenable situation. The East Bastion stirs and will soon make a move. I need you to wipe them out before that happens. They happen to be out of my range currently. And once inside my range, they will be too strong to handle easily. Better to nip the situation in the bud as they say.” The Astrologer then stopped speaking as I processed everything he had just said.

“So, you want me to leave the city I have taken residence in. Make a journey to another city. Kill the strong people there. All in exchange for some information?” I asked.

“Level 3 hybrids,” the Astrologer replied. That made me pause. “It is complicated, but there is quite an efficient way to get them, even if it is distasteful. I wouldn’t recommend level 4. That just might overstep your capabilities.”

“Level 3 hybrids, why not use them yourself?” I asked.

“Ritualist, I consider what you do, like a child drawing with finger paints. I am Picasso as you have clearly felt,” the Astrologer replied, and I winced. I decided to take a chance and ask a question I needed the answer to more than level 3 hybrids.

“I was injured by Michael. Do you know how I can fix it?” I asked. If he really was as powerful as he claimed, he should know a way to fix what happened to me.

“How exactly did it happen? Details, please,” the Astrologer asked.

“I used energy to change a mimic to look like me. Michael melted it with his acid skill. The pain is still around, and nothing I have done has gotten rid of it,” I said. If this Astrologer could fix my injury, then I would follow through on their request. I couldn’t keep going like this. It was aggravating and distracting.

“Ah, resonance. Dribbling your energy hither and tither and suffering a backlash.” He shook his hooded head. “That is one thing a restoration cannot fix, since it is the concept of you that was damaged. That is one risk of using such crude methods.” He gestured at my summons. I gritted teeth but didn’t respond. He still hadn’t answered my question.

“Michael, uses the skill Acid Shot, which is a fluidic-melt type skill. But he imbued the skill with a minor effect upgrade of death-decay type. The first type isn’t a problem. It would eventually go away over time. While more based in the immaterial part of the type chart, it isn’t centered on the negative portion of the type chart like death-decay type is.”

“But one of the key types of humans is life type, which is the opposite of death-decay type. You are experiencing an annihilation reaction through resonance by imprinting your form onto a mimic.” Types, what did that even mean? I paid close attention, since he clearly knew what he was talking about.

“That is why his skill is so deadly to people. No one thinks about the types they have naturally or spring into being from the world around them, overlooking the obvious, but I digress. I would classify this as curse damage, since it has permanently cursed you in a way, which is not easily fixed. Life types are quite rare, and the combination is tricky even if there were the necessary facilities, give me a moment to think.” I was silent as the Astrologer stood there silently.

“There is a skill, I consider it a novelty, but it could help alleviate the issue. Hmmm, it is more a curiosity than anything, but the only way to fix your issue in a few days. It also isn’t that far, and the dungeon isn’t that hard. Using the skill immediately after you have used a restoration would help alleviate your issue.”

“It isn’t a healing skill or a life skill. But you are experiencing the pain, where the mimic was hit, right?” The Astrologer asked.

“Yes,” I quickly replied to Astrologer. He nodded at that.

“This will spread the pain out. Make it a lot more manageable. Instead of spiking intermittingly. More like a sore muscle. However, that puts us at an imbalance. Since you also need the level 3 hybrids if you are going to make a move,” the Astrologer calmly said. He clearly wanted me to do more.

“And I am guessing you want something in addition to me wiping out a city?” I asked knowingly.

“Indeed. You are quite an astute fellow, but that is why I reached out to you.” This person was reaching out to me because I was desperate and in pain. I didn’t trust him for a second. “After you wipe out the city, I want you to stay there. Don’t poke Purgatory anymore,” the Astrologer said, and I sensed weakness.

He wanted something there, but what? That was the question. The Astrologer claimed he was indisposed, and putting pressure on Purgatory, would slow down their development. It was clearly important to him.

“You explained why you wanted the city wiped out. Since it is a threat to your plans. But you don’t want me to bother Purgatory. Why? Protecting something?” I asked.

“Of course. You want the big picture. To be the game master. Unfortunately, you are a knight or bishop at best. Me, I am a rook. Powerful, but nowhere near being the queen, since I was demoted. But let me be more direct and blunt. Summoning is useless for what I need done long term.”

“It is a sub-par piece of garbage, with no future. You will never cross into the level 4 threshold. While you dominate those beneath you, it is only a matter of time before you become completely worthless. Your value has an expiration date, and you stand no chance of fixing yourself or beating Michael without my help.”

“Now you can either complain and moan about all of this, but I am sure you understand that the world is unfair. Or you can suck it up like a big boy and put on some pants and get shit done. And if you think about betraying me or speaking about me. Well I know your name and names have power. Ritualist.” I felt my chest tighten once again.

Rage coursed through me at the insults. I was a genius. The greatest genius to ever exist. Who was this Astrologer to say differently. I would take his help and then go to the city. But after that, I was going to come back and kill Michael. With his death I would burn Purgatory to the ground and make everyone in the city a hybrid. The Astrologer could go screw himself.

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